UNITED STATES


                          WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549


For Quarterly period ended    September 30, 1994                              



For The transition period from____________ to_____________     

Commission file number     1-7677                                             

                            LSB INDUSTRIES, INC.               
           Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter 

         DELAWARE                                 73-1015226       
- ------------------------------              -------------------
State or other jurisdiction of              I.R.S. Employer 
incorporation or organization               Identification No.

          16 South Pennsylvania,   Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73107
            Address of principal executive offices    (Zip Code)

                               (405) 235-4546                     
            Registrant's telephone number, including area code 

            Former name, former address and former fiscal year, if 
                           changed since last report. 

  Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
Registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to
such filing requirements for the past 90 days.
                    YES   x        NO    
                       ------        -----
The number of shares outstanding of the Registrant's voting Common Stock, as
of November 8, 1994 is 13,060,046 shares excluding 1,558,590 shares held as
treasury stock.

                                  PART I

                           FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Company or group of companies for which report is filed:  LSB Industries, Inc.
and all of its wholly-owned subsidiaries.

The accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheet of LSB Industries, Inc.
at September 30, 1994, the condensed consolidated statements of operations for
the nine month and three month periods ended September 30, 1994 and 1993 and
the consolidated statements of cash flows for the nine month periods ended
September 30, 1994 and 1993 have been subjected to a review, in accordance
with standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public
Accountants, by Ernst & Young LLP, independent auditors, whose report with
respect thereto appears elsewhere in this Form 10-Q.  The financial statements
mentioned above are unaudited and reflect all adjustments, consisting
primarily of adjustments of a normal recurring nature, which are, in the
opinion of management, necessary for a fair presentation of the interim
periods.  The results of operations for the nine months and three months ended
September 30, 1994 are not necessarily indicative of the results to be
expected for the full year.  The condensed consolidated balance sheet at
December 31, 1993, was derived from audited financial statements as of that

                           LSB INDUSTRIES, INC.
             (Information at September 30, 1994 is unaudited)
                          (Dollars in thousands)

                                                  September 30,     December 31,
ASSETS                                                1994              1993    
                                                                      (Note 1)
Current assets:

  Cash                                            $    6,286        $    2,781

  Trade accounts receivable, net of allowance         49,396            49,533

    Finished goods                                    33,285            26,940
    Work in process                                    8,136             9,643
    Raw materials                                     11,479            11,801
                                                    --------          --------
      Total inventory                                 52,900            48,384

  Supplies and prepaid items                           6,522             5,459
                                                    --------           -------
    Total current assets                             115,104           106,157

Property, plant and equipment, at cost               127,730           113,795
Accumulated depreciation                             (58,520)          (53,269)
                                                    --------           ------- 
   Property, plant and equipment, net                 69,210            60,526

Loan receivable, secured by real estate               13,968            13,968
Other assets                                          19,321            15,387
                                                    --------           -------
                                                  $  217,603        $  196,038
                                                    ========           =======

                         (Continued on following page)

                              LSB INDUSTRIES, INC.
                (Information at September 30, 1994 is unaudited)
                             (Dollars in thousands)
LIABILITIES, PREFERRED AND COMMON STOCKS           September 30,    December 31,
  AND OTHER STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                       1994              1993   
                                                                        (Note 1)
Current liabilities:
  Drafts payable                                  $    1,451        $    1,220
  Accounts payable                                    37,707            22,645
  Accrued liabilities                                  5,910             6,752
  Current portion of long-term debt                    8,907             9,763
                                                    --------           -------
     Total current liabilities                        53,975            40,380

Long-term debt                                        66,714            20,508

Net liabilities of Financial Services
  Business sold in 1994 (Notes 1 and 2)                    -            60,124

Contingencies (Note 7)

Redeemable, noncumulative convertible
  preferred stock, $100 par value; 1,610 shares
  issued and outstanding (1,637 in 1993)                 153               155

Non-redeemable preferred stock, common stock and
  other stockholders' equity (Note 6):
  Series B 12% cumulative, convertible
    preferred stock, $100 par value;
    20,000 shares issued and outstanding               2,000             2,000
  Series 2 $3.25 convertible, exchangeable
    Class C preferred stock, $50 stated
    value; 920,000 shares issued                      46,000            46,000 
  Common stock, $.10 par value; 75,000,000
    shares authorized, 14,618,636 shares
    issued (14,514,056 in 1993)                        1,462             1,451
  Capital in excess of par value                      37,365            37,120
  Retained earnings (deficit)                         18,158            (7,541)
                                                     -------            ------
                                                     104,985            79,030
  Less treasury stock, at cost:
    Series 2 preferred, 5,000 shares
     (none in 1993)                                      200                 -
    Common Stock, 1,403,935 shares
     (840,085 in 1993)                                 8,024             4,159

    Total non-redeemable preferred stock, common 
      stock and other stockholders' equity            96,761            74,871

                                                  $  217,603        $  196,038

                            (See accompanying notes)
                             LSB INDUSTRIES, INC. 
                 Nine Months Ended September 30, 1994 and 1993
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                 1994                    1993  
                                                                        (Note 1)
  Net sales                                       $  190,954         $  177,798
  Other income - net                                   3,281              3,685

                                                     194,235            181,483
Costs and expenses: 
  Cost of sales                                      149,131            132,991
  Selling, general and administrative expense         35,584             30,489 
  Interest expense                                     5,081              5,778
  Provision for environmental matter (Note 7)            400                  -
  Settlement of dispute                                    -              1,767
                                                     -------            -------
                                                     190,196            171,025
Income from continuing operations                    -------            -------
  before provision for income taxes                    4,039             10,458
Provision for income taxes                               277                820
                                                     -------            -------

Income from continuing operations                      3,762              9,638 

Income from discontinued operations, net
  of income taxes (Notes 1 and 2)                        584              1,201 

Gain on sale of discontinued 
  operations (Note 2)                                 24,200                  -
                                                    --------            --------
Net income                                        $   28,546         $   10,839
                                                    ========            =======
Net income applicable to common stock (Note 4)    $   26,110         $    9,604
                                                    ========            =======
Average common shares outstanding (Note 4):
  Primary                                         14,275,885         13,058,718
  Fully diluted                                   16,041,622        15,497,418

Earnings per common share (Note 4):
    Income from continuing operations             $     0.09         $     0.64
                                                    ========           ========
    Net income                                    $     1.83         $     0.74
                                                    ========           ========
  Fully diluted:
    Income from continuing operations             $     0.09         $     0.57
                                                    ========           ========
    Net income                                    $     1.68         $     0.64
                                                    ========           ========

                            (See accompanying notes)

                             LSB INDUSTRIES, INC. 
                 Three Months Ended September 30, 1994 and 1993
                (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)
                                                      1994               1993 
                                                                        (Note 1)
  Net sales                                        $   58,689         $   57,332
  Other income - net                                    1,450              1,342
                                                     --------          ---------
                                                       60,139             58,674
Costs and expenses:
  Cost of sales                                        46,454             43,878
  Selling, general and administrative expense          12,988             11,136
  Interest expense                                      1,688              1,608
                                                     --------          ---------

                                                       61,130             56,622
Income (loss) from continuing operations             --------          ---------
  before provision (credit) for income taxes             (991)             2,052
Provision (credit) for income taxes                       (78)               183
                                                     --------          ---------

Income (loss) from continuing operations                 (913)             1,869
                                                     ========          =========
Income from discontinued operations, net
  of income taxes (Notes 1 and 2)                           -                555
                                                     --------          ---------

Net income (loss)                                  $     (913)        $    2,424
                                                     ========          =========

Net income (loss) applicable to common 
  stock (Note 4)                                   $   (1,718)        $    1,616
                                                     ========          =========
Average common shares outstanding (Note 4):
  Primary                                          14,054,914         14,445,747
  Fully diluted                                    14,054,914         15,121,431

Earnings per common share (Note 4):
    Income (loss) from continuing operations       $    (0.12)        $     0.07
                                                    =========          =========
    Net income (loss)                              $    (0.12)        $     0.11
                                                    =========          =========
  Fully diluted:
    Income (loss) from continuing operations       $    (0.12)        $     0.07
                                                    =========          =========
    Net income (loss)                              $    (0.12)        $     0.11
                                                    =========          =========

                            (See accompanying notes)

                              LSB INDUSTRIES, INC.
                 Nine Months Ended September 30, 1994 and 1993
                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                                              1994       1993 
                                                           ---------   -------
                                                                       (Note 1)
Cash flows from continuing operations:                      
  Income from continuing operations                      $    3,762  $    9,638
  Adjustments to reconcile income from 
    continuing operations to net cash   
    provided (used) by continuing operations:
      Depreciation, depletion and amortization:
        Property, plant and equipment                         5,250       4,061
        Other                                                   715         633
      Provision for possible losses:
        Trade accounts receivable                               391         172
        Environmental matter                                    400            -
      Gain of sales of assets                                (1,117)     (1,710)
      Cash provided (used) by changes in assets
        and liabilities:                       
          Trade accounts receivable                            (253)    (12,021)
          Inventories                                        (4,516)      4,605 
          Supplies and prepaid items                         (1,063)     (2,482)
          Other assets                                       (5,584)     (7,972)
          Accounts payable                                   14,099        (374)
          Accrued liabilities                                (1,241)     (1,133)
                                                           --------     -------
      Net cash provided (used) by          
        continuing operations                                10,843      (6,583)

Cash flows from investing activities of
  continuing operations:
    Capital expenditures                                    (12,090)     (5,134)
    Purchase of loans receivable                             (2,877)          -
    Proceeds from sales of real estate properties             4,071       5,687
    Cash acquired in connection with acquisitions                 -       1,232
                                                           --------     -------

    Net cash provided (used) by investing activities        (10,896)      1,785

                         (Continued on following page)

                              LSB INDUSTRIES, INC.
                 Nine Months Ended September 30, 1994 and 1993
                             (Dollars in thousands)
                                                       1994            1993   
                                                                     (Note 1) 
Cash flows from financing activities of continuing 
    Payments on long-term and other debt            $  (6,275)       $(17,629)
    Long-term and other borrowings                      2,676               - 
    Net change in revolving loans                      47,101          (6,231)
    Net change in receivables previously 
      financed by discontinued operations             (31,844)            956 
    Net change in drafts payable                          231          (1,427)
    Dividends paid (Note 6):                                                  
      Preferred stocks                                 (2,433)         (1,110)
      Common stock                                       (414)           (387)
    Purchases of treasury stock (Note 6):                                     
      Preferred stock                                    (200)              - 
      Common Stock                                     (3,865)              - 
    Net proceeds from issuance of stock (Note 6):
      Common                                              256           2,251 
      Preferred                                             -          44,019 
                                                    ---------       ---------

        Net cash provided by financing           
          activities of continuing operations            5,233         20,442 
                                                    ----------      ---------

Net increase in cash from 
  continuing operations                                 5,180          15,644 
Net decrease in cash from 
  discontinued operations                              (1,675)         (9,058)
                                                    ---------       ---------
Net increase in cash from all
  activities                                            3,505           6,586 
Cash at beginning of period                             2,781           1,115 
                                                     --------        --------
Cash at end of period                                $  6,286        $  7,701 
                                                     ========        ========

                            (See accompanying notes)

Note 1: The accompanying financial statements include the accounts of LSB
Industries, Inc. (the "Company") and its subsidiaries at September 30, 1994. 
The accounts of its financial services subsidiary, Equity Bank for Savings,
F.A. ("Equity Bank"), which was sold on May 25, 1994 (see Note 2 below), have
been reclassified as discontinued operations at December 31, 1993.
Additionally, the condensed consolidated statements of operations for the nine
month and three month periods ended September 30, 1993, have been restated to
present the operations of Equity Bank as income from discontinued operations.  
The assets and liabilities of the Company's financial services subsidiary,
classified as discontinued at December 31, 1993, are as follows:

                                                            December 31,
Assets:                                                    (In thousands) 

  Cash and cash equivalents                                 $  8,906
  Loans and mortgage backed
    securities, net                                          359,303
  Other securities                                             7,806
  Property and equipment, net                                  5,144
  Excess of purchase price over net 
    assets acquired, net                                      17,041
  Other assets                                                 3,273

  Deposits                                                   332,511
  Securities sold under agreement  
    to repurchase                                             38,721
  Federal Home Loan Bank advances                             87,650
  Accrued liabilities                                          2,715
Net liabilities                                             $ 60,124

Note 2: On May 25, 1994, pursuant to a Stock Purchase Agreement, dated as of
February 9, 1994,  (the  Acquisition Agreement )  the Company sold its wholly-
owned subsidiary, Equity Bank , which constituted the Financial Services
Business of the Company, to Fourth Financial Corporation (the "Purchaser").
The Purchaser acquired all of the outstanding shares of capital stock of
Equity Bank.  All regulatory and shareholder approvals necessary to complete
the sale of Equity Bank were obtained prior to the closing of this

Under the Acquisition Agreement, the Company acquired from Equity Bank, prior
to closing, certain subsidiaries of Equity Bank ( Retained Corporations ) that
own the real and personal property and other assets contributed by the Company
to Equity Bank at the time of the acquisition of the predecessor of Equity
Bank by the Company for Equity Bank s carrying value of the assets contributed
of approximately $67.4 million. At the time of closing of the sale of Equity
Bank, the Company was required under the Acquisition Agreement to acquire: (A)
the loan and mortgage on and an option to purchase Equity Tower located in
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma ( Equity Tower Loan ), which Equity Bank previously
classified as an in-substance foreclosure on its books, for an amount equal to
Equity Bank's carrying value of approximately $13.9 million; (B) other real
estate owned by Equity Bank that was acquired by Equity Bank through
foreclosure for an amount equal to Equity Bank's carrying value of
approximately $3.6 million (the Equity Tower Loan and other real estate owned
are collectively called the  Retained Assets ), and; (C) the outstanding
accounts receivable sold to Equity Bank by the Company and its subsidiaries
under various purchase agreements, dated March 8, 1988 (the  Receivables ) of
$6.9 million.  In addition, the Company acquired certain other loans for $2.7
million previously owned by Equity Bank.

The Company used the proceeds of the sale of Equity Bank, together with
borrowings under its credit facilities, to purchase the Retained Corporations
for approximately $67.4 million, the Retained Assets for approximately $17.5
million, certain other loans for approximately $2.7 million and to repurchase
its accounts receivable previously financed by Equity Bank for approximately
$6.9 million.

Under the Acquisition Agreement, the Company made certain representations and
warranties.  The Company also agreed under the Acquisition Agreement to
indemnify the Purchaser and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Bank IV Oklahoma,
National Association ("Bank IV "), against, among other things, (i) losses
that may be sustained by them due to breach of any representations or
warranties made by the Company in the Acquisition Agreement or failure by the
Company to fulfill any agreement made by the Company in the Acquisition
Agreement, provided losses by Fourth and Bank IV exceed $1 million in the
aggregate, net of income tax effect, and such liability by the Company shall
not exceed $25 million.  The Company has further agreed to indemnify the
Purchaser and Bank IV against certain liabilities which are not subject to the
$1 million deductible and the $25 million maximum liability, including, but
not limited to, environmental matters relating to the real estate contributed
to Equity Bank at the time that the Company acquired Equity Bank.  The
representations and warranties made by the Company under the Agreement survive
the closing of the sale of Equity Bank for a period of two (2) years, except
certain tax-related representations and warranties which have a three (3) year
survival period.  In addition, there are no time limits (other than as
provided by law) in connection with the indemnifications provided by the
Company relating to certain environmental matters, a certain pending lawsuit,
and a certain "frozen" 401-K Plan.                      

Note 3:  At September 30, 1994, the Company has net operating loss ("NOL")
carryforwards for tax purposes of approximately $35 million.  Such amounts
expire beginning in 1999.  The Company also has investment tax credit
carryforwards of approximately $600,000, which expire beginning in 1994.

The Company's provision for income taxes for the nine months ended September
30, 1994 of $.3 million are for current state income taxes and federal
alternative minimum tax.  

Note 4:  Primary earnings per common share are based on the weighted average
number of common shares and dilutive common equivalent shares outstanding
during each period, after giving appropriate effect to preferred stock

Fully diluted earnings per share are based on the weighted average number of
common shares and dilutive common equivalent shares outstanding and the
assumed conversion of dilutive convertible securities outstanding, as
applicable, after appropriate adjustment for interest and related income tax
effects on convertible notes payable.

Net income applicable to common stock is computed by adjusting net income by
the amount of preferred stock dividends, including undeclared or unpaid
dividends, if cumulative.

Note 5: On July 6, 1992, a subsidiary of the Company signed an agreement to
supply a foreign customer with equipment, technology and technical assistance
to manufacture certain types of automotive products. The contract provided for
a total price of $56 million with $12 million to be retained by the customer,
as the subsidiary s equity participation, which represented a minority
interest in the customer. Of the balance of the contract price of $44 million,
$13.9 million has been billed and collected by the Company. The remaining
$30.1 million is to be collected in 38 equal quarterly installments beginning
December 31, 1994 of $791,000, plus interest at a rate of 7.5% per annum.
During the last quarter of 1993, the Company s subsidiary exchanged its rights
to the equity interest in the customer with a foreign nonaffiliated company
( Purchaser of the Interest ) for $12 million in notes. The Company has been
advised that the customer has agreed to repurchase from the Purchaser of the
Interest up to $6 million of such equity interest over a six-year period, with
payment to the Purchaser of the Interest to be either in cash or bearing
products. The notes issued to the subsidiary for its rights to the equity
interest in the customer will only be payable when, as and if the Purchaser of
the Interest collects from the customer for such equity interest, and the
method of payment to the subsidiary will be either cash or bearing products,
in the same manner as received by the Purchaser of the Interest from the
customer. During the second quarter of 1994, the Company received
approximately $250,000 in bearing products as partial payment on such notes. 
Due to the Company s inability to determine what payments, if any, it will
receive on such notes, the Company will continue to carry such notes at a
nominal amount.

The Company s subsidiary has agreed to make its  best effort  to purchase
approximately $14.5 million of bearing products each year for ten years
commencing in the customer s first year of operations, which is anticipated to
be in 1994. However, the subsidiary is not required to purchase more product
from the customer in any one year than the quantity of tapered bearing
products the subsidiary is able to sell in its market. The customer has also
agreed to repurchase over six years, up to $6 million of the subsidiary s
former equity participation in the customer. In the event that the customer is
unable to repurchase such equity participation, and therefore the Company's
subsidiary is unable to collect such amount from the Purchaser of the Interest
the parties may renegotiate and modify the agreement for  the Company s
subsidiary to purchase products from the customer. 

Revenues, costs and profits related to the contract are being recognized in
two separate phases. The first phase involves the purchase, modification,
development and delivery of the machinery, tooling, designs and other
technical information and services. Sales to be recognized during this phase
are limited to the expected collections under the contract during this phase. 
Sales and costs during the first phase are being recognized using the
percentage of completion method of accounting based on the ratio of total
costs incurred, excluding the cost of purchased machinery, to estimated total
costs, excluding the cost of purchased machinery.   The cumulative effect of
future revisions in the contract terms or total cost estimates will be
reflected in the period in which changes become known.

The second phase of the contract includes payments by the customer under the
financing terms set forth above and purchases of bearing products by the
Company s subsidiary from the customer. Contract revenues will be recognized
as the Company performs its obligation to purchase products from the customer,
which timing generally coincides with the timing that amounts are to be
collected from the customer. Interest will be recognized as the amounts are
collected from the customer.

Note 6:  The table below provides detail of activity in the Stockholders' 
Equity accounts for the nine months ended September 30, 1994:

                                  Common Stock    Non-      Capital 
                                 ______________redeemable  in excess   Retained
                                          Par   Preferred    of par    Earnings    Treasury            
                                Shares   Value    Stock      Value     (Deficit)     Stock      Total 
                                ____________ ________________________________________________
                                                            (In thousands)
Balance at December 31, 1993    14,514   $1,451   $48,000    $37,120    $(7,541)    $(4,159)    $74,871 
Net Income                           -        -         -          -     28,546           -      28,546 
Conversion of 18 shares of 
  redeemable preferred stock
  to common stock                    2        -         -          2          -           -           2 
Exercise of stock options 
  for cash                         103       11         -        243          -           -         254                  
Dividends declared:
  Series B 12% preferred 
    stock ($9.00 per share)          -        -         -          -       (180)          -        (180)
  Redeemable preferred 
    stock ($10.00 per share)         -        -         -          -        (16)          -         (16)
  Common stock ($.03 per share)      -        -         -          -       (414)          -        (414)
  Series 2 preferred
    stock ($2.44 per share)          -        -         -          -     (2,237)          -      (2,237)
Purchases of treasury stock:          
  Common stock                       -        -         -          -          -      (3,865)     (3,865)
  Series 2 preferred stock           -        -         -          -          -        (200)       (200)
Balance at September 30, 1994   14,619   $1,462   $48,000    $37,365    $18,158     $(8,224)   $ 96,761           
                                ======   ======   =======    =======    =======     =======    ========  
(1) Includes 1,403,935 shares of the Company's Common Stock held in treasury. Excluding the 1,403,935 shares held in treasury, the outstanding shares of the Company's Common Stock at September 30, 1994 were 13,214,701. Note 7: Following is a summary of certain legal actions involving the Company: A. In 1987, the U.S. Government notified one of the Company s subsidiaries, along with numerous other companies, of potential responsibility for clean-up of a waste disposal site in Oklahoma. No legal action has yet been filed. The amount of the Company s cost associated with the clean- up of the site is unknown due to continuing changes in (i) the estimated total cost of clean-up of the site and (ii) the percentage of the total waste which was alleged to have been contributed to the site by the Company, accordingly, no provision for any liability which may result has been made in the accompanying financial statements. In a settlement offer that was rejected by the Company, the Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") did indicate that the Company was eligible for settlement as a de minimis party. The subsidiary s insurance carriers have been notified of this matter; however, the amount of possible coverage, if any, is not yet determinable. B. The primary manufacturing facility of the Company s Chemical Business, located in El Dorado, Arkansas, (the "Site") has been placed in the EPA's tracking system ("System") of sites which are known or suspected to be a site of a release of contaminated waste. Inclusion in the EPA s tracking system does not represent a determination of liability or a finding that any response action is necessary. As a result of being placed in the System, the State of Arkansas performed a preliminary assessment. The Company has been advised that there have occurred certain releases of contaminants at the Site. In addition, as a result of certain releases of contaminants at the Site, the Company's subsidiary will be subject to enforcement action, which will include certain civil penalties. On July 18, 1994, the Company's subsidiary received from the State of Arkansas a report of multimedia inspection of the Site (the "Report"). The Report contains findings of violations of certain environmental laws and requests the Company's subsidiary to conduct further investigations to better determine the compliance status of and releases at the Site. The Company's subsidiary has been advised that the State of Arkansas is currently preparing an administrative consent agreement to outline specific activities necessary to bring the Site into compliance and to remediate identified releases. While the Company is at this time unable to determine the ultimate cost of compliance with the expected administrative consent agreement, the Company has determined the subsidiary's cost to be at least $400,000, therefore the Company has included a provision for environmental costs of $400,000 in the results of operations for the nine (9) month period ended September 30, 1994. Based on information presently available, the Company does not believe, as of the date of this report, that compliance with the administrative consent agreement, or the assessment of penalties, or the facility being placed in the System, should have a material adverse effect on the Company, the Company's subsidiary or the Company's financial condition, however, there are no assurances to that effect. C. A subsidiary of the Company was named in April 1989 as a third party defendant in a lawsuit alleging defects in fan coil units installed in a commercial building. The amount of damages sought by the owner against the general contractor and the subsidiary s customer are substantial. The subsidiary s customer alleges that to the extent defects exist in the fan coil units, it is entitled to recovery from the subsidiary. The Company s subsidiary generally denies their customer s allegations and contends that any failures in the fan coil units were a result of improper design by the customer, improper installation or other causes beyond the subsidiary s control. The subsidiary has in turn filed claims against the suppliers of certain materials used to manufacture the fan coil units to the extent any failures in the fan coil units were caused by such materials. Discovery in these proceedings is continuing. The Company believes it is probable that it will receive insurance proceeds in the event of an unfavorable outcome. The Company, including its subsidiaries, is a party to various other claims, legal actions, and complaints arising in the ordinary course of business. In the opinion of management after consultation with counsel, all claims, legal actions (including those described above) and complaints are adequately covered by insurance, or if not so covered, are without merit or are of such kind, or involve such amounts that unfavorable disposition would not have a material effect on the financial position or results of operations of the Company. Note 8: Subsequent Events A. On November 3, 1994, the Company received a commitment letter (the "Commitment") from an asset based lending institution for an asset based working capital revolver ("New Revolver") in an amount of approximately $75 million for an initial term of three (3) years with multiple thirteen (13) month renewal periods under certain conditions. The facility being proposed, if completed, will be secured principally by the Company's accounts receivables, inventory, general intangibles, chattel paper and the capital stock of certain of the Company's subsidiaries. The Commitment is subject to the negotiation of a definitive agreement which will incorporate in more specific details the general terms and conditions of the commitment. Management expects to complete negotiations and have the New Revolver in place by the end of the fourth quarter of 1994; however, there are no assurances that such will happen. The Commitment proposes advance rates of 85% for eligible receivables and 60% for eligible inventories other than work-in-process. If the New Revolver is agreed to, along the terms presently being negotiated, it is anticipated that the borrowing availability under the line should be adequate to finance the current working capital requirements of the Company and its subsidiaries. B. On November 4, 1994 the Company entered into an agreement to purchase eighty percent (80%) of the outstanding stock of a specialty sales organization to enhance the marketing of the Company's air conditioning products. The total purchase price to be paid by the Company is $4 million, payable $1.5 Million at closing and $500,000, plus interest at 7% on the unpaid purchase price, annually for five (5) years. The Company expects to close this transaction in January, 1995 however, there are no assurances that such closing will be completed on such schedule. MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS The following Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations should be read in conjunction with a review of the Company's September 30, 1994 Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements. This discussion and analysis is intended to provide information about the Company's continuing operations. Accordingly, it contains only limited discussions of the Company's Financial Services Business, sold in 1994, which has been reported as a discontinued operation in the Company's Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements at September 30, 1994. See "Liquidity and Capital Resources" of this "Management's Discussion and Analysis", and Note 2 of Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for further discussion of the sale of Equity Bank. OVERVIEW The Company is a diversified holding company which is engaged, through its subsidiaries, in the Chemical Business, the Environmental Control Business, the Automotive Products Business and the Industrial Products Business. Information about the Company's continuing operations in different industry segments for the nine months and three months ended September 30, 1994 and 1993 is detailed below. Nine Months Three Months 1994 1993 1994 1993 ---- ---- ---- ---- (In thousands) (Unaudited) Sales: Chemical $103,859 $ 90,515 $ 31,136 $ 27,512 Environmental Control 52,977 51,465 17,727 17,900 Automotive Products 25,420 21,956 7,820 7,250 Industrial Products 8,698 13,862 2,006 4,670 ------- ------- ------- ------- $190,954 $177,798 $ 58,689 $ 57,332 ======= ======= ======= ======= Gross profit: Chemical $ 20,479 $ 22,401 $ 5,304 $ 5,911 Environmental Control 13,439 11,209 4,658 3,783 Automotive Products 6,188 7,488 1,886 2,501 Industrial Products 1,717 3,709 387 1,259 ------- ------- ------- ------- $ 41,823 $ 44,807 $ 12,235 $ 13,454 ======= ======= ======= ======= Operating profit (loss): Chemical $ 11,130 $ 15,549 $ 2,564 $ 3,605 Environmental Control 3,527 2,701 1,198 584 Automotive Products (678) 2,306 (553) 529 Industrial Products (2,103) 1,423 (1,400) 758 Other 2,181 2,037 998 414 ------- ------- ------- ------- 14,057 24,016 2,807 5,890 General corporate expenses (4,937) (7,780) (2,110) (2,230) Interest expense (5,081) (5,778) (1,688) (1,608) Income (loss) from continuing ------- ------- ------- ------- operations before provision (credit) for income taxes $ 4,039 $ 10,458 $ (991) $ 2,052 ======= ======= ======= ======= RESULTS OF OPERATIONS Nine months ended September 30, 1994 vs. Nine months ended September 30, 1993. Revenues Total revenues for the nine months ended September 30, 1994 and 1993 were $194.2 million and $181.5 million, respectively (an increase of $12.7 million). Interest and other income included in total revenues was $3.3 million in 1994, compared to $3.7 million for 1993. This decrease of $.4 million resulted primarily from insurance claim proceeds recorded in the first quarter of 1993. Consolidated net sales included in total revenues for the nine months ended September 30, 1994 were $191.0 million, compared to $177.8 million for the first nine months of 1993, an increase of $13.2 million. This increase in sales resulted principally from; (i) increased sales in the Chemical Business of $13.3 million, primarily due to favorable weather conditions for seasonal fertilizer sales and the higher price of ammonia being partially passed through to customers; (ii) increased sales in the Environmental Control Business of $1.5 million, primarily due to an expanded customer base in 1994 and the continued recovery from the effects of a strike that took place in 1992 at the fan coil manufacturing plant of this business; (iii) increased sales in the Automotive Products Business of $3.6 million due to an expanded customer base in 1994, and (iv) decreased sales in the Industrial Products Business of $5.2 million, of which $4.3 million relates to decreased sales to a foreign customer (see Note 5 to Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements and discussion under the "Liquidity and Capital Resources" section of this report). Gross Profit Gross profit as a percent of net sales was 21.9% for the first nine months of 1994, compared to 25.2% for the first nine months of 1993. The decline in the gross profit percentage was due primarily to higher cost of the primary raw material (ammonia) in the Chemical Business. During the first nine months of 1994 the average cost of ammonia was approximately 35.3% higher than the average cost of ammonia during the first nine months of 1993. This higher cost was not fully passed on to customers in the form of price increases. Other factors which affected the gross profit percentage were improved gross profit after recovery from the effects of a strike in 1992 at the fan coil manufacturing plant of the Environmental Control Business that were still being experienced in the first nine months of 1993; and, decreased sales to a foreign customer in the Industrial Products Business which carried a high gross profit percentage. Selling, General and Administrative Expense Selling, general and administrative ("SG&A") expenses as a percent of net sales were 18.6% in the nine months ended September 30, 1994 and 17.1% in the first nine months of 1993. This increase in SG&A as a percent of sales was primarily due to: (i) decreased sales to a foreign customer in the Industrial Products Business with no corresponding reduction in SG&A costs; (ii) increased insurance costs in the Industrial Products Business resulting from settlement of certain claims; (iii) costs incurred in the heat pump segment of the Environmental Control Business related to acquisition of an OEM contract with a large customer; and (iv) low provision for bad debt expenses in 1993 in the Environmental Control Business compared to the provision in 1994. These factors were offset in part by a decrease in legal costs resulting from settlement of the customs matter in the second quarter of 1993 and settlement of a dispute with one of the Company's insurors in the first quarter of 1994, in addition to sales increases due to higher ammonia prices in the Chemical Business with no corresponding increase in SG&A costs. Interest Expense Interest expense for the Company was approximately $5.1 million during the nine months ended September 30, 1994 compared to approximately $5.8 million during the nine months ended September 30, 1993. The decrease primarily resulted from lower average balances of borrowed funds. Income From Continuing Operations Before Taxes The Company had income from continuing operations before income taxes of $4.0 million in the first nine months of 1994 compared to $10.5 million in the nine months ended September 30, 1993. The decreased profitability of $6.5 million was primarily due to lower gross profit realized on sales in the Chemical Division due to unrecovered ammonia price increases in 1994 and decreased profit of $1.3 million from the foreign sales contract as previously discussed. Also contributing to this decline is the $.4 million provision for environmental matter discussed in Note 7 of Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements and $.4 million in increased insurance costs in 1994 in the Industrial Products Business. Provision For Income Taxes As a result of the Company's net operating loss carryforward for income tax purposes as discussed elsewhere herein and in Note 3 of Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements, the Company's provisions for income taxes for the nine months ended September 30, 1994 and the nine months ended September 30, 1993 are for current state income taxes and federal alternative minimum taxes. Income From Discontinued Operations Income from discontinued operations reflects the results of operations of the Financial Services Business excluding income and expenses of the Retained Corporations and the Retained Assets as discussed in Note 2 of Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements. Income from discontinued operations, net of expenses, was $.6 million in the first nine months of 1994 compared to $1.2 million in the first nine months of 1993. Gain From Sale of Discontinued Operations As more fully discussed in Note 2 of Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements, the Company realized a gain of $24.2 million from the sale on May 25, 1994 of its Wholly-owned subsidiary Equity Bank, which gain is included in the company's results of operations for the nine months ended September 30, 1994. Three months ended September 30, 1994 vs. Three months ended September 30, 1993. Revenues Total revenues for the three months ended September 30, 1994 and 1993 were $60.1 million and $58.7 million, respectively (an increase of $1.4 million). Interest and other income included in total revenues was approximately $1.4 million in both periods. Consolidated net sales included in total revenues for the three months ended September 30, 1994 were $58.7 million, compared to $57.3 million for the three months ended September 30, 1993, an increase of $1.4 million. This increase in sales resulted principally from: (i) increased sales in the Chemical Business of $3.6 million, primarily due to the higher price of ammonia being partially passed through to customers; and, improved sales of Total Energy Systems Limited ("TES") which was acquired in July, 1993; (ii) increased sales in the Automotive Products Business of $.7 million due to an expanded customer base in 1994, and (iii) decreased sales in the Industrial Products Business of $2.7 million, of which $1.9 million relates to decreased sales to a foreign customer (see Note 5 to Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements and discussion under the "Liquidity and Capital Resources" section of this report). Gross Profit Gross profit as a percent of net sales was 20.8% for the third quarter of 1994, compared to 23.5% for the third quarter of 1993. The decline in the gross profit percentage was due primarily to higher cost of the primary raw material (ammonia) in the Chemical Business. During the third quarter of 1994 the average cost of ammonia was approximately 65.1% higher than the average cost of ammonia during the third quarter of 1993. This higher cost was not fully passed on to customers in the form of price increases. Other factors which affected the gross profit percentage were improved gross profit after recovery from the effects of a strike in 1992 at the fan coil manufacturing plant of the Environmental Control Business that was still being experienced in the third quarter of 1993; and, decreased sales in 1994 to a foreign customer which affected both the Industrial Products Business and the Automotive Products Business. Selling, General and Administrative Expense Selling, general and administrative ("SG&A") expenses as a percent of net sales were 22.1% in the three months ended September 30, 1994 and 19.4% in the three months ended September, 1993. This increase in SG&A as a percentage of net sales was attributable to: (i) decreased sales to a foreign customer in the Industrial Products Business with no corresponding reduction in administrative costs; (ii) increased insurance costs in the Industrial Products Business resulting from settlement of certain claims; and (iii) start-up costs related to a new subsidiary in the Industrial Products Business. These factors were offset in part by sales increases in the Chemical Business due to partial recovery of higher ammonia prices with no corresponding increase in SG&A. Interest Expense Interest expense for the Company was approximately $1.7 million during the three months ended September 30, 1994 compared to approximately $1.6 million during the three months ended September 30, 1993. The increase primarily resulted from higher average interest rates. Income From Continuing Operations Before Taxes The Company had a loss from continuing operations before income taxes of $1.0 million in the third quarter of 1994 compared to income of $2.1 million in the third quarter of 1993. The decreased profitability of $3.1 million was primarily due to lower gross profit realized on sales in the Chemical Division, decreased profit of $.5 million from the foreign sales contract and increased insurance cost of the Industrial Products Business of approximately $.4 million. Provision For Income Taxes As a result of the Company's net operating loss carryforward for income tax purposes as discussed elsewhere herein and in Note 3 of Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements, the Company's provisions or credits for income taxes for the three months ended September 30, 1994 and the three months ended September 30, 1993 are for current state income taxes and federal alternative minimum taxes. Income From Discontinued Operations Income from discontinued operations reflects the results of operations of the Financial Services Business excluding income and expenses of the Retained Corporations and the Retained Assets as discussed in Note 2 of Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements. Income from discontinued operations, net of expenses, was $.6 million in the third quarter of 1993. There was no income from discontinued operations in the third quarter of 1994 due to the sale of Equity Bank in the second quarter of 1994. LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCES The Company is a diversified holding Company and its liquidity is dependent, in large part, on the operations of its subsidiaries and credit agreements with lenders. Sale of Equity Bank - As previously discussed, the Company sold to Fourth Financial Corporation ("Fourth Financial") Equity Bank for Savings, F.A. ("Equity Bank") pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement, whereby the Company agreed to sell Equity Bank, which constituted the Financial Services Business of the Company. Pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement, Fourth Financial acquired all of the outstanding shares of capital stock of Equity Bank on May 25, 1994. Under the Acquisition Agreement, the Company acquired from Equity Bank prior to the completion of the sale of Equity Bank certain subsidiaries of Equity Bank ("Retained Corporations") that owned the assets contributed by the Company to Equity Bank at the time of the acquisition of Equity Bank by the Company for Equity Bank's carrying values of such Retained Corporations. At the time of the acquisition of the Retained Corporations such carrying value was approximately $67.4 million. At the time of the closing of the sale of Equity Bank, a subsidiary of the Company acquired the Equity Tower Loan and other real estate owned by Equity Bank that were acquired by Equity Bank through foreclosure ("OREO"), which have collectively been previously defined as the "Retained Assets". The Retained Assets were acquired for an amount equal to Equity Bank's carrying value of the Retained Assets at time of closing of the sale of Equity Bank, which was approximately $17.5 million. In addition, the Company acquired (i) certain loans owned by Equity Bank at book value or $1.00 in the case of loans that had been charged off ("Other Loans")and (ii) certain other loans at Equity Bank's carrying value of $4.6 million less a discount of $1.9 million. The Purchase Price paid by Fourth Financial for Equity Bank was approximately $91.1 million, and was subject to determination and adjustment in accordance with the Acquisition Agreement. Of the approximately $91.1 million, the Company used approximately $67.4 million to repay certain indebtedness the Company incurred to finance the purchase from Equity Bank of the Retained Corporations. In addition, the Company used approximately $17.5 million to purchase the Retained Assets. The Company was further required under the Acquisition Agreement to purchase from Equity Bank at the closing of the proposed sale the outstanding amount of Receivables (approximately $7.0 million). The Company used approximately $3 million of borrowings from the Bank IV Line of Credit discussed elsewhere in this Liquidity and Capital Resources section to purchase the balance of such Receivables and $2.7 million of discounted loans (as discussed above) from Equity Bank. The Company has subsequently obtained seven year term financing to replace the temporary financing of the approximate $2.7 million in discounted loans it purchased from Equity Bank. The sale of Equity Bank pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement resulted in a pre-tax gain for financial reporting purposes for the Company of approximately $24.2 million, based upon the Purchase Price of approximately $91.1 million. The Company's tax basis in Equity Bank was higher than its basis for financial reporting purposes. Under current federal income tax laws, the consummation of the Acquisition Agreement and the sale of Equity Bank did not have any federal income tax consequences to either the Company or to the shareholders of the Company. Sources of funds - As a result of the sale of Equity Bank, the capitalization of the Company improved considerably. Stockholders' equity is approximately $97 million at September 30, 1994. The Company is also in the process of finalizing a comprehensive new debt capitalization program. The plan is to consolidate the current working capital requirements of the Company and its subsidiaries into one loan agreement instead of the three agreements that currently exist and are described below. On November 3, 1994, the Company received a commitment letter (the "Commitment") from an asset based lending institution for an asset based working capital revolver ("New Revolver") in an amount of approximately $75 million for an initial term of three (3) years with multiple thirteen (13) month renewal periods under certain conditions. The facility being proposed, if completed, will be secured principally by the Company's accounts receivables, inventory, general intangibles, chattel paper and the capital stock of certain of the Company's subsidiaries. The Commitment is subject to the negotiation of a definitive agreement which will incorporate in more specific details the general terms and conditions of the Commitment. Management expects to complete negotiations and have the New Revolver in place by the end of the fourth quarter of 1994; however, there are no assurances that such will happen. The Commitment proposes advance rates of 85% for eligible receivables and 60% for eligible inventories other than work- in-process. If the New Revolver is agreed to, along the terms presently being negotiated, it is anticipated that the borrowing availability under the line should be adequate to finance the current working capital requirements of the Company and its subsidiaries. Present lines of credit prior to the proposed New Revolver being negotiated are: (1) As a result of the sale of Equity Bank, the Company's accounts receivable financing previously provided by Equity Bank had to be replaced. Fourth Financial through its Oklahoma banking subsidiary has provided a $35 million line of credit to finance such receivables ("Line of Credit"). The Line of Credit provides for advance rates of 80% of accounts receivable and is for a short term, allowing time for a more comprehensive line of credit to be negotiated as discussed above. The outstanding borrowings at September 30, 1994 were $27.5 million and the availability for additional borrowings was $2.3 million. This line of credit terminates as of December 31, 1994. The outstanding borrowings at September 30, 1994 are classified as long-term debt based upon the application of the proceeds from the New Revolver as discussed above. (2) The Company and its subsidiaries (other than the Chemical Business) are parties to a credit agreement ("Agreement"), with an unrelated lender ("Lender"), collateralized by certain inventory and certain other assets of the Company and its subsidiaries (including the capital stock of International Environmental Corporation) other than the assets and capital stock of the Chemical Business. The Credit Agreement provides for a revolving credit facility ("Revolver") for direct borrowing up to $8 million, including the issuance of letters of credit. The Revolver provides for advances at varying percentages of eligible inventory. This Agreement expires on November 30, 1994, but the Company believes the Agreement can be extended at that time to December 31, 1994 if the New Revolver has not been completed, although there are no assurances to that effect. At September 30, 1994, the availability based on eligible collateral exceeded the credit line. Borrowings (including letters of credit) under the Revolver outstanding at September 30, 1994, were $7.2 million which is classified as long-term debt based upon the application of the proceeds from the New Revolver as discussed above. The Revolver requires reductions of principal equal to reductions as they occur in the underlying inventory times the advance rate. (3) The Company's wholly-owned subsidiaries, El Dorado Chemical Company and Slurry Explosive Corp., which comprise the majority of the Company's Chemical Business ("Chemical"), are parties to a loan agreement ("Loan Agreement") with two institutional lenders ("Lenders"). This Loan Agreement, as amended , provides for a seven year term loan of $28.5 million ("Term Loan"), and a $10 million asset based revolving credit facility ("Revolving Facility"). The balance of the Term Loan at September 30, 1994 was $21.4 million. Annual principal payments on the Term Loan are $7 million due in June, 1995; $7 million due in June 1996 and a final payment of $7.4 million due in March 1997. Borrowings under the Revolving Facility are available up to the lesser of $10 million or the borrowing base. The borrowing base is determined by deducting 100% of Chemical's accounts receivable financed by Fourth Financial from the maximum borrowing availability as defined in the Revolving Facility. This revolving facility terminates as of November 30, 1994. The Company believes that if it has not been able to complete the New Revolver by December 31, 1994, it will be able to continue borrowing under the revolver until December 31, 1994, although there are no assurances to that effect. At September 30, 1994 the borrowing base was fully borrowed and was classified as long-term debt based upon the application of the proceeds from the New Revolver as discussed above. The accounts receivable and inventory securing the revolving facility will be released when the revolving facility is paid off and the Company and its subsidiaries enter into the New Revolver discussed above. The Revolving Facility requires reductions of principal equal to reductions as they occur in the underlying accounts receivable and inventory times the applicable advance rate, assuming that the outstanding balance under the Revolving Credit Facility is less than the then maximum line availability based on eligible collateral. Borrowings under the Revolving Facility are required to be reduced to zero for forty-five (45) consecutive days annually. Annual interest at the agreed to interest rates, if calculated on the $30.9 million outstanding balance at September 30, 1994 would be approximately $3.4 million. The Term Loan and Revolving Facility are secured by substantially all of the assets and capital stock of Chemical. The Loan Agreement requires Chemical to maintain certain financial ratios and contains other financial covenants, including tangible net worth requirements and capital expenditures limitations. As of the date of this report, Chemical is in compliance with all financial covenants. Under the terms of the Loan Agreement, Chemical cannot transfer funds to the Company in the form of cash dividends or other advances, except for (i) the amount of taxes that Chemical would be required to pay if it was not consolidated with the Company; and (ii) an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of Chemical's cumulative adjusted net income as long as Chemical's Total Capitalization Ratio, as defined, remains .65:1 or below. Cash Flows Net cash provided by continuing operating activities in the first nine months of 1994, after a net adjustment for non-cash income and expenses of $5.6 million, was $10.8 million. The net cash provided by continuing operating activities included the following changes in assets and liabilities: (i) accounts receivable increased $0.3 million; (ii) accounts payable and accrued liabilities increased $12.9 million; (iii) inventory increased $4.5 million; and, (iv) supplies and prepaid items and other assets increased $6.6 million. The increase in accounts receivable is due to higher sales in the Chemical and Automotive Products businesses, offset by decreased accounts receivable in the Environmental Control and Industrial Products businesses due to improved collections. The increase in accounts payable and accrued liabilities was due primarily to increased business activity in the Chemical and Automotive Products businesses, in addition to increases in the Chemical Business due to the higher cost of ammonia. The increase in inventory was due to purchases made in the Automotive Products Business to take advantage of favorable prices from certain vendors, increased ammonia cost in the Chemical Business, and increases in inventory at the businesses acquired in 1993 (TES Australia - July, 1993 and International Bearings, Inc. - December, 1993). The increase in supplies and prepaid items and other assets is primarily due to prepayments for insurance premiums, supplies, and other items in the Chemical Business, in addition to increased investment securities, loans made in connection with certain acquisition candidates, and an increase in costs and earnings in excess of billings on the foreign sales contract. Financing activities in the first nine months of 1994 included net borrowings of $43.7 million used to offset reductions in accounts receivable sold of $31.8 million resulting from termination of the accounts receivable financing arrangement with Equity Bank, in addition to dividend payments of $2.8 million and treasury stock purchases of $4.1 million. Cash flows from investing activities included capital expenditures for property, plant and equipment in the Chemical Business of $9.9 million related to construction of an additional nitric acid plant which began in 1993 in addition to normal capital improvements, and capital expenditures of $1.3 million in the Environmental Control Business primarily for acquisition of certain equipment to improve productivity and enhance the manufacturing processes of this business. Cash flows from investing activities also included the purchase of certain loans receivable for $2.9 million in connection with the sale of Equity Bank and proceeds from the sale of real estate properties acquired in connection with the sale of Equity Bank of $4.1 million. Future cash requirements include working capital requirements for anticipated sales increases in the Environmental Control Business, the Chemical Business and the Automotive Products Business, and funding for future capital expenditures, primarily in the Chemical Business. Funding for the higher accounts receivable resulting from anticipated sales increases will be provided by the Line of Credit and/or the New Revolver. Inventory requirements for the higher anticipated sales activity should be met by scheduled reductions in the inventories of the Environmental Control and Automotive Products Businesses. During November 1993, the Company's Chemical Business acquired an additional concentrated nitric acid plant and related assets from a location in Illinois. The plant is being installed at the existing manufacturing plant site located in El Dorado, Arkansas. The Company anticipates that the total amount to be expended to acquire, move and install the plant and assets will be approximately $16 million including $1.6 million for new nitric acid railcars used to deliver the product to the customers. As previously discussed in the "cash Flows" section of this report, as of September 30, 1994, the Company had incurred approximately $8.8 million of the estimated $16 million. The Company expects the plant and asset installation to be complete and operational in early 1995. On October 31, 1994, a subsidiary of the Company entered into a Loan and Security Agreement with a lender whereby the lender agreed to provide construction financing of approximately $14 million for the installation of the Chemical Business' concentrated nitric acid plant and assets, discussed above, to be secured by such plant and assets. Subject to certain conditions being met, such construction financing may be converted to an eighty-four (84) month term loan at the end of the construction period. The lender has also agreed to provide approximately $1.6 million of financing for the purchase of the nitric acid railcars discussed above and approximately $1.5 million financing for a mixed acid facility which the Chemical Business plans to construct and begin operations during the second half of 1995. The subsidiary received the initial funding of $5 million in construction funds on November 7, 1994. The receipt by the subsidiary of the remaining construction funds is dependent on, among other things, the Company completing negotiations and funding of the New Revolver discussed above. As previously noted, the Company believes that it will be successful in funding the New Revolver prior to December 31, 1994, although there are no assurances that the Company will be able to do so. Management believes that cash flows from operations and other sources, including the New Revolver that the Company is presently negotiating will be adequate to meet its presently anticipated capital expenditure, working capital, debt service and dividend requirements. The Company currently has no material commitment for capital expenditures, other than those related to Chemical's acquisition of the additional concentrated nitric acid plant as discussed above. In 1993, the Company's Board of Directors adopted a policy as to the payment of annual cash dividends of $.06 per share on its outstanding Common Stock, subject to termination or change by the Board of Directors at any time. The Board of Directors declared a cash dividend of $.03 per share on the Company's outstanding shares of Common Stock, which was paid January 1, 1994, to the stockholders of record as of the close of business on December 15, 1993. On May 23, 1994 the Company's Board of Directors declared a $.03 per share cash dividend on the Company's outstanding shares of Common Stock, which was paid July 1, 1994, to stockholders of record as of the close of business on June 15, 1994. On November 11, 1993 the Company's Board of Directors declared a $12.00 a share annual cash dividend on each of the 2,000 outstanding shares of its Series B 12% Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, $100 par value, payable January 1, 1994 to stockholders of record on December 1, 1993, which is the annual dividend of $240,000 on this series of preferred stock for 1994. On February 10, 1994 the Company's Board of Directors declared a (i) $.81 a share quarterly cash dividend on each outstanding share of its Series 2 $3.25 Convertible Exchangeable Class C Preferred Stock, paid March 15, 1994 to shareholders of record on March 1, 1994, and (ii) $10.00 a share annual cash dividend on each of the approximate 1600 outstanding shares of its Convertible Noncumulative Preferred Stock ($100 par), paid April 1, 1994 to stockholders of record on March 15, 1994. On May 23, 1994, the Company's Board of Directors declared a $.81 per share quarterly cash dividend on each outstanding share of its Series 2 $3.25 convertible exchangeable Class C Preferred Stock, paid June 15, 1994 to shareholders of record on June 1, 1994. On August 19, 1994 the Company's Board of Directors declared a $.81 per share quarterly cash dividend on each outstanding share of its Series 2 $3.25 convertible exchangeable class C Preferred Stock, paid September 15, 1994 to stockholders of record on September 1, 1994. The Company expects to continue the payment of such dividends on the dates that such are required to be paid in the future. Foreign Sales Contract - A subsidiary of the Company entered into an agreement with a foreign company ("Buyer") to supply the Buyer with equipment, technology and technical services to manufacture certain types of automotive bearing products. The agreement provided for a total contract amount of approximately $56 million, with $12 million of the contract amount to be retained by the Buyer as the Company's subsidiary's equity participation in the Buyer, which represented a minority interest. During 1993 the Company's subsidiary exchanged its equity interest in the Buyer to a foreign nonaffiliated company for $12 million in notes. Through the date of this report, the Company's subsidiary has received $13.9 million from the buyer under the agreement. During 1993, the Company and the foreign customer agreed to a revised payment schedule which deferred the beginning of payments under the contract from June 30, 1993 to one $791,000 principal payment on November 1, 1993, one principal payment of $791,000 on March 31, 1994, one principal payment of $791,000 on December 31, 1994 and quarterly, thereafter, until the contract is paid in full The customer made the March 31, 1994 payment on April 20, 1994 and the Company expects that after the customer becomes operational, they will make future payments as they become due. See Note 5 of Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements. Business Acquisitions - On July 27, 1994 the Company through a subsidiary loaned $1.4 million to a French manufacturer of HVAC equipment. The agreements provide, among other things, that at the Company's option this loan can be converted from a loan into 80% of the outstanding stock of the French company on or after September 1, 1994. At this time the decision has not been made to exercise such option and the $1.4 million is carried on the books as a note receivable. On November 4, 1994 the Company entered into an agreement to purchase eighty percent (80%) of the outstanding stock of a specialty sales organization to enhance the marketing of the Company's air conditioning products. The total purchase price to be paid by the Company is $4 million, payable $1.5 Million at closing and $500,000, plus interest at 7% on the unpaid purchase price, annually for five (5) years. The Company expects to close this transaction in January, 1995 however, there are no assurances that such closing will be completed on such schedule. Additionally, the Company is performing due diligence on some other small companies that might result in acquisitions in 1994 or 1995. Any such acquisitions consummated will require additional financing which the Company believes can be obtained. Settlement of Litigation - In 1994, the Company settled its litigation with one of it's insurers for $3.6 million, which was paid to the Company on March 11, 1994. Such amounts were accrued in the fourth quarter of 1993 to the extent that costs and expenses had been previously incurred. Letters of Intent with Foreign Customers - During the second and third quarters of 1993, a subsidiary of the Company signed two separate letters of intent to supply separate customers, one in the former Soviet Union and one in Poland, with equipment to manufacture environmental control products. Subsequently, the Company has decided to discontinue negotiations relating to the prospective customer located in the former Soviet Union. The Company continues negotiations regarding the customer in Poland. The Company expects to complete agreements which will include the sale of licenses, designs, tooling, machinery, equipment, technical information, proprietary expertise , and technical services. The total sales price for the contract is expected to be approximately $25 million. The project is subject to completion of a definitive agreement between the foreign customer and the Company's subsidiary. There are no assurances that a definitive contract with the customer will be finalized. Availability of Company's Loss Carryovers - The Company anticipates that its cash flow in future years will benefit to some extent from its ability to use net operating loss ("NOL") carryovers from prior periods to reduce the federal income tax payments which it would otherwise be required to make with respect to income generated in such future years. As of September 30, 1994, the Company, had available NOL carryovers of approximately $35 million, based on its federal income tax returns as filed with the Internal Revenue Service for taxable years through 1993. These NOL carryovers will expire beginning in the year 1999. The amount of these carryovers has not been audited or approved by the Internal Revenue Service and, accordingly, no assurance can be given that such carryovers will not be reduced as a result of audits in the future. In addition, the ability of the Company to utilize these carryovers in the future will be subject to a variety of limitations applicable to corporate taxpayers generally under both the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the Treasury Regulations. These include, in particular, limitations imposed by Code Section 382 and the consolidated return regulations. ERNST & YOUNG LLP 1700 Liberty Tower 100 North Broadway Oklahoma City, OK 73102 Phone: 405 278 6800 Fax: 405 278 6823 Independent Accountants' Review Report Board of Directors LSB Industries, Inc. We have reviewed the accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheet of LSB Industries, Inc. and subsidiaries as of September 30, 1994, the related condensed consolidated statements of operations for the nine-month and three- month periods ended September 30, 1994 and 1993, and the condensed consolidated statements of cash flows for the nine-month periods ended September 30, 1994 and 1993. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. We conducted our reviews in accordance with standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. A review of interim financial information consists principally of applying analytical procedures to financial data, and making inquiries of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters. It is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, which will be performed for the full year with the objective of expressing an opinion regarding the financial statements taken as a whole. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. Based on our reviews, we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements referred to above for them to be in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. We have previously audited, in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, the consolidated balance sheet of LSB Industries, Inc. as of December 31, 1993, and the related consolidated statements of operations, non- redeemable preferred stock, common stock and other stockholders' equity and cash flows for the year then ended (not presented herein); and in our report dated March 15, 1994, we expressed an unqualified opinion on those consolidated financial statements. In our opinion, the information set forth in the accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 1993, is fairly stated, in all material respects, in relation to the consolidated balance sheet from which it has been derived. November 9, 1994 /s/ ERNST & YOUNG LLP PART II OTHER INFORMATION Item 1. Legal Proceedings. There are no additional material legal proceedings pending against the Company and/or its subsidiaries not previously reported by the Company in Item 1 of its Form 10-Q for the fiscal period ended June 30, 1994, which Item 1 is incorporated by reference herein. Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders On August 18, 1994, the Company held its Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the "Meeting"). At the Meeting, the following shares were entitled to vote as a single class 13,580,191 shares of the Company's Common Stock, 20,000 shares of the Company's Series B Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock, par value $100, and 1,614.5 shares of the Company's Redeemable convertible Preferred Stock, par value $100. At the Meeting, the stockholders elected or approved the following: 1. The following three (3) directors were reelected as members of the Board of Directors: Barry H. Golsen, David R. Goss and Jerome D. Shaffer M.D. At the Meeting, (i) Mr. Golsen was reelected, with 12,562,298 shares voting "For", 71,540 shares voting "Against" or to "withhold authority" and zero shares abstaining and broker non-votes, (ii) Mr. Goss was reelected, with 12,563,125 shares voting "For", 70,713 shares voting "Against" or to "withhold authority", and zero shares abstaining and broker non-votes, and (iii) Dr. Shaffer was reelected with 12,560,608 shares voting "For", 73,230 shares voting "Against" or to "withhold authority" and zero shares abstaining and broker non-votes. 2. Reappointment of Ernst & Young as the Company's independent auditors for 1994. Such reappointment was approved, with 12,571,348 shares voting "For", 52,713 shares voting "Against" or to "withhold authority" and 9,777 abstaining and broker non-votes. Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8K (a) Exhibits. The Company has included the following exhibits in this report: 4. Instruments defining the rights of security holders, including indentures 4.01 Twentieth Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated August 23, 1994, among Congress, the Company, and certain subsidiaries of the Company. 4.02 Twenty-first Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated September 16, 1994, among Congress, the Company, and certain subsidiaries of the Company. 4.03 Twenty-second Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated October 13, 1994, among Congress, the Company, and certain subsidiaries of the Company. 4.04 Twenty-third Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated October 24, 1994, among Congress, the Company, and certain subsidiaries of the Company. 4.05 Amendment dated September 29, 1994 to the Amended and Restated Secured Credit Agreement and the Second Amended and Restated Working Capital Agreement, both dated as of January 21, 1992 among El Dorado Chemical Company, Slurry Explosive Corporation, Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, C.M. Life Insurance Company Mutual and Household Commercial Financial Services, Inc. 4.06 Second Amendment Agreement dated as of October 31, 1994 among El Dorado Chemical Company, Slurry Explosive Corporation Household Commercial Financial Services, Inc., Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company Mutual and C.M. Life Insurance Company Mutual 10. Material Contracts 10.1 Loan and Security Agreement dated October 31, 1994 between DSN Corporation and the CIT Group. 10.2 Commitment Letter dated November 3, 1994 between the Company and certain subsidiaries of the Company and Bank America Business Credit, Inc. 10.3 Stock Purchase Agreement dated November 4, 1994 between the Company and the shareholders of a specialty sales organization. 11.1 Statement Re: Computation of Earnings Per Share. 15.1 Letter Re: Unaudited Interim Financial Information. 27 Financial Data Schedule (b) Reports on Form 8K. During the quarter ended September 30, 1994, the Company did not file any reports on Form 8-K. SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, the Company has caused the undersigned, duly-authorized, to sign this report on its behalf on this 14th day of November, 1994. LSB INDUSTRIES, INC. By: Tony M. Shelby, Sr. Vice President (Chief Financial Officer) By: Jimmie D. Jones, Vice President Controller (Chief Accounting Officer) 10q\10q-s94.tag
                        LSB INDUSTRIES, INC.                      Exhibit 11.1
                                                                     Page 1 of 6
                                                    1994 quarter ended   

                                          March 31       June 30       Sept. 30 
                                         __________    __________     __________
Shares for primary earnings per share:
  Weighted average shares:
    Common shares outstanding from 
      beginning of period                13,673,971     13,659,691   13,555,191
    Common shares issued on conversion
  of redeemable preferred stock;
  calculated on weighted average
  basis                                         360              -          180
    Common shares issued upon exercise 
  of employee or director stock
  options; calculated on weighted
  average basis                               6,833         24,846        2,549
    Purchases of treasury stock; 
  calculated on weighted average 
  basis                                     (20,000)       (29,176)    (102,599)
                                         __________     __________    __________
                                         13,661,164     13,655,361   13,455,320

  Common Stock equivalents:
    Shares issuable upon exercise of 
  options and warrants (including
  the weighted average for shares 
  subject to options and warrants 
  granted during the period)                934,807        877,794      827,591
    Assumed repurchase of outstanding 
  shares up to the 20% limitation
  (based on average market price for
  the period)                              (247,510)      (238,754)    (292,577)
    Common shares issuable on conversion 
  of redeemable preferred stock, 
  excluding shares included above 
  on actual conversion                       65,120         64,760       64,580
                                         __________     __________    __________
                                            752,417        703,800      599,594
                                         14,413,581     14,359,161   14,054,914
Earnings (loss) for primary 
  earnings (loss) per share:
  Net earnings (loss)                    $2,203,665    $27,254,968    $(912,514)
  Dividends on cumulative convertible 
    preferred stocks:     
    Series B                                (76,145)       (60,000)     (60,000)
    Series 2 Class C                       (747,500)      (747,500)    (745,469)
                                          __________   ___________    __________

Earnings (loss) applicable to 
  common stock                           $1,380,020    $26,447,468  $(1,717,983)
Earnings (loss) per share                      $.10          $1.84       $(0.12)

                    LSB INDUSTRIES, INC.                            Exhibit 11.1
                                                                     Page 2 of 6


                                                       Nine months 
                                                     Sept. 30, 1994

Net earnings applicable to common stock                             $26,109,505 

Weighted average number of common and common
  equivalent shares (average of three quarters
  above)                                                             14,275,885 

Earnings per share                                                        $1.83 

              LSB INDUSTRIES, INC.                                  Exhibit 11.1
                                                                     Page 3 of 6

                                                     1993 quarter ended
                                           March 31       June 30       Sept. 30
                                          _________      ________    _________  

Shares for primary earnings per share:
  Weighted average shares:
    Common shares outstanding from 
      beginning of period                 7,393,674     12,706,305   12,894,505
    Common shares issued on conversion
  of redeemable preferred stock;
  calculated on weighted average
  basis                                       1,070            100           80
    Common shares issued on conversion
  of convertible preferred stock;
  calculated on weighted average
  basis                                   1,304,070              -            -
    Common shares issued upon exercise 
  of employee or director stock
  options; calculated on weighted
  average basis                              19,500        114,951      392,170 
    Purchases of treasury stock; 
  calculated on weighted average 
  basis                                           -              -      (69,541)
    Sale of stock; calculated on weighted
  average basis                               5,843              -            - 
                                         __________     __________   __________ 
                                          8,724,157     12,821,356   13,217,214 
  Common Stock equivalents:
    Shares issuable upon exercise of 
  options and warrants (including
  the weighted average for shares 
  subject to options and warrants 
  granted during the period)              2,069,776      1,940,325    1,475,106 
    Assumed repurchase of outstanding 
  shares up to the 20% limitation
  (based on average market price for
  the period)                              (513,253)      (446,403)    (313,033)
    Common shares issuable on conversion 
  of redeemable preferred stock, 
  excluding shares included above 
  on actual conversion                       67,810         66,640       66,460 
                                         __________     __________   __________ 
                                          1,624,333      1,560,562    1,228,533 
                                         __________     __________   __________ 
                                         10,348,490     14,381,918   14,445,747 
                                         ==========     ==========   ==========

Earnings for primary earnings per share:
  Net earnings                           $2,657,133     $5,758,100   $2,423,644 
  Dividends on cumulative convertible 
    preferred stocks:     
    Series B                                (77,220)       (60,000)     (60,000)
    Series 2 Class C                                      (290,183)    (747,500)
                                         __________     __________   __________ 

 Earnings applicable to common stock     $2,579,913     $5,407,917   $1,616,144 
                                         ==========     ==========   ==========
 Earnings per share                           $.25            $.38         $.11 
                                              ====            ====         ====

                    LSB INDUSTRIES, INC.                            Exhibit 11.1
                                                                     Page 4 of 6

                                                       Nine months 
                                                     Sept. 30, 1993

Net earnings applicable to common stock                             $9,603,974  

Weighted average number of common and common
  equivalent shares (average of three quarters
  above)                                                            13,058,718

Earnings per share                                                        $.74

              LSB INDUSTRIES, INC.                                  Exhibit 11.1
                                                                     Page 5 of 6

                                                    1994 quarter ended
                                          March 31        June 30      Sept. 30 
                                         _________       ________     _________ 

Shares for fully diluted earnings per 
  Weighted average shares outstanding 
    for primary earnings per share       13,661,164     13,655,361   13,455,320
  Shares issuable upon exercise of 
    options and warrants                    934,807        877,794      827,591
  Assumed repurchase of outstanding 
    shares up to the 20% limitation 
    (based on ending market price 
    for the quarter if greater than 
    the average)                           (247,510)      (238,754)    (292,577)
  Common shares issuable on conversion
    of redeemable preferred stock, 
    excluding shares included above on
    actual conversion                        65,120         64,760       64,580 
  Common shares issuable upon conversion 
     of convertible note payable              4,000          4,000            - 
  Common shares issuable upon conversion
     of convertible preferred stock, if 
     dilutive, from date of issue:
      Series B                              666,666        666,666            - 
      Series 2                                    -      3,956,000            - 
                                         __________     __________   __________ 
                                         15,084,247     18,985,827   14,054,914 
Earnings (loss) for fully diluted earnings 
  (loss) per share:
  Net earnings (loss)                    $2,203,665    $27,254,968    $(912,514)
  Interest on convertible note                  180            180            - 
  Dividends on cumulative convertible 
   preferred stocks:
     Series B                                     -              -      (60,000)
     Series 2 Class C                      (747,500)             -     (745,469)
                                          _________     __________   __________ 
  Earnings (loss) applicable to 
    common stock                         $1,456,345    $27,255,148  $(1,717,983)
                                         ==========    ===========  =========== 

  Earnings (loss) per share                    $.10          $1.44      $(0.12)*
                                               ====          =====      ======

                                                       Nine months 
                                                     Sept. 30, 1994

Net earnings                                           $26,993,510 
Weighted average number of common and common
  equivalent shares (average of three quarters
  above)                                                16,041,662           

Earnings per share                                           $1.68 

* Primary and fully diluted loss per share for the three months ended 
  September 30, 1994 are the same because the fully diluted 
  computation has an anti-dilutive effect.

              LSB INDUSTRIES, INC.                                  Exhibit 11.1
                                                                     Page 6 of 6

                                                     1993 quarter ended
                                           March 31       June 30      Sept. 30 
                                          _________       ________    _________ 

Shares for fully diluted earnings 
  per share:
  Weighted average shares outstanding 
    for primary earnings per share        8,724,157     12,821,356   13,217,214 
  Shares issuable upon exercise of 
    options and warrants                  2,069,776      1,940,325    1,475,106 
  Assumed repurchase of outstanding 
    shares up to the 20% limitation 
    (based on ending market price for 
    the quarter if greater than the 
    average                               (495,004)      (408,527)     (308,015)
  Common shares issuable on conversion 
    of redeemable preferred stock, 
    excluding shares included above 
    on actual conversion                    67,810         66,640        66,460 
  Common shares issuable upon conversion 
    of convertible note payable              4,000          4,000         4,000 
  Common shares issuable upon conversion 
    of convertible preferred stock, 
    if dilutive, from date of issue:
      Series B                             666,666        666,666       666,666 
      Series 1, net share 
        held in treasury                  3,748,470              -            - 
  Series 2                                        -      1,494,489            - 
                                         __________     __________   __________ 
                                         14,785,875     16,584,949   15,121,431 
                                         ==========     ==========   =========
Earnings for fully diluted 
  earnings per share:
    Net earnings                         $2,657,133     $5,758,100   $2,423,644 
  Interest on convertible note                  180            180          180 
  Dividends on cumulative preferred 
    stocks                                        -              -     (747,500)
                                         __________     __________   __________ 
  Earnings applicable to common stock    $2,657,313     $5,758,280   $1,676,324 
                                         ==========     ==========   ==========

   Earnings per share                          $.18           $.35         $.11 
                                               ====           ====         ====

                                                       Nine months 
                                                     Sept. 30, 1993

Net earnings                                           $10,091,917 

Weighted average number of common and common
  equivalent shares (average of three quarters
  above)                                                15,497,418 

Earnings per share                                            $.64 


     ERNST & YOUNG LLP                                            EXHIBIT 15.1

                                                         1700 Liberty Tower
                                                         100 North Broadway
                                                   Oklahoma City, OK  73102
                                                       Phone:  405 278 6800
                                                         Fax:  405 278 6823

November 9, 1994   

The Board of Directors
LSB Industries, Inc.

We are aware of the incorporation by reference in the Registration Statement
(Form S-8 No. 33-8302) of LSB Industries, Inc. for the registration of
2,850,000 shares of its common stock of our report dated November 9, 1994
relating to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements
of LSB Industries, Inc. which are included in its Form 10-Q for the quarter
ended September 30, 1994.

Pursuant to Rule 436(c) of the Securities Act of 1933 our report is not a part
of the registration statement prepared or certified by accountants within the
meaning of Section 7 or 11 of the Securities Act of 1933.

                                          Very truly yours,

                                          Ernst & Young LLP

                                                      August 23, 1994

Congress Financial Corporation and
Congress Financial Corporation (Central)
1133 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York  10036


            Reference is made to the Loan Agreement, dated March 29, 1994, as
heretofore amended, modified, or supplemented (including, without limitation,
pursuant to that certain Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated August 16, 1985,
that certain Second Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated April 3, 1986, that
certain Third Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated October 26, 1986, that
certain Fourth Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated December 17, 1986, that
certain Fifth Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated March 7, 1988, that certain
Sixth Amendment to Loan Agreement dated March 31, 1989, that certain Seventh
Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated May 18, 1990, that certain Eighth Amendment
to Loan Agreement, dated May 1, 1991, that certain Ninth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated February 25, 1992, that certain Tenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated March 31, 1992, that certain Eleventh Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated December 10, 1992, that certain Twelfth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated April 23, 1993, that certain Thirteenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated June 24, 1993, that certain Fourteenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated September 23, 1993, that certain Fifteenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated November 29, 1993, that certain Sixteenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated January 25, 1994, that certain Seventeenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated March 30, 1994 (the "Seventeenth Amendment"), that certain
Eighteenth Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated May 20, 1994 (the "Eighteenth
Amendment"), that certain Modification to Seventeenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated May 25, 1994 (the "Modification Agreement"), and the
Nineteenth Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated June 29, 1994 ("Nineteenth
Amendment"), hereinafter collectively, the "Loan Agreement", currently by and
among Congress Financial Corporation and Congress Financial Corporation
(Central) (collectively, "Congress"), LSB Industries, Inc. (hereinafter
"LSB"), L&S Bearing Co., Rotex Corporation, Tribonetics Corporation, LSB
Extrusion Co., International Environmental Corporation, CHP Corporation, Koax
Corp., Summit Machine Tool Manufacturing Corp., Hercules Energy Mfg.
Corporation, Climate Master, Inc., APR Corporation and Climatex, Inc.
(collectively, with LSB, the "Borrowers") LSB Financial Corp., LSB Leasing
Corp., LSB Import Corp., LSB Bearing Corp., Summit Machine Tool Systems, Inc.,
LSB Europa Limited, Bowerdean Limited, and LSB International Limited
(collectively herein, and pursuant to the Loan Agreement, the "Guarantors"),
and Prime Financial Corp. (as to the Seventeenth Amendment, the Eighteenth
Amendment, the Modification Agreement, and the Nineteenth Amendment), and Bank
IV Oklahoma, N.A. (as to the Seventeenth Amendment, the Modification
Agreement, and the Nineteenth Amendment).

August 23, 1994
Page 2

      Borrowers and Guarantors have requested an extension of the termination
date of their existing arrangements with Congress and an extension of the
Selling Period and Congress is willing, subject to the terms and conditions
set forth herein, to so extend such termination date of the existing financing
arrangements with such termination date of the existing financing arrangements
with Borrowers and Guarantors and such Selling Period as provided below. 
Congress, Borrowers and Guarantors agree as follows (capitalized terms used
herein, unless otherwise defined, shall have the meanings set forth in the
Loan Agreement):

      I.    TERM OF FINANCING ARRANGEMENTS.  The date "August 31, 1994" in
Section 9.1 of the Accounts Agreement, as heretofore amended, is hereby
deleted and replaced with the date "September 30, 1994".

      II.   TERM OF SELLING PERIOD.  The date "August 31, 1994" in Section 2.1
of the Seventeenth Amendment is hereby deleted and replaced with the date
"September 30, 1994".

of Congress' other rights and remedies available to it upon the effective date
of termination or non-renewal of the Loan Agreement and the other Financing
Agreements, upon the effective date of such termination or non-renewal,
Borrower shall (a) pay to Congress, in full, all outstanding and unpaid
Obligations and (b) furnish cash collateral to Congress in an amount equal to
(i) 115% of the face amount of all contingent Obligations consisting of all
letters of credit, banker's acceptances, purchase guarantees and other
financial accommodations (collectively, "Credits") issued and outstanding on
the effective date of such termination or non-renewal PLUS (ii) an amount
Congress determines is reasonably necessary to secure Congress from loss,
cost, damage or expense, including reasonable attorneys' fees and legal
expenses, in connection with any checks or other payments provisionally
credited to the Obligations and/or as to which Congress has not yet received
the final and indefeasible payment (collectively, "Uncollected Payments"). 
Such amounts shall be remitted to Congress by wire transfer in federal funds
to such bank account of Congress, as Congress may, in its discretion,
designate in writing to Borrower for such purpose.  Congress shall be entitled
to hold such cash collateral delivered to Congress with respect to each of the
Credits until forty-five (45) days after the expiration date of each Credit,
and for a period of forty-five (45) days following termination or non-renewal
as to such contingent Obligations in respect of Uncollected Payments. 
Congress may apply the cash collateral to any such contingent Obligations
which may become due by virtue of drawings or claims made pursuant to the
Credits or for claims made against Congress in connection with the Uncollected
Payments and shall release any remaining cash collateral to LSB upon the
expiration of the applicable forty-five (45) day period referred to in this

August 23, 1994
Page 3

      IV.   EFFECT OF THIS AMENDMENT.  Except as modified pursuant hereto, the
Loan Agreement and the Financing Agreements are hereby specifically ratified,
restated and confirmed by the parties hereto as of the date hereof.  To the
extent of conflict between the terms of this Amendment and the Loan Agreement
or other Financing Agreements, the terms of this Amendment control.

      V.    FURTHER ASSURANCES. The parties hereto shall execute and deliver
such additional documents and take such additional action as may be necessary
to effectuate the provisions and purposes of this Amendment.

            By the signature hereto of each of their duly authorized officers,
all of the parties hereby mutually covenant and agree a set forth herein (the
covenants and agreements of the Borrowers and Guarantors being joint and

                            [SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE]

August 23, 1994 
Page 4

                                          Very truly yours,

                                          LSB INDUSTRIES, INC.
                                          L&S BEARING CO.
                                          ROTEX CORPORATION
                                          TRIBONETICS CORPORATION
                                          LSB EXTRUSION CO.
                                          INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL
                                          CHP CORPORATION
                                          KOAX CORP.
                                          SUMMIT MACHINE TOOL 
                                                MANUFACTURING CORP.
                                          HERCULES ENERGY MFG. CORPORATION
                                          CLIMATE MASTER, INC.
                                          APR CORPORATION
                                          CLIMATEX, INC.
                                          LSB FINANCIAL CORP.
                                          LSB LEASING CORP.
                                          LSB IMPORT CORP.
                                          LSB BEARING CORP.
                                          SUMMIT MACHINE TOOL
                                                SYSTEMS, INC.
                                          LSB EUROPA LIMITED
                                          BOWERDEAN LIMITED
                                          LSB INTERNATIONAL LIMITED






August 23, 1994
Page 5







August 23, 1994
Page 5








                                                      September 16, 1994

Congress Financial Corporation and
Congress Financial Corporation (Central)
1133 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York  10036


            Reference is made to the Loan Agreement, dated March 29, 1994, as
heretofore amended, modified, or supplemented (including, without limitation,
pursuant to that certain Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated August 16, 1985,
that certain Second Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated April 3, 1986, that
certain Third Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated October 26, 1986, that
certain Fourth Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated December 17, 1986, that
certain Fifth Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated March 7, 1988, that certain
Sixth Amendment to Loan Agreement dated March 31, 1989, that certain Seventh
Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated May 18, 1990, that certain Eighth Amendment
to Loan Agreement, dated May 1, 1991, that certain Ninth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated February 25, 1992, that certain Tenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated March 31, 1992, that certain Eleventh Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated December 10, 1992, that certain Twelfth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated April 23, 1993, that certain Thirteenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated June 24, 1993, that certain Fourteenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated September 23, 1993, that certain Fifteenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated November 29, 1993, that certain Sixteenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated January 25, 1994, that certain Seventeenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated March 30, 1994 (the "Seventeenth Amendment"), that certain
Eighteenth Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated May 20, 1994 (the "Eighteenth
Amendment"), that certain Modification to Seventeenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated May 25, 1994 (the "Modification Agreement"), the Nineteenth
Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated June 29, 1994 ("Nineteenth Amendment"), and
the Twentieth Amendment to Loan Agreement dated August 23, 1994 (the
"Twentieth Amendment"), hereinafter collectively, the "Loan Agreement",
currently by and among Congress Financial Corporation and Congress Financial
Corporation (Central) (collectively, "Congress"), LSB Industries, Inc.
(hereinafter "LSB"), L&S Bearing Co., Rotex Corporation, Tribonetics
Corporation, LSB Extrusion Co., International Environmental Corporation, CHP
Corporation, Koax Corp., Summit Machine Tool Manufacturing Corp., Hercules
Energy Mfg. Corporation, Climate Master, Inc., APR Corporation and Climatex,
Inc. (collectively, with LSB, the "Borrowers") LSB Financial Corp., LSB
Leasing Corp., LSB Import Corp., LSB Bearing Corp., Summit Machine Tool
Systems, Inc., LSB Europa Limited, Bowerdean Limited, and LSB International
Limited (collectively herein, and pursuant to the Loan Agreement, the
"Guarantors"), and Prime Financial Corp. (as to the Seventeenth Amendment, the
Eighteenth Amendment, the Modification Agreement, the Nineteenth Amendment,
and the Twentieth Amendment), and Bank IV Oklahoma, N.A. (as to the
Seventeenth Amendment, the Modification Agreement, the Nineteenth Amendment,
and the Twentieth Amendment).

September 16, 1994
Page 2

      Borrowers and Guarantors have requested an extension of the termination
date of their existing arrangements with Congress and an extension of the
Selling Period and Congress is willing, subject to the terms and conditions
set forth herein, to so extend such termination date of the existing financing
arrangements with such termination date of the existing financing arrangements
with Borrowers and Guarantors and such Selling Period as provided below. 
Congress, Borrowers and Guarantors agree as follows (capitalized terms used
herein, unless otherwise defined, shall have the meanings set forth in the
Loan Agreement):

      I.    TERM OF FINANCING ARRANGEMENTS.  The date "September 30, 1994" in
Section 9.1 of the Accounts Agreement, as heretofore amended, is hereby
deleted and replaced with the date "October 31, 1994".

      II.   TERM OF SELLING PERIOD.  The date "September 30, 1994" in Section
2.1 of the Seventeenth Amendment is hereby deleted and replaced with the date
"October 31, 1994".

of Congress' other rights and remedies available to it upon the effective date
of termination or non-renewal of the Loan Agreement and the other Financing
Agreements, upon the effective date of such termination or non-renewal,
Borrower shall (a) pay to Congress, in full, all outstanding and unpaid
Obligations and (b) furnish cash collateral to Congress in an amount equal to
(i) 115% of the face amount of all contingent Obligations consisting of all
letters of credit, banker's acceptances, purchase guarantees and other
financial accommodations (collectively, "Credits") issued and outstanding on
the effective date of such termination or non-renewal PLUS (ii) an amount
Congress determines is reasonably necessary to secure Congress from loss,
cost, damage or expense, including reasonable attorneys' fees and legal
expenses, in connection with any checks or other payments provisionally
credited to the Obligations and/or as to which Congress has not yet received
the final and indefeasible payment (collectively, "Uncollected Payments"). 
Such amounts shall be remitted to Congress by wire transfer in federal funds
to such bank account of Congress, as Congress may, in its discretion,
designate in writing to Borrower for such purpose.  Congress shall be entitled
to hold such cash collateral delivered to Congress with respect to each of the
Credits until forty-five (45) days after the expiration date of each Credit,
and for a period of forty-five (45) days following termination or non-renewal
as to such contingent Obligations in respect of Uncollected Payments. 
Congress may apply the cash collateral to any such contingent Obligations
which may become due by virtue of drawings or claims made pursuant to the
Credits or for claims made against Congress in connection with the Uncollected
Payments and shall release any remaining cash collateral to LSB upon the
expiration of the applicable forty-five (45) day period referred to in this

September 16, 1994
Page 3

      IV.   EFFECT OF THIS AMENDMENT.  Except as modified pursuant hereto, the
Loan Agreement and the Financing Agreements are hereby specifically ratified,
restated and confirmed by the parties hereto as of the date hereof.  To the
extent of conflict between the terms of this Amendment and the Loan Agreement
or other Financing Agreements, the terms of this Amendment control.

      V.    FURTHER ASSURANCES. The parties hereto shall execute and deliver
such additional documents and take such additional action as may be necessary
to effectuate the provisions and purposes of this Amendment.

            By the signature hereto of each of their duly authorized officers,
all of the parties hereby mutually covenant and agree a set forth herein (the
covenants and agreements of the Borrowers and Guarantors being joint and

                            [SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE]

September 16, 1994 
Page 4

                                          Very truly yours,

                                          LSB INDUSTRIES, INC.
                                          L&S BEARING CO.
                                          ROTEX CORPORATION
                                          TRIBONETICS CORPORATION
                                          LSB EXTRUSION CO.
                                          INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL
                                          CHP CORPORATION
                                          KOAX CORP.
                                          SUMMIT MACHINE TOOL 
                                                MANUFACTURING CORP.
                                          HERCULES ENERGY MFG. CORPORATION
                                          CLIMATE MASTER, INC.
                                          APR CORPORATION
                                          CLIMATEX, INC.
                                          LSB FINANCIAL CORP.
                                          LSB LEASING CORP.
                                          LSB IMPORT CORP.
                                          LSB BEARING CORP.
                                          SUMMIT MACHINE TOOL
                                                SYSTEMS, INC.
                                          LSB EUROPA LIMITED
                                          BOWERDEAN LIMITED
                                          LSB INTERNATIONAL LIMITED






September 16, 1994
Page 5







September 16, 1994
Page 5








                                                           October 13, 1994

Congress Financial Corporation and
Congress Financial Corporation (Central)
1133 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York  10036


              Reference is made to the Loan Agreement, dated March 29, 1994,
as heretofore amended, modified, or supplemented (including, without
limitation, pursuant to that certain Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated August
16, 1985, that certain Second Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated April 3,
1986, that certain Third Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated October 26, 1986,
that certain Fourth Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated December 17, 1986, that
certain Fifth Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated March 7, 1988, that certain
Sixth Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated March 31, 1989, that certain Seventh
Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated May 18, 1990, that certain Eighth Amendment
to Loan Agreement, dated May 1, 1991, that certain Ninth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated February 25, 1992, that certain Tenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated March 31, 1992, that certain Eleventh Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated December 10, 1992, that certain Twelfth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated April 23, 1993, that certain Thirteenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated June 24, 1993, that certain Fourteenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated September 23, 1993, that certain Fifteenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated November 29, 1993, that certain Sixteenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated January 25, 1994, that certain Seventeenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated March 30, 1994 (the "Seventeenth Amendment"), that certain
Eighteenth Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated May 20, 1994 (the "Eighteenth
Amendment"), that certain Modification to Seventeenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated May 25, 1994 (the "Modification Agreement"), the Nineteenth
Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated June 29, 1994 ("Nineteenth Amendment"), the
Twentieth Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated August 23, 1994 (the "Twentieth
Amendment"), and the Twenty-First Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated
September 16, 1994 (the "Twenty-First Amendment"), hereinafter collectively,
the "Loan Agreement", currently by and among Congress Financial Corporation
and Congress Financial Corporation (Central) (collectively, "Congress"), LSB
Industries, Inc. (hereinafter "LSB"), L&S Bearing Co., Rotex Corporation,
Tribonetics Corporation, LSB Extrusion Co., International Environmental
Corporation, CHP Corporation, Koax Corp., Summit Machine Tool Manufacturing
Corp., Hercules Energy Mfg. Corporation, Climate Master, Inc., APR Corporation
and Climatex, Inc. (collectively, with LSB, the "Borrowers"), LSB Financial
Corp., LSB Leasing Corp., LSB Import Corp., LSB Bearing Corp., Summit Machine
Tool Systems, Inc., LSB Europa Limited, Bowerdean Limited, and LSB
International Limited (collectively herein, and pursuant to the Loan
Agreement, the "Guarantors"), and Prime Financial Corp. (as to the Seventeenth
Amendment, the Eighteenth Amendment, the Modification Agreement, the Nine-
teenth Amendment, the Twentieth Amendment and the Twenty-First Amendment), and
Bank IV Oklahoma, N.A. (as to the Seventeenth Amendment, the Modification
Agreement, the Nineteenth Amendment, the Twentieth Amendment and the
Twenty-First Amendment).

              LSB has requested that Congress modify the Loan Agreement and
related loan documents (collectively, the "Loan Documents") in order to permit
LSB to guaranty the obligations of DSN Corporation, a subsidiary of LSB
("DSN"), under or pursuant to certain financing arrangements being entered
into between The CIT Group/Equipment Financing, Inc. ("CIT") as lender and DSN
as borrower, for advances of principal up to a total $15,000,000.  Congress is
willing to agree to such request, subject to the following terms (capitalized
terms used herein, unless otherwise defined, shall have the meanings set forth
in the Loan Agreement):

1.    Loan Documents Modification.  Notwithstanding anything contained in the
Loan Documents to the contrary, Congress hereby consents to LSB's
unconditionally guaranteeing on a unsecured basis to CIT all payment and
performance obligations of DSN to CIT under or pursuant to the above-
referenced financing arrangements and any extension or renewal thereof or
modification or amendment thereto.  The Loan Documents are hereby deemed
amended as necessary to conform to the provisions set forth herein.

2.    Effect of this Amendment.  Except as modified pursuant hereto, the Loan
Agreement and the Financing Agreements are hereby specifically ratified,
restated and confirmed by the parties hereto as of the date hereof.  In the
event of a conflict between the terms of this Twenty-First Amendment and the
Loan Agreement or other Financing Agreements, the terms of this Twenty-First
Amendment will control.

3.    Further Assurances.  The parties hereto shall execute and deliver such
additional documents and take such additional action as may be necessary to
effectuate the provisions and purposes of this Twenty-First Amendment.

                                    Very truly yours,

                                    LSB INDUSTRIES, INC.
                                    L&S BEARING CO.
                                    ROTEX CORPORATION
                                    TRIBONETICS CORPORATION
                                    LSB EXTRUSION CO.
                                    INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL
                                    CHP CORPORATION
                                    KOAX CORP.
                                    SUMMIT MACHINE TOOL
                                       MANUFACTURING CORP.
                                    HERCULES ENERGY MFG. CORPORATION
                                    CLIMATE MASTER, INC.
                                    APR CORPORATION
                                    CLIMATEX, INC.
                                    LSB FINANCIAL CORP.
                                    LSB LEASING CORP.
                                    LSB IMPORT CORP.
                                    LSB BEARING CORP.
                                    SUMMIT MACHINE TOOL 
                                       SYSTEMS, INC.
                                    LSB EUROPA LIMITED
                                    BOWERDEAN LIMITED
                                    LSB INTERNATIONAL LIMITED





                                                           October 24, 1994

Congress Financial Corporation and
Congress Financial Corporation (Central)
1133 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York  10036


              Reference is made to the Loan Agreement, dated March 29, 1994,
as heretofore amended, modified, or supplemented (including, without
limitation, pursuant to that certain Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated August
16, 1985, that certain Second Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated April 3,
1986, that certain Third Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated October 26, 1986,
that certain Fourth Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated December 17, 1986, that
certain Fifth Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated March 7, 1988, that certain
Sixth Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated March 31, 1989, that certain Seventh
Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated May 18, 1990, that certain Eighth Amendment
to Loan Agreement, dated May 1, 1991, that certain Ninth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated February 25, 1992, that certain Tenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated March 31, 1992, that certain Eleventh Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated December 10, 1992, that certain Twelfth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated April 23, 1993, that certain Thirteenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated June 24, 1993, that certain Fourteenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated September 23, 1993, that certain Fifteenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated November 29, 1993, that certain Sixteenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated January 25, 1994, that certain Seventeenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated March 30, 1994 (the "Seventeenth Amendment"), that certain
Eighteenth Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated May 20, 1994 (the "Eighteenth
Amendment"), that certain Modification to Seventeenth Amendment to Loan
Agreement, dated May 25, 1994 (the "Modification Agreement"), the Nineteenth
Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated June 29, 1994 ("Nineteenth Amendment"), the
Twentieth Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated August 23, 1994 (the "Twentieth
Amendment"), and the Twenty-First Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated
September 16, 1994 (the "Twenty-First Amendment"), and the Twenty-Second
Amendment to Loan Agreement, dated October 13, 1994, hereinafter collectively,
the "Loan Agreement", currently by and among Congress Financial Corporation
and Congress Financial Corporation (Central) (collectively, "Congress"), LSB
Industries, Inc. (hereinafter "LSB"), L&S Bearing Co., Rotex Corporation,
Tribonetics Corporation, LSB Extrusion Co., International Environmental
Corporation, CHP Corporation, Koax Corp., Summit Machine Tool Manufacturing
Corp., Hercules Energy Mfg. Corporation, Climate Master, Inc., APR Corporation
and Climatex, Inc. (collectively, with LSB, the "Borrowers"), LSB Financial
Corp., LSB Leasing Corp., LSB Import Corp., LSB Bearing Corp., Summit Machine
Tool Systems, Inc., LSB Europa Limited, Bowerdean Limited, and LSB
International Limited (collectively herein, and pursuant to the Loan
Agreement, the "Guarantors"), and Prime Financial Corp. (as to the Seventeenth
Amendment, the Eighteenth Amendment, the Modification Agreement, the Nine-
teenth Amendment, the Twentieth Amendment and the Twenty-First Amendment), and
Bank IV Oklahoma, N.A. (as to the Seventeenth Amendment, the Modification
Agreement, the Nineteenth Amendment, the Twentieth Amendment and the
Twenty-First Amendment).

              Borrowers and Guarantors have requested an extension of the
termination date of their existing arrangements with Congress and an extension
of the Selling Period and Congress is willing, subject to the terms and
conditions set forth herein, to so extend such termination date of the
existing financing arrangements with Borrowers and Guarantors and such Selling
Period as provided below.  Congress, Borrowers and Guarantors agree as follows
(capitalized terms used herein, unless otherwise defined, shall have the
meanings set forth in the Loan Agreement):

      I.      Term of Financing Arrangements.  The date "October 31, 1994" in
Section 9.1 of the Accounts Agreement, as heretofore amended, is hereby
deleted and replaced with the date "November 30, 1994".

      II.     Term of Selling Period.  The date "October 31, 1994" in Section
2.1 of the Seventeenth Amendment is hereby deleted and replaced with the date
"November 30, 1994".

      III.    Delivery of Cash Collateral Upon Termination.  In addition to
all of Congress' other rights and remedies available to it upon the effective
date of termination or non-renewal of the Loan Agreement and the other
Financing Agreements, upon the effective date of such termination or non-
renewal, Borrower shall (a) pay to Congress, in full, all outstanding and
unpaid Obligations and (b) furnish cash collateral to Congress in an amount
equal to (i) 115% of the face amount of all contingent Obligations consisting
of all letters of credit, banker's acceptances, purchase guaranties and
letters of credit, banker's acceptances, purchase guaranties and other
financial accommodations (collectively, "Credits") issued and outstanding on
the effective date of such termination or non-renewal plus (ii) an amount
Congress determines is reasonably necessary to secure Congress from loss,
cost, damage or expense, including reasonable attorneys' fees and legal
expenses, in connection with any checks or other payments provisionally
credited to the Obligations and/or as to which Congress has not yet received
the final and indefeasible payment (collectively, "Uncollected Payments"). 
Such amounts shall be remitted to Congress by wire transfer in federal funds
to such bank account of Congress, as Congress may, in its discretion,
designate in writing to Borrower for such purpose.  Congress shall be entitled
to hold such cash collateral delivered to Congress with respect to each of the
Credits until forty-five (45) days after the expiration date of each Credit,
and for a period of forty-five (45) days following termination or non-renewal
as to such contingent Obligations in  respect of Uncollected Payments. 
Congress may apply the cash collateral to any such contingent Obligations
which may become due by virtue of drawings or claims made pursuant to the
Credits or for claims made against Congress in connection with the Uncollected
Payments and shall release any remaining cash collateral to LSB upon the
expiration of the applicable forty-five (45) day period referred to in this

      IV.     Effect of this Amendment.  Except as modified pursuant hereto,
the Loan Agreement and the Financing Agreements are hereby specifically
ratified, restated and confirmed by the parties hereto as of the date hereof. 
To the extent of conflict between the terms of this Amendment and the Loan
Agreement or other Financing Agreements, the terms of this Amendment control.

      V.      Further Assurances.  The parties hereto shall execute and
deliver such additional documents and take such additional action as may be
necessary to effectuate the provisions and purposes of this Amendment.

      By the signature hereto of each of their duly authorized officers, all
of the parties hereby mutually covenant and agree as set forth herein (the
covenants and agreements of the Borrowers and Guarantors being joint and

                         [SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE]

                              Very truly yours,

                              LSB INDUSTRIES, INC.
                              L&S BEARING CO.
                              ROTEX CORPORATION
                              TRIBONETICS CORPORATION
                              LSB EXTRUSION CO.
                              INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL
                              CHP CORPORATION
                              KOAX CORP.
                              SUMMIT MACHINE TOOL
                                 MANUFACTURING CORP.
                              HERCULES ENERGY MFG. CORPORATION
                              CLIMATE MASTER, INC.
                              APR CORPORATION
                              CLIMATEX, INC.
                              LSB FINANCIAL CORP.
                              LSB LEASING CORP.
                              LSB IMPORT CORP.
                              LSB BEARING CORP.
                              SUMMIT MACHINE TOOL 
                                 SYSTEMS, INC.
                              LSB EUROPA LIMITED
                              BOWERDEAN LIMITED
                              LSB INTERNATIONAL LIMITED












                        HOUSEHOLD COMMERCIAL LETTERHEAD        EXHIBIT 4.05

September 29, 1994

Mr. James L. Wewers
President, El Dorado Chemical Company
P.O. Box 1373
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73101

Re:   Amended and Restated Secured Credit Agreement dated as of January 21,
      1992 (as amended, the "Secured Credit Agreement") among El Dorado
      Chemical Company ("EDC"), Slurry Explosive Corporation ("Slurry"),
      Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, C.M. Life Insurance Company
      and Household Commercial Financial Services, Inc. ("HCFS"), and the
      Second Amended and Restated Working Capital Loan Agreement dated as of
      January 21, 1992 (as amended, the "Working Capital Agreement") between
      EDC, Slurry, and HCFS (collectively, the "Agreements").

Dear Mr. Wewers:

Reference is hereby made to the above-captioned Agreements.  Unless otherwise
defined herein or the context hereof otherwise requires, terms which are
defined or defined by reference in the Agreements or any exhibit thereto shall
have the same meanings when used in this letter as such terms have in the

EDC has informed HCFS that the extremely high recent costs of ammonia, which
EDC requires as a key raw material in its production process, and the extended
duration of this pricing has had a negative impact on EDC's performance during
the last 12 months.  EDC has further indicated that these ammonia costs are
anticipated to remain high for an unspecified additional period of time.  As a
result of this ammonia pricing environment, EDC has informed HCFS that it was
not in compliance with the Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio covenant for the month
of July as stipulated in Section 11.2 of the Secured Credit Agreement and
Section 11B.2 of the Working Capital Agreement and does not anticipate being
in compliance with these covenants during the next 6-12 months.

As requested by EDC, HCFS as Agent and Required Lender hereby amends the
Agreements by replacing the tables in Sections 11.2 of the Secured Credit
Agreement and 11B.2 of the Working Capital Agreement with the following table.

      Period                                          Ratio
July 1, 1994 through June 30, 1995                    2.00:1
July 1, 1995 through July 31, 1995                    2.10:1
August 1, 1995 through August 31, 1995                2.20:1
September 1, 1995 through September 30, 1995          2.30:1
October 1, 1995 through October 31, 1995              2.40:1
November 1, 1995 and Thereafter                       2.50:1

Subject to the terms and conditions herein, we are please to provide this
accommodation to EDC.  This amendment is limited to the specific matter set
forth herein and does not in any other matter waive, amend, or alter the
Agreements or other Loan Documents, the provisions of which shall remain in
full force and effect.


James J. Russell
Assistant Vice President

cc:   Norm Thetford, Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance
      Julia Sarron, Mayer Brown & Platt
      G. Francis, HCFS
      E. Szarkowicz, HCFS

                                SECOND AMENDMENT
                              AMENDMENT AGREEMENT

            THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO AMENDMENT AGREEMENT, dated as of September
29, 1994 (this "Amendment"), is among EL DORADO CHEMICAL COMPANY ("EDC"),


A.    EDC, Slurry and HCFS are parties to the Second Amended and Restated
Working Capital Loan Agreement, dated as of January 21, 1992 (as heretofore
and hereafter amended or supplemented, the "Working Capital Loan Agreement").

B.    EDC, Slurry, HCFS, Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company and C.M.
Life Insurance Company are parties to the Amended and Restated Secured Credit
Agreement, dated as of January 21, 1992 (as heretofore or hereafter amended or
supplemented, the "Credit Agreement").

C.    EDC, Slurry, HCFS and Prime are parties to an Amendment Agreement, dated
March 30, 1994 (the "Amendment Agreement"), which amended the Working Capital
Loan Agreement, the Credit Agreement, and that certain Agreement for Purchase
of Receivables, dated as of March 29, 1994, as amended, between Prime and EDC.

D.    The parties hereto hereby desire to amend the Amendment Agreement to
reflect that the Amendment Agreement shall terminate on October 31, 1994.

            NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and other good
and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby
acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

1.    DEFINITIONS.  Capitalized terms used in this Amendment and not otherwise
defined herein shall have the meanings assigned thereto in the Working Capital
Loan Agreement.

2.    TERMINATION.  Paragraph 9 of the Amendment Agreement is hereby amended
by deleting the date "September 30, 1994" contained therein, as amended, and
substituting in lieu thereof the date "October 31, 1994".

            IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment
to be executed by their respective duly authorized officers as of the date
above written.

                                                EL DORADO CHEMICAL COMPANY


                                                SLURRY EXPLOSIVE CORPORATION


                                                HOUSEHOLD COMMERCIAL FINANCIAL
                                                SERVICES, INC.


                                                PRIME FINANCIAL CORPORATION






                        SECOND AMENDMENT AGREEMENT             EXHIBIT 4.06

              THIS SECOND AMENDMENT AGREEMENT, dated as of October 31, 1994
(this "Agreement"), is among EL DORADO CHEMICAL COMPANY ("EDC"), SLURRY


A.    EDC, Slurry and HCFS are parties to the Second Amended and Restated
Working Capital Loan Agreement, dated as of January 21, 1992 (as heretofore
and hereafter amended or supplemented, the "Working Capital Loan Agreement").

B.    EDC, Slurry, HCFS, Mutual and C.M. Life are parties to the Amended and
Restated Secured Credit Agreement, dated as of January 21, 1992 (as heretofore
or hereafter amended and supplemented, the "Credit Agreement").

C.    EDC, Slurry and HCFS are parties to a First Amendment to Amended and
Restated Secured Credit Agreement dated as of June 30, 1993, which amends the
Credit Agreement.

D.    EDC, Slurry, HCFS, Equity Bank for Savings, F.A. and Prime Financial
Corporation ("Prime") are parties to an Amendment Agreement dated March 30,
1994 (the "Amendment Agreement"), which amended the Working Capital Loan
Agreement, the Credit Agreement, and that certain Agreement for Purchase of
Receivables, dated as of March 29, 1994, as amended, between Prime and EDC.

E.    EDC, Slurry, HCFS and Prime are parties to:  (i) a First Amendment to
Amendment Agreement dated as of August, 1994; and 
(ii) a Second Amendment to Amendment Agreement dated as of September 29, 1994,
both of which amend the Amendment Agreement.

F.    EDC and Northwest Financial Corporation ("Northwest") are parties to a
Partial Lease Termination Agreement (the "Termination Agreement") dated on or
about October 31, 1994, which terminated that certain Lease Agreement dated
March 7, 1988, between EDC, as tenant, and Northwest, as landlord, only with
respect to two (2) tracts of real property (the "Premises") located in El
Dorado, Arkansas, which Premises are more particularly described at Schedule
"A" attached hereto.

G.    Northwest and DSN Corporation are parties to that certain Ground Lease
Agreement dated on or about October 31, 1994 (the "DSN Lease"), wherein
Northwest, as landlord, leased the Premises to DSN, as tenant.

H.    DSN and EDC are parties to:  (i) that certain Ground Sublease Agreement
of the Ground Lease dated on or about October 31, 1994 (the "EDC Sublease"),
wherein DSN, as sublandlord, leased the Premises to EDC, as subtenant, for
payment of approximately $10.00 per year; (ii) that certain Consulting
Agreement dated on or about October 31, 1994, wherein DSN agreed to provide
certain services to EDC in connection with EDC's operation of the Premises for
a payment of approximately $282,504.00 per year; (iii) that certain DSN Plant
Equipment Lease dated on or about October 31, 1994 (the "Equipment Lease"),
wherein DSN, as landlord, leased the facilities, plant and equipment located
on the Premises to EDC, as tenant, for payment of approximately $2,526,168.00
per year.

I.    EDC and The CIT Group/Equipment Financing, Inc. are parties to that
certain Acknowledgement and Consent to Collateral Assignment dated on or about
October 31, 1994 (the "Consent").

J.    The parties hereto desire to amend the Working Capital Loan Agreement
and the Credit Agreement in certain respects to reflect the entering into of
the Termination Agreement, the EDC Sublease, the Consulting Agreement, the
Equipment Lease and the Consent.  The Termination Agreement, EDC Sublease,
Consulting Agreement, Equipment Lease and Consent are collectively herein
referred to as the "Agreements".

              NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and other
good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are
hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

1.    Definitions.  Capitalized terms used in the this Agreement and not
otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings assigned thereto in either or
both the Working Capital Loan Agreement and the Credit Agreement.

2.    Unconditional Purchase Obligations.  Notwithstanding any prohibition
contained in any of the Loan Documents, including, without implied limitation: 
(i) Section 11.6 of the Credit Agreement; or (ii) Section 11B.7 of the Working
Capital Loan Agreement, HCFS hereby consents to EDC entering into the

3.    Transactions with Affiliates.  Notwithstanding any prohibition contained
in any of the Loan Documents, including, without implied limitation:  (i)
Section 11.11 of the Credit Agreement; and (ii) Section 11B.12 of the Working
Capital Loan Agreement, HCFS, Mutual and C.M. Life hereby consent to EDC
entering into the Agreements.

4.    Northwest Leases.  Notwithstanding any prohibition contained in any of
the Loan Documents, including, without implied limitation, Section 11.16 of
the Credit Agreement, HCFS, Mutual and C.M. Life hereby consent to EDC
entering into the Termination Agreement.

5.    Other Loan Documents.  All other provisions of the Loan Documents not
specifically modified by the foregoing are hereby deemed modified as necessary
to reflect HCFS' consent to EDC entering into the Agreements.  In the event of
a conflict between the terms of this Agreement and any of the Loan Documents,
the terms of this Agreement will control.

6.    Cooperation.  The parties hereto hereby agree that they shall cooperate
with each other, in good faith, to execute and deliver such other documents as
such other party may reasonably request in order to further effect the terms
of this Agreement.

7.    Condition Precedent.  The effectiveness of this Second Amendment
Agreement is conditioned on the execution by the respective parties of the
Termination Agreement, the EDC Sublease, the Consulting Agreement, the
Equipment Lease and the Consent.

8.    Miscellaneous.  Each Borrower hereby agrees to pay, or reimburse HCFS
for, reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements, incurred by HCFS in
connection with this Second Amendment Agreement; all such costs and expenses
shall be payable on demand.  This Second Amendment Agreement shall be governed
by the internal laws of the State of Illinois.  This Agreement may be executed
in any number of counterparts, and by the different parties on different
counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, but all of which
shall constitute one and the same agreement.  The Credit Agreement and the
Working Capital Loan Agreement, both as previously amended and as amended
hereby, remain in full force and effect.

              IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this
Agreement to be executed by their respective duly authorized officers as of
the date above written.

                                      EL DORADO CHEMICAL COMPANY


                                      SLURRY EXPLOSIVE CORPORATION


                                      HOUSEHOLD COMMERCIAL FINANCIAL
                                        SERVICES, INC.


                                      CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE 
                                        INSURANCE COMPANY


                                      C.M. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY


                                                                  EXHIBIT 10.1  
                         LOAN AND SECURITY AGREEMENT
                                 (DSN Plant)
                           Dated October 31, 1994
                              DSN CORPORATION,
                                 as Borrower
                                  as Lender
                              TABLE OF CONTENTS
  ARTICLE 1       DEFINITIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1
  ARTICLE 2       THE LOAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
       Section 2.1      The Loan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
       Section 2.2      Disbursement Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
       Section 2.3      Repayment of the Loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
       Section 2.4      Interest Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
       Section 2.5      Late Charge Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
       Section 2.6      Maximum Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
       Section 2.7      Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
       Section 2.8      Prepayment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
       Section 2.9      Conditions of Lending. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
       Section 2.10     Place and Form of Payments . . . . . . . . . . . 23
       Section 2.11     Hold Back. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
       Section 2.12     Commitment Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
  ARTICLE 3       SECURITY FOR THE OBLIGATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
       Section 3.1      Grant of Security Interest . . . . . . . . . . . 23
       Section 3.2      Continuing Obligation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
  ARTICLE 4       ADMINISTRATION OF THE COLLATERAL . . . . . . . . . . . 25
       Section 4.1      The Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
       Section 4.2      No Lender Liability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
       Section 4.3      Use of Equipment; Identification . . . . . . . . 26
  ARTICLE 5       REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
       Section 5.1      Organization and Qualification . . . . . . . . . 27
       Section 5.2      Concerning the Loan Documents. . . . . . . . . . 27
       Section 5.3      Guaranties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
       Section 5.4      Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
       Section 5.5      The DSN Plant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
       Section 5.6      Title to the DSN Plant and Equipment;
                        Security Interest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   28
       Section 5.7      Financial Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
       Section 5.8      Litigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
       Section 5.9      Disclosure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
       Section 5.10     Tax Returns and Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
       Section 5.11     Compliance with Other Instruments. . . . . . . . 29
       Section 5.12     Pension Plans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
       Section 5.13     Labor Relations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
       Section 5.14     Environmental Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
       Section 5.15     Trade Names. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
       Section 5.16     Subsidiaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
       Section 5.17     Loans and Affiliate Payments . . . . . . . . . . 31
       Section 5.18     Permits, Licenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
       Section 5.19     Broker's or Transaction Fees . . . . . . . . . . 31
       Section 5.20     Taxpayer ID No. and Chief Executive Office . . . 32
       Section 5.21     No Default . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
  ARTICLE 6       AFFIRMATIVE COVENANTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
       Section 6.1      Financial and Other Information. . . . . . . . . 32
       Section 6.2      Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
       Section 6.3      Taxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
       Section 6.4      Maintenance of Properties; Insurance . . . . . . 36
       Section 6.5      Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
       Section 6.6      Compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
       Section 6.7      Litigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
       Section 6.8      Environmental Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
       Section 6.9      Notices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
       Section 6.10     Tangible Net Worth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
       Section 6.11     Change of Ownership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
       Section 6.12     Use of Proceeds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
       Section 6.13     Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
  ARTICLE 7       NEGATIVE COVENANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
       Section 7.1      Corporate Structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
       Section 7.2      Dividends, Distributions, Redemptions. . . . . . 39
       Section 7.3      Loans, Investments, Affiliate Payments,
                        Salaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   39
       Section 7.4      Change in Business, Structure or Business
                        Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   39
       Section 7.5      Guaranties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
       Section 7.6      Sale of Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
       Section 7.7      Prepayment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
       Section 7.8      Liens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
       Section 7.9      Negative Pledge on Leases. . . . . . . . . . . . 40
       Section 7.10     Pension Plans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
       Section 7.11     Borrower's Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
       Section 7.12     Changes to DSN Plant Documents . . . . . . . . . 40
       Section 7.13     Other Debts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
       Section 7.14     Transactions with Affiliates . . . . . . . . . . 41
  ARTICLE 8       DEFAULT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
       Section 8.1      Events of Default. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
       Section 8.2      Rights Upon Default. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
  ARTICLE 9       MISCELLANEOUS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
       Section 9.1      Survival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
       Section 9.2      Waiver of Notices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
       Section 9.3      Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
       Section 9.4      Complete Agreement Modification. . . . . . . . . 46
       Section 9.5      Applicable Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
       Section 9.6      Indemnification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
       Section 9.7      Stamp or other Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
       Section 9.8      Captions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
       Section 9.9      Notices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
       Section 9.10     No Waiver, Lender Performance. . . . . . . . . . 49
       Section 9.11     Evidence of Obligations; Admissibility of
                        Lender's Books and Records . . . . . . . . . .   50
       Section 9.12     No Liability for Brokers . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
       Section 9.13     Further Assurances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
       Section 9.14     Counterparts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
       Section 9.15     Notice of Breach by Lender . . . . . . . . . . . 50
       Section 9.16     Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
       Section 9.17     Exhibits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
       Section 9.18     Authorization to Date, Complete Blanks and
                        Correct Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   51
       Section 9.19     No Oral Agreements; Entire Agreement . . . . . . 51
       Section 9.20     Venue and Jurisdiction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
       Section 9.21     Waiver of Trial by Jury. . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
  A   -     Disclosure Statement
  B   -     Promissory Note
  C   -     Legal Description of DSN Plant Location
  D   -     Disbursement Schedule
                         LOAN AND SECURITY AGREEMENT
                                 (DSN Plant)
            This LOAN AND SECURITY AGREEMENT (the "Agreement"), dated
  October 31, 1994, is made and entered into by and between DSN CORPORATION,
  an Oklahoma corporation (the "Borrower"), and THE CIT GROUP/EQUIPMENT
  FINANCING, INC., a New York corporation (the "Lender").
            NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and
  agreements contained herein, and of any loans or other credit facilities
  now or hereafter made to Borrower by Lender, the parties hereto covenant
  and agree as follows:
                                  ARTICLE 1
            The following capitalized terms have the following meanings
  when used in this Agreement:
            "Affiliate" means any of LSB, EDC, LSBC, Prime Financial Corp.,
  Total Energy Systems, Ltd., Slurry Explosive Corporation, Universal Tech
  Corporation, LSB Holdings, Inc., and any other Person controlling or
  controlled by or under common control with LSB Industries, Inc. or any of
  their Subsidiaries, successors or assigns.
            "Assignment of Construction Contract, Plans and
  Specifications" means the Assignment of Construction Contract Plans and
  Specifications in form and substance satisfactory to the Lender, wherein
  the Lender is assigned the Construction Contract and the Plans and
  Specifications as security for the Obligations.
            "Bonding Company" means American Bonding Company, the company
  issuing payment and performance bond No. 9417875 in connection with the
  construction of the DSN Plant.
            "Business Day" means any day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or
  day on which banks in New York are required or permitted to close.
            "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
            "Collateral" means:  (i) all personal property referred to in
  Section 3.1; (ii) all real property interests of Borrower in the DSN Plant
  Location, the DSN Plant and the Ground Lease and the Ground Sublease; and
  (iii) all other property and interests in property, real or personal, now
  owned or leased or hereafter acquired or leased, which is hereafter pledged
  or assigned to Lender as collateral security for payment of any of the
            "Consent to Encumbrance" means that certain Consent to
  Encumbrance of Leasehold Estate and Landlord's Waiver of even date herewith
  executed by Northwest Financial Corporation and Borrower in favor of
            "Construction Consultant" means Brown & Root, Inc., and any
  subsequent consultant, selected by Lender as Construction Consultant under
  Section 2.2(c) hereof.
            "Construction Contract" means, collectively, that certain
  correspondence dated November 22, 1993 and November 24, 1993, between EDC
  and Systems Contracting Corporation, which has been assigned to Borrower,
  together with all other correspondence with Systems Contracting Corporation
  and all other construction contracts and equipment purchase contracts
  related to the construction of the DSN Plant.
            "Construction Period" means the period commencing on the date
  hereof and ending on the first to occur of:  (i) March 31, 1995 or (ii) the
  DSN Plant Completion Date.
            "Consulting Agreement" means the Consulting Agreement dated
  October 31, 1994 between EDC and DSN relating to the DSN Plant.
            "Contractor" means Systems Contracting Corporation and each
  other Person who has entered into a Construction Contract with, or which
  has been assigned to, Borrower.
            "Contractors' Consents" means, collectively, the Contractor's
  Consent and Certification executed by each Contractor in favor of Lender.
            "Default" means any Event of Default or event which, with
  notice or passage of time or both, would constitute an Event of Default.
            "Disbursement Schedule" means the disbursement schedule and
  budget annexed to this Agreement as Exhibit "D", in form and substance
  acceptable to Lender.
            "Disclosure Schedule" means the disclosure schedule annexed to
  this Agreement as Exhibit "A".
            "DSN Plant" means Borrower's direct strong nitric acid plant
  located at the DSN Plant Location.
            "DSN Plant Equipment Lease" means that lease dated to be
  effective as of the date hereof between Borrower as lessor and EDC as
  lessee with respect to the DSN Plant and including
  the Equipment relating thereto.
            "DSN Plant Completion Date" means the date on which Lender
  reasonably determines that all of the following have occurred: 
  (a) Borrower and EDC shall have certified to Lender in writing that the DSN
  Plant has been fully constructed and completed in substantial accordance
  with the Plans and Specifications and is in operation, that the DSN Plant
  as completed complies with applicable zoning, building and land use laws,
  and that the DSN Plant Equipment Lease, the Ground Lease, the Ground
  Sublease and the Consulting Agreement are in full force and effect; (b) the
  Construction Consultant shall have confirmed to Lender that construction of
  the DSN Plant has been completed in substantial accordance with the Plans
  and Specifications, and that direct connection has been made to all
  pipelines, supply lines, and all water, gas, sewer, telephone and
  electrical facilities necessary for the operation and use of the DSN Plant,
  (c) a valid notice of completion has been filed for record in the Office of
  the County Recorder for the County in which the DSN Plant is located,
  (d) all inspections by any applicable governmental entities necessary to
  permit the start-up of the DSN Plant have been completed and all necessary
  certificates and approvals for occupation and operation of the DSN Plant
  have been obtained, and (e) the period for filing mechanics' and
  materialmen's liens has expired without any material liens having been
  filed or recorded or lien waivers have been obtained from contractors which
  performed more than $50,000 of work or provided more than $50,000 of
  materials, or, where applicable, Lender's Title Policy has fully insured
  against mechanics' or materialmen's liens.
            "DSN Plant Location" means the location of the DSN Plant at
  El Dorado, Union County, Arkansas, more particularly described in
  Exhibit "C."
            "EDC" means El Dorado Chemical Company, an Oklahoma
            "Environmental Laws" means all federal, state and local laws,
  rules, regulations, ordinances, programs, permits, guidance, orders and
  consent decrees relating to hazardous substances, discharges, releases or
  disposals of pollutants, solid waste or hazardous materials, or any other
  environmental matters applicable to the Borrower's business, the DSN Plant
  or the DSN Plant Location.  Such laws and regulations include the Resource
  Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. section 6901 et seq., as amended;
  the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act,
  42 U.S.C. section 9601 et seq., as amended; the Toxic Substances Control
  Act, 15 U.S.C. section 2602 et seq., as amended; the Clean Water Act,
  33 U.S.C. section 466 et seq., as amended; the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C.
  section 7401 et seq., as amended; state and federal superlien and
  environmental cleanup programs; and U.S. Department of Transportation
  regulations.  The terms "hazardous substance" and "release" shall have the
  meanings specified in the Federal Comprehensive Environmental
  Responsibility Cleanup and Liability Act of 1980, as the definition of such
  terms may be subsequently modified, supplemented or amended ("CERCLA") and
  the terms "solid waste" and "disposal" shall have the meanings specified in
  the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as the
  definition of such terms may be subsequently modified, supplemented or
  amended ("RCRA"; provided, however, that in the event either CERCLA or RCRA
  is amended so as to broaden the meaning of any term defined thereby, such
  broader meaning shall apply subsequent to the effective date of such
  amendment; and provided, further, however, that to the extent a parcel of
  real property is situated in a state or other jurisdiction in which the
  applicable laws may establish a meaning for "hazardous substance,"
  "release," "solid waste," or "disposal" which is broader than that
  specified in either CERCLA or RCRA, such broader meaning shall apply.
            "Equipment" means all now or hereafter acquired equipment (as
  that term is defined in the UCC) now or hereafter located at the DSN Plant
  or relating to the DSN Plant, including machinery, data processing hardware
  and software, furniture, fixtures, trade fixtures, leasehold improvements,
  office equipment, strong acid plant equipment, storage tanks, strong acid
  building structure, compressor building, refrigeration facilities, piping,
  valves, plant equipment, machinery, electronics, instrumentation, panels,
  control systems and other tangible personal property and all accessions,
  accretions, replacements and additions to Equipment, and all other
  component and auxiliary parts used or to be used in connection with or
  attached to any of the same, and all manuals, drawings, instructions,
  warranties and rights with respect thereto wherever any of the foregoing is
            "ERISA" means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
  1974, as amended.
            "Event of Default" means any event so described in Section 8.1.
            "Fair Market Value" means the price that a knowledgeable buyer
  would be willing to pay a knowledgeable seller, neither being under any
  duress to buy or sell and both having reasonable knowledge of relevant
  facts, for the machinery and equipment in place and in operation, taking
  advantage of all leasehold and site improvements designed to facilitate its
  operation, with the seller accurately and completely representing the
  existing condition and operability of the machinery and equipment to the
  buyer.  Consideration is given to each asset's contribution to the
  operating facility, or the contribution of all the assets as a whole,
  whichever appropriately addresses production capabilities of the plant.  It
  is assumed that all specially designed and built machinery and equipment
  will continue to be utilized in the manner for which it was originally
            "Financial Statement" means any financial statement given to
  the Lender pursuant to Section 6.1.
            "Fiscal Year" means, as to any Person, such Person's fiscal
  year for financial accounting purposes.  The Borrower's current Fiscal Year
  ends on December 31, 1994.
            "Funding Date" means the date on which the initial advance is
            "GAAP" means, as of any date of determination, generally
  accepted accounting principles consistently applied during each interval
  and from interval to interval.
            "Ground Lease" means the lease agreement dated as of
  October 31, 1994 between the Borrower and Northwest Financial Corporation
  pursuant to which Northwest Financial Corporation granted Borrower the
  right to occupy the real property associated with the DSN Plant and to
  construct, use, occupy and sublease the DSN Plant at the DSN Plant
            "Ground Sublease" means the sublease dated 
  October 31, 1994 of the Ground Lease from DSN to EDC.
            "Guarantor" means any Person who has executed a Guaranty in
  favor of the Lender with respect to the Obligations, including LSB and
            "Guaranty" means each continuing guaranty executed and
  delivered by LSB, LSBC and any other Guarantor in form and substance
  acceptable to Lender guarantying the Obligations.
            "Hazardous Substance" means any substance, material or waste
  (including petroleum and petroleum products) which is or becomes
  designated, classified or regulated as being "toxic" or "hazardous" or a
  "pollutant," or which is or becomes similarly designated, classified or
  regulated, under any Environmental Laws.
            "Indebtedness" means, as to any Person, (a) all indebtedness of
  such Person for borrowed money, (b) that portion of the obligations of such
  Person under capital leases which is properly recorded as a liability on a
  balance sheet of that Person prepared in accordance with GAAP, (c) any
  obligation of such Person that is evidenced by a promissory note or other
  instrument representing an extension of credit to such Person, whether or
  not for borrowed money, or any obligation of such Person for the deferred
  purchase price of property or services (other than trade or other accounts
  payable in the ordinary course of business in accordance with terms
  customary to DSN or its Affiliates), (d) any obligation of such Person that
  is secured by a Lien on assets of such Person, whether or not that Person
  has assumed such obligation or whether or not such obligation is
  non-recourse to the credit of such Person, but only to the extent of the
  fair market value of the assets so subject to the Lien, (e) obligations of
  such Person arising under acceptance facilities or under facilities for the
  discount of accounts receivable of such Person and (f) obligations of such
  Person for unreimbursed draws under letters of credit issued for the
  account of such Person.
            "Late Charge Rate" shall mean a rate per annum equal to the
  higher of 3% over the applicable interest rate set forth in Section 2.4 or
  18%, but not to exceed the highest rate permitted by applicable law.
            "Leasehold Mortgage" means the leasehold mortgage, in form and
  substance satisfactory to Lender, wherein Lender is granted a first
  priority Lien in Borrower's right, title and interest in the DSN Plant
  Location, the DSN Plant, the Ground Lease, and the Ground Sublease.
            "Libor Rate" means the rate of interest equal to the 30-day
  London Interbank Offered Rate.  The Libor Rate shall be that which is
  reported and published in The Wall Street Journal for the 15th day of each
  month (if the 15th day is not a day for which The Wall Street Journal
  reports the Libor Rate, then on the first preceding day for which The Wall
  Street Journal reports the Libor Rate), and shall become effective as of
  the first day of the calendar month succeeding such determination and shall
  continue in effect to, and including, the last day of such calendar month. 
  If The Wall Street Journal ceases to be published, or ceases to publish the
  Libor Rate, then the Libor Rate shall be that which is reported and
  published on the day specified above in any similar publicly available
  source designated by Lender.
            "Lien" means any mortgage, deed of trust, pledge, deed to
  secure debt, hypothecation, assignment, encumbrance, lien (statutory or
  other), security interest or other security agreement, including any
  conditional sale or other title retention agreement.  "Lien" includes
  reservations, exceptions, easements, leases and other restrictions and
  encumbrances affecting real property.  For purposes hereof a Person shall
  be deemed to own property acquired or held pursuant to a conditional sale
  or similar security arrangement.
            "Loan" shall have the meaning assigned in Section 2.1.
            "Loan Documents" means, collectively:
            a.    this Agreement
            b.    the Note
            c.    the DSN Plant Equipment Lease
            d.    the Assignment of the DSN Plant Equipment Lease
            e.    the acknowledgment and Consent to Assignment of the DSN
                  Plant Equipment Lease
            f.    sufficient UCC-1 Financing Statements for filing in
                  Arkansas and Oklahoma
            g.    the Leasehold Mortgage with Assignment to Leases and
            h     the Guaranty (LSB)
            i.    the Guaranty (LSBC)
            j.    the Consent to Encumbrance
            k.    Request for Advance
            l.    the Assignment of Construction Contract, Plans and
            m.    the Tenant Subordination Agreement
            n.    the Contractors' Consents
  and any other opinions, resolutions, certificates, documents or agreements
  of any nature or type heretofore or hereafter executed or delivered by
  Borrower, Affiliates or Guarantors to Lender pursuant to this Agreement or
  any Loan Document in each case either as originally executed or as the same
  may from time to time be supplemented, modified, amended, restated or
            "LSB" means LSB Industries, Inc., a Delaware corporation.
            "LSBC" means LSB Chemical Corp., an Oklahoma corporation.
            "Mixed Acid Plant Loan" means that certain loan in the original
  principal amount of approximately $1,075,200 to be made by Lender to
  Borrower pursuant to the Mixed Acid Plant Loan Documents.
            "Mixed Acid Plant Loan Documents" means that certain Loan and
  Security Agreement (Mixed Acid Plant) which the parties intend to prepare
  and execute between Lender and Borrower, and all other "Loan Documents"
  described therein, relating to a loan by Lender to Borrower to finance the
  acquisition and construction of a mixed acid plant in North Carolina.
            "Note" means the promissory note which evidences the Loan,
  substantially in the form of Exhibit "B".
            "Obligations" means and includes the aggregate of the unpaid
  principal balance of the Loan and all accrued interest thereon, and all
  other loans, indebtedness, debts, liabilities, obligations, interest, fees,
  premiums, guarantees, amounts, indemnities, reimbursements, covenants and
  duties owing by the Borrower to the Lender under any one or more of the
  Loan Documents, of every kind and description (whether or not evidenced by
  any note or other instrument and whether or not for the payment of money),
  direct or indirect, absolute or contingent, due or to become due, now
  existing or hereafter arising.  "Obligations" include:  (i) all interest,
  fees, charges or other costs and payments that the Borrower is required to
  pay to the Lender under or as a result of the Loan Documents or by law and
  (ii) all costs and expenses described in Section 2.7 or otherwise required
  to be paid by the Borrower to the Lender pursuant to any Loan Document.
            "Pension Plan" means any pension plan as defined in
  Section 3(2) of ERISA which is a multi employer plan or a single employer
  plan as defined in Section 4001 of ERISA and subject to Title IV of ERISA
  and which is:  (i) a plan maintained by the Borrower, or any Subsidiary or
  any Related Company; (ii) a plan to which the Borrower, or any Subsidiary
  or any Related Company contributes or is required to contribute; (iii) a
  plan to which the Borrower, or any Subsidiary or any Related Company was
  required to make contributions at any time during the five calendar years
  preceding the date of this Agreement; or (iv) any other plan with respect
  to which the Borrower, or any Subsidiary or any Related Company has
  incurred or may incur liability, including contingent liability, under
  Title IV of ERISA, either to such plan or to the Pension Benefit Guaranty
            "Permitted Liens" means:  (i) Liens for taxes not yet payable
  or being contested in good faith and by appropriate proceedings diligently
  pursued, provided that the reserve or other appropriate provision, if any,
  as shall be required by GAAP shall have been made therefor; (ii) mechanics'
  and similar liens incurred in the ordinary course of business or in the
  construction of the DSN Plant, not to exceed, at any given time, an
  aggregate of $150,000.00, securing non-overdue obligations or for which an
  adequate bond has been posted; (iii) Liens in favor of the Lender;
  (iv) Liens described on the Disclosure Schedule as such Disclosure Schedule
  is in effect on the date hereof; and (v) all exceptions and Liens
  identified in the Title Policy.
            "Person" means any individual, trust, firm, partnership,
  corporation or any other form of public, private or governmental entity or
            "Plans and Specifications" means those Plans and Specifications
  related to the construction of the DSN Plant, which Plans and
  Specifications must be acceptable to Lender.
            "Proceeds" means all products and proceeds (as defined in the
  UCC) of any Collateral, and all proceeds of any such proceeds, including
  all awards for taking by eminent domain, all proceeds of fire or other
  insurance and all proceeds obtained as a result of any legal action or
  proceeding with respect to any Collateral.
            "Rail Car Loan" means that certain loan in the original
  principal amount of approximately $1,169,800, made by Lender to Borrower
  pursuant to Rail Car Loan Documents.
            "Rail Car Loan Documents" means that certain Loan and Security
  Agreement (Rail Car) which the parties intend to prepare and execute
  between Lender and Borrower, and all other "Loan Documents" described
  therein, relating to a loan by Lender to Borrower to acquire ten new nitric
  acid rail cars.
            "Related Company" means any member of any controlled group of
  corporations (as defined in the Code) of which the Borrower is a party, or
  any trade or business (whether or not incorporated) which together with the
  Borrower would be treated as a single employer under Section 4001 of ERISA.
            "Reportable Event" shall have the meaning assigned to that term
  in Title IV of ERISA, including a reportable event described in
  Section 4043 of ERISA or the regulations thereunder, a withdrawal from a
  Plan described in Section 4063 of ERISA, or a creation of operations
  described in Section 4062(e) of ERISA.
            "Request for Advance" means a certificate executed and
  delivered by Borrower in form acceptable to Lender which contains all of
  the information as described in Section 2.2(b) hereof.
            "Security Interest" collectively means the Liens created for
  the benefit of the Lender pursuant to the Loan Documents.
            "Subsidiary" means any present or future corporation of which
  more than 50% of the outstanding stock having by its terms the ordinary
  voting power to elect a majority of the board of directors, managers or
  trustees of such corporation is at the time, directly or indirectly through
  one or more intermediaries, owned or controlled by the Borrower and/or one
  or more of its Subsidiaries, irrespective of whether or not, at the time,
  stock of any other class or classes of such corporation shall have or might
  have voting power by reason of the happening of any contingency.  If at any
  time, and only for so long as, the Borrower has no Subsidiaries, provisions
  of this Agreement which refer to Subsidiaries shall be of no force and
  effect insofar a they pertain to Subsidiaries although they shall remain in
  full force and effect as to all other Persons in question.
            "Tenant Subordination Agreement" means that certain
  Subordination, Nondisturbance, Estoppel and Attornment Agreement dated
  October 31, 1994, executed by EDC and Borrower in favor of Lender.
            "Term Out Period" has the meaning assigned to such term in
  Section 2.3(b) of this Agreement.
            "Title Policy" means the policy of title insurance referred to
  in Section 2.9 hereof.
            "Treasury Rate" means the rate per annum equal to the yield to
  maturity for the U.S. Treasury Security having a remaining term to maturity
  closest to five (5) years as at (and shall be fixed as of) the close of
  business on the third Business Day prior to the first day of the Term Out
  Period, as such yield to maturity is reported on page 5 ("U.S. Treasury and
  Money Markets") of the information ordinarily provided by Telerate Systems
  Incorporated (provided that if Telerate Systems Incorporated ceases to
  report such information, then such information shall be taken from any
  publicly available source of similar data designated by Lender).
            "UCC" means the Uniform Commercial Code (or any successor
  statute) as from time to time in effect in any applicable jurisdiction.
                                  ARTICLE 2
                                  THE LOAN
            Section 2.1  The Loan.  On the basis of the covenants,
  agreements and representations of Borrower contained herein and subject to
  the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, Lender agrees to lend to
  Borrower and Borrower agrees to borrow from Lender a sum not to exceed the
  DOLLARS ($12,750,000.00) (the "Loan"), the proceeds of which are to be
  disbursed by Lender exclusively for the payment of the following costs and
  expenses as hereinafter provided:  (i) costs and expenses incurred in
  connection with the construction of the DSN Plant; (ii) other costs and
  expenses incidental to the DSN Plant; and (iii) costs and expenses incurred
  in connection with the Loan and Borrower's undertakings hereunder, which
  proceeds shall be disbursed in accordance with the Disbursement Schedule
  and as follows:
                  (a)   Recordation Disbursements.  Upon recordation of the
      Leasehold Mortgage, provided that the title insurer has issued or
      irrevocably committed in writing to issue to Lender the Title Policy,
      Lender shall disburse to the Persons entitled thereto the amounts (if
      acceptable to Lender) necessary to pay all or portions of:  (i) out
      of pocket costs, charges, expenses and legal fees incurred by
      (A) Lender and payable by Borrower hereunder or (B) Borrower in
      connection with title charges and premiums, tax and lien service
      charges, recording fees, escrow fees, real property taxes and
      assessments, and insurance premiums payable in connection with the
      Loan; and (ii) other DSN Plant costs and expenses theretofore
      incurred by Borrower, all in accordance with the applicable
      provisions of the Disbursement Schedule.
                  (b)   Course-of-Construction Disbursements.  Subsequent
      to recordation of the Leasehold Mortgage and subject to the
      provisions of this Agreement, including without limitation the
      provisions contained in Section 2.2 hereof, Lender shall disburse to
      Borrower, or if reasonably deemed necessary by Lender, Lender shall
      disburse directly to such Persons as have actually supplied labor,
      materials or services in connection with or incidental to the
      construction of the DSN Plant, and subject to the applicable
      retention percentage set forth in the Construction Contract, such
      sums as are required to be used and which shall be used only for the
      payment of (i) the costs and expenses of any of Borrower's
      undertakings in this Agreement, the Note, the Leasehold Mortgage or
      any of the other Loan Documents, (ii) interest on borrowings under
      the Note, (iii) the costs and expenses of Lender which are payable by
      Borrower or reimbursable by Borrower as set forth herein, and
      (iv) the costs and expenses of the labor and materials used in
      constructing the DSN Plant and costs and expenses incidental thereto,
      with all disbursements under this Agreement to be made in accordance
      with the applicable provisions of the Disbursement Schedule.
            Section 2.2  Disbursement Methods.
                  (a)   Notwithstanding any other terms of this Agreement,
      the disbursements under the Loan shall be capped at $5,000,000 until
      such time as LSB and certain of its subsidiaries shall have in full
      force and effect, a new $75,000,000 revolving credit facility with
      BankAmerica Business Credit or affiliate thereof on terms and
      conditions reasonably acceptable to Lender.
                  (b)   Request for Advance.  From time to time, but not
      more frequently than twice per month, Borrower shall furnish to
      Lender, separately with respect to each request for any disbursement
      of proceeds of the Loan, a Request for Advance duly signed and sworn
      to with all blanks appropriately filled in, setting forth such
      details concerning construction of the DSN Plant as Lender shall
      require, including (i) a detailed breakdown of the applicable
      percentages of completion and costs of the various phases of
      construction of the DSN Plant, showing the amounts expended to date
      for such construction and the amounts then due and unpaid, an
      itemized estimate of the amount necessary to complete construction of
      the DSN Plant in its entirety, and a certification by Borrower and
      Mr. Leo Hilinski or his designee that construction of the DSN Plant
      to the date of such certificate complies with the Plans and
      Specifications; (ii) a list of the names and addresses of all
      materials dealers, laborers and subcontractors to whom payments are
      due under such Request for Advance; and (iii) if required by Lender,
      receipted invoices or bills of sale and unconditional partial
      releases of lien (on forms approved by Lender) from each materials
      dealer, laborer and subcontractor who has done work or furnished
      materials for construction of the portion of the DSN Plant covered by
      each such Request for Advance acknowledging acceptance of such
      payment in satisfaction of Borrower's obligations.  A Request for
      Advance must be for an amount not less than $500,000.  Lender may
      disburse a part of the funds requested if it approves part but not
      all of the Request for Advance.
                  (c)   Construction Consultant.  Throughout the course of
      construction of the DSN Plant, Lender will employ, at Borrower's sole
      cost and expense, Construction Consultant or Consultants who shall
      review as agent for Lender all construction activities undertaken in
      regard to the DSN Plant, which Construction Consultant(s) shall
      certify or otherwise indicate to Lender that construction of the DSN
      Plant to the date of each Request for Advance and certificate of
      Borrower is as set forth in the Request for Advance and certificate
      submitted by Borrower, that such construction substantially complies
      with the Plans and Specifications and that the progress of
      construction is such that the construction of the DSN Plant will be
      completed within the Construction Period, with each such certificate
      and indication from such inspector or inspectors to be a further
      condition precedent to Lender's approval of Borrower's then submitted
      Request for Advance.  Lender may change Construction Consultants or
      modify the terms of its agreement with any Construction Consultant,
      if deemed reasonably necessary by Lender.
                  (d)   Disbursements; Deficiencies.  The proceeds of the
      Loan disbursed under this Agreement shall be evidenced by the Note
      and shall be secured by the Borrower's interest in the DSN Plant
      Equipment Lease, the Ground Lease, the Ground Sublease and the other
      Collateral, and all such proceeds shall be disbursed, as aforesaid,
      directly to and to reimburse such Persons, or to Borrower to
      reimburse such Persons as have actually supplied labor, materials or
      services in connection with or incidental to construction of the DSN
      Plant, or to reimburse Borrower in the event Borrower shall have
      already paid such Persons.  In no event shall Lender be required to
      disburse any amount which, in Lender's reasonable opinion, will
      either (i) reduce the total undisbursed amount of the Loan below the
      amount necessary to pay for the balance of the work, labor and
      materials necessary fully to complete construction of the DSN Plant
      in accordance with the Plans and Specifications, or (ii) reduce the
      undisbursed amount of Loan proceeds allocated to the cost category
      described in any paragraph contained in the Disbursement Schedule
      below the amount which Lender reasonably deems sufficient to pay in
      full the costs to which such amount is allocated.  In the event any
      amount in a cost category of the Disbursement Schedule is deficient,
      and Borrower has not made alternative payment arrangements for the
      costs in question, then upon ten (10) days' written notice from
      Lender, Borrower shall furnish Lender with paid invoices, bills and
      receipts indicating that Borrower has paid, from Borrower's own
      funds, for the costs of completing the construction of the DSN Plant
      or the costs in the cost category in question, as the case may be, in
      a sufficient amount to make the undisbursed amount of the Loan or the
      undisbursed portion thereof under the cost category in question
      sufficient to pay for the entire balance of the costs of completing
      the construction of the DSN Plant or the entire balance of the costs
      in such cost category, but only if such work has been performed and
      materials have been provided.
                  (e)   Limitations on Disbursements.  Disbursements of
      Loan proceeds shall be made by Lender only to defray costs actually
      incurred by Borrower and in accordance with the Disbursement
      Schedule.  Disbursements on account of the direct costs of
      constructing the DSN Plant shall be limited to the lesser of (i) the
      actual cost to Borrower of work and labor performed on the DSN Plant
      and materials incorporated into the DSN Plant or suitably stored at
      the DSN Plant Location or (ii) the actual value (as determined by
      Lender in its reasonable discretion) of said work and labor performed
      and materials stored; disbursements on account of indirect or "soft"
      costs relating to the construction of the DSN Plant, the Loan, the
      preparation of the Plans and Specifications, and all of the other
      transactions contemplated hereby shall be limited to the actual
      amounts of such costs as indicated by invoices, statements, vouchers,
      receipts or other written evidence satisfactory to Lender.
                  (f)   Continuation and Date-Down Endorsements.  After
      recordation of the Leasehold Mortgage and as a condition precedent to
      each disbursement under the Loan after the initial advance, Borrower
      shall, at its own cost and expense, deliver or cause to be delivered
      to Lender from time to time such continuation and date-down
      endorsements to be attached to the Title Policy in form and substance
      satisfactory to Lender, as Lender deems necessary to insure the
      priority of the Leasehold Mortgage as a valid first priority lien on
      the DSN Plant Location and the DSN Plant as of the date of and
      including the amount covered by each such disbursement, and Borrower
      agrees to furnish to the title insurer such surveys and other
      information as are reasonably required by Lender or the title insurer
      to enable the title insurer to issue such endorsements to Lender.
                  (g)   Change Orders.  Borrower shall not permit any
      amendments or modifications of the Plans and Specifications, the
      Construction Contract or any subcontracts, or the performance of any
      work pursuant to such amendments or modifications, which individually
      exceed $250,000 or, when added to the cumulative amount of all net
      increases in the prices payable under the Construction Contract and
      all such subcontracts resulting from all such amendments and
      modifications theretofore permitted by Borrower, would result in a
      net increase in the total price payable under all such subcontracts
      in excess of $750,000.
                  (h)   Other General Conditions.  No Request for Advance
      will include (i) any amounts previously disbursed hereunder, (ii) any
      costs not approved, certified or verified as provided above,
      (iii) any costs for which payment reimbursement was previously
      requested by Borrower and for which proof of payment has been
      requested but not yet received by Lender, and/or (iv) any real estate
      taxes, mechanics' liens, security interests, claims or other charges
      against the Collateral, or any interest, fees or other costs which
      Borrower may have failed to pay in accordance with this Agreement or
      the other Loan Documents.  If Lender considers that its best interest
      and the best interest of the completion of the construction lies in
      accelerating the amounts to be advanced hereunder, it shall be
      entitled to do so, and no such advance shall be deemed to be a waiver
      of any condition contained herein.
            Section 2.3  Repayment of the Loan.  The Borrower promises to
  repay the Loan as follows:
                        (a)   During the Construction Period, monthly
      interest payments on outstanding principal balance of the Loan at the
      applicable rate set forth in Section 2.4 shall be paid to Lender
      commencing December 1, 1994 and on the first day of each month
                        (b)   The principal balance outstanding under the
      Note, and all accrued and unpaid interest, and all other Obligations
      owing under any of the Loan Documents shall be due and payable in
      full on the date on which the Construction Period terminates;
      provided, however, that if the Construction Period ends on the DSN
      Plant Completion Date, then the Loan shall be converted to a term
      Loan and shall be extended for a period (the "Term Out Period")
      commencing on the day immediately succeeding the last day of the
      Construction Period and ending on the date which is eight-four (84)
      months after such date, subject to the following terms and
             (i)        no uncured Default has occurred and is
            continuing, and no material adverse change in the business,
            financial condition or operations of Borrower, any Guarantor or
            EDC shall have occurred;
                      (ii)        any undisbursed Loan proceeds existing
            at the end of the Construction Period shall be cancelled, and
            Borrower shall have no further right to request or receive any
            further disbursements of Loan proceeds, provided, that this
            limitation shall not apply if Borrower demonstrates to Lender
            that additional conforming costs and expenses have been
            incurred in connection with the DSN Plant and Lender approves
            such additional costs and expenses for payment from such
            undisbursed Loan Proceeds prior to the commencement of the Term
            Out Period;
                      (iii)       Lender shall have determined, based
            upon an appraisal of the DSN Plant conducted at Borrower's sole
            expense by an independent appraiser selected by Lender, that
            the Fair Market Value of the DSN Plant and the Equipment equals
            or exceeds the outstanding principal balance of the Loan.  This
            shall be performed and completed not later than January 1,
                      (iv)        LSB and certain of its subsidiaries
            shall have entered into a new $75,000,000 credit facility with
            BankAmerica Business Credit or affiliate thereof on terms and
            conditions reasonably acceptable to Lender;
                       (v)        commencing on the first day of the
            first month which begins not less than 31 days after the last
            day of the Construction Period and thereafter on the first day
            of each subsequent month, Borrower shall pay to Lender during
            the Term Out Period in eighty-four (84) consecutive, equal
            monthly payments of principal and interest, calculated by fully
            amortizing the outstanding principal balance of the Loan as of
            the commencement of the Term Out Period over an 84-month period
            at the applicable interest rate set forth in Section 2.4; and 
                      (vi)        the principal balance outstanding under
            the Note, and all accrued and unpaid interest not sooner paid
            when due under the Note, and all other Obligations of Borrower
            owing under any and all of the Loan Documents, shall due and
            payable in full on the last day of the Term Out Period.
                        (c)   In the event the Loan is not converted to a
      term Loan because Borrower has chosen to finance the DSN Plant with a
      lender other than Lender, not due to any default by Lender, then in
      addition to all other sums owing on the date on which the
      Construction Period ends, Borrower shall pay to Bank a termination
      fee equal to five percent (5%) of the outstanding principal balance
      of the Loan as of the date on which the Construction Period ends.
  The Borrower's obligation to pay all amounts payable hereunder is absolute
  and unconditional and shall not be affected by any circumstance of any
  character whatsoever, including (i) any setoff, counterclaim, recoupment,
  defense, abatement or reduction or any right which the Borrower may have
  against the Lender, the manufacturer or supplier of any of the Equipment or
  anyone else for any reason whatsoever; (ii) the invalidity, enforceability
  or disaffirmance of this Agreement or any other Loan Document related
  hereto; or (iii) the prohibition of or interference with the use or
  possession-by the Borrower of all or any part of the DSN Plant Location or
  the Equipment, for any reason whatsoever.
            Section 2.4  Interest Charges.  During the Construction Period,
  the outstanding principal balance of the Loan shall bear interest at a rate
  per annum equal to the Libor Rate plus 3.10%.  During the Term Out Period,
  the outstanding principal balance of the Loan shall bear interest at a per
  annum rate equal to the Treasury Rate plus 2.70%.  In each instance,
  interest shall be calculated on the basis of a 360-day year consisting of
  twelve 30-day months.
            Section 2.5  Late Charge Rate.  In the event the Borrower fails
  to pay any amount hereunder when due, the amount due shall bear charges
  thereon calculated at the Late Charge Rate.  At any time when any Event of
  Default has occurred, irrespective of any cure periods, and continues for
  over ten (10) days, the Borrower will pay interest on the Loan at the Late
  Charge Rate.
            Section 2.6  Maximum Interest.  In no event shall the interest
  charged with respect to the Obligations exceed the maximum amount permitted
  under applicable law.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein or
  elsewhere, if at any time the rate of interest called for hereunder or
  under the Note or other Loan Document (the "Stated Rate") exceeds the
  highest rate of interest permissible under any applicable law (the "Maximum
  Lawful Rate"), then for so long as the Maximum Lawful Rate would be so
  exceeded, the rate of interest payable shall be equal to the Maximum Lawful
  Rate; provided, however, that if at any time thereafter the Stated Rate is
  less than the Maximum Lawful Rate, the Borrower shall, to the extent
  permitted by law, continue to pay interest at the Maximum Lawful Rate until
  such time as the total interest received by the Lender is equal to the
  total interest which the Lender would have received had the Stated Rate
  been (but for the operation of this provision) the interest rate payable. 
  Thereafter, the interest rate payable shall be the Stated Rate unless and
  until the Stated Rate again exceeds the Maximum Lawful Rate, in which event
  this provision shall again apply.
            Section 2.7  Expenses.  The Borrower agrees to pay on demand
  all reasonable out of pocket costs and expenses (including reasonable
  legal, appraisal, accounting, auditing and similar fees) incurred at any
  time, before or after the Obligations are paid in full, in connection with
  (i) the enforcement, attempted enforcement, amendment or termination of
  this Agreement or any of the other Loan Documents, the performance of any
  of the Borrower's duties under this Agreement and the other Loan Documents
  or any exercise by Lender of its rights and remedies under this Agreement
  or any other of the Loan Documents, including in connection with a
  reorganization or bankruptcy reorganization of the Borrower or any
  Affiliate; (ii) the filing or recordation of all documents or instruments
  relating to the Collateral; (iii) realizing upon or protecting any
  Collateral and enforcing and collecting any Obligations or guaranty
  thereof; and (iv) any Default or Event of Default.  The Borrower also
  agrees to reimburse the Lender, on the Funding Date, for its legal fees for
  outside counsel plus any appraisal fees, recording and search fees and
  related expenses, including travel and other out of pocket expenses of the
  Lender's agents and its counsel, incurred by it in connection with the
  preparation, negotiation, execution, closing and delivery of the Loan
            Section 2.8  Prepayment.  No prepayment of the Loan shall be
  permitted during the Construction Period or prior to the date which is
  forty-two (42) months after the date on which the Term Out Period begins. 
  Thereafter, provided no Default has occurred and is continuing, the
  Borrower may prepay the Loan in whole, but not in part, on the first day of
  any month, upon at least thirty (30) Business Days' prior written notice to
  the Lender.  Such prepayment of the Loan shall be accompanied by the
  payment of all principal, all accrued but unpaid interest on the Loan to
  the date of prepayment and all outstanding and unpaid costs, fees and
  expenses.  In addition, the prepayment of the Loan shall be made with a
  prepayment fee in an amount equal to the greater of (a) two percent (2.0%)
  of the outstanding principal balance of the Loan being prepaid, or (b) the
  excess, if any, of (i) the present value of the principal and interest
  payments which would have been payable during the remainder of the Term Out
  Period in the absence of the prepayment, using a discount rate equal to one
  percent (1.0%) plus the yield to maturity, as of the Third Business Day
  prior to the date on which the prepayment is made, on U.S. Treasury
  Securities having a remaining term to maturity closest to the remaining
  average life of the Loan, as such yield to maturity is reported on page 5
  ("U.S. Treasury and Money Markets") of the information ordinarily provided
  by Telerate Systems Incorporated, over (ii) the principal amount being
            Section 2.9  Conditions of Lending.  The obligation of the
  Lender to make the initial and any subsequent advance under the Loan is
  subject to the prior satisfaction (or waiver in writing and signed by
  Lender in its sole discretion) of each of the following conditions
                  (a)   Representations and Warranties.  The
      representations and warranties made by the Borrower and the
      Guarantors in the Loan Documents and any certificate, document or
      financial or other written statement furnished at any time under or
      in connection herewith shall be true and correct in all material
      respects on and as of the date given and on and as of the date of the
      Funding Date as if made on and as of such date and otherwise in
      exactly the same language.
                  (b)   Compliance.  The Borrower shall have complied and
      shall then be in compliance with all the terms, covenants and
      conditions of the Loan Documents.
                  (c)   No Default.  No Default shall have occurred and be
                  (d)   No Material Adverse Change.  No material adverse
      change shall have occurred with respect to the business, financial
      condition or operations of the Borrower since the financial statement
      of LSB dated December 31, 1993 and the Lender shall have received a
      certificate from the Chief Executive Officer of the Borrower to that
      effect; and no material adverse change shall have occurred with
      respect to the business, financial condition or operations of EDC or
      any Guarantor, as may be determined by Lender in the exercise of its
      reasonable discretion.
                  (e)   Delivery of Documents.  Each of the Loan Documents,
      the Ground Lease, the DSN Plant Equipment Lease and the Ground
      Sublease shall have been executed and delivered to the Lender in form
      and substance satisfactory to the Lender and shall be in full force
      and effect.
                  (f)   No Change In Law.  No change in state or federal
      law shall have been enacted or proposed which would make the Loan
      unlawful to the Lender.
                  (g)   Review of Real Property Records.  Prior to the
      initial advance the Lender shall have reviewed and approved the real
      property records and encumbrances relating to the DSN Plant Location,
      including the Ground Lease and the Ground Sublease.
                  (h)   Landlord/Mortgagee Waivers.  Prior to the initial
      advance the Borrower shall have provided to the Lender such
      Landlord/Mortgagee Waivers, in form, substance and number as may be
      reasonably required by the Lender.
                  (i)   Mortgage and Title Insurance.  Prior to the initial
      advance, the Lender shall have received the Leasehold Mortgage
      encumbering Borrower's interest under the Ground Lease and the Ground
      Sublease, in form and priority as may be acceptable to the Lender in
      its sole discretion, and the Leasehold Mortgage shall have been
      recorded and any recording fees and any Arkansas intangible recording
      tax shall have been paid in full.  The Lender shall also have
      received an ALTA lender's policy of title insurance, issued by a
      title insurer acceptable to Lender, in form, amount and with such
      priority and endorsements as the Lender may reasonably require,
             (i)        Coverage against mechanics' liens;
                      (ii)        An endorsement insuring the continuing
            priority of subsequent advances;
                      (iii)       A single tax parcel endorsement; and
                      (iv)        Proof that all real estate taxes for
            the Premises due and owing as of the Closing Date have been
                  (j)   Opinions of Counsel.  Prior to the initial advance
      the Lender shall have received an opinion of legal counsel for
      Borrower, LSB, LSBC and EDC, in form and substance satisfactory to
      the Lender and its counsel, which opinion will include, among other
      things, opinions affirming the Borrower's authority to enter into
      this Agreement, the perfection and priority of the Security Interest,
      LSB's and LSBC's authority to enter into the Guaranties and EDC's
      authority to enter into the DSN Plant Equipment Lease and the Ground
      Lease, the Ground Sublease, and the enforceability of the Loan
                  (k)   Environmental Compliance.  Not later than ten (10)
      days prior to the initial advance, the Lender shall have received and
      found satisfactory an environmental report on the DSN Plant location
      in form acceptable to the Lender.  Subject to Borrower's
      environmental representations and warranties, Lender acknowledges
      that an acceptable report has been received by Lender.
                  (l)   Bond.  The Bonding Company shall have named Lender
      as an additional insured.
                  (m)   Consultant's Construction Report.  Lender shall
      have received a report from the Construction Consultant regarding
      such matters as Lender may reasonably request.
                  (n)   Permits.  Lender and the Construction Consultant
      shall have received evidence that Borrower has obtained all necessary
      governmental approvals, permits and other approvals (or no impediment
      exists to them being timely obtained) for completion and operation of
      the DSN Plant and other improvements to be constructed pursuant to
      the Plans and Specifications, including building, site plan, and such
      other permits or approvals as are requested by Lender, and that all
      such permits and approvals are or are expected to be in full force
      and effect, with no appeal of the granting of any thereof having been
                  (o)   Contractor's Consents.  Lender shall receive a
      complete copy of the fully executed Contractor's Consents, if any,
      which shall permit assignment thereof to Lender and its successors
      and assigns and shall recognize Lender as a permitted assignee of
      such Construction Contract.
                  (p)   UCC Searches.  Prior to the initial advance Lender
      shall have received UCC searches for Oklahoma and Arkansas reflecting
      Lender's first priority lien in the personal property Collateral.
                  (q)   Loan Fee and Expenses.  The Borrower shall have
      paid in full the up front fee referenced in Section 2.12 hereof and,
      from the initial funding, the expenses referenced in Section 2.7
                  (r)   Certificate of Good Standing and Tax Clearances. 
      Prior to the initial advance the Lender shall have received certified
      copies indicating the Borrower is in good standing under the laws of
      its state of incorporation and qualified to do business in the states
      where it does business and such tax clearance certificates as may be
      required by the Lender.
                  (s)   Proceedings.  All proceedings and actions shall
      have been taken in connection with the transactions contemplated by
      this Agreement, and all documents contemplated in connection herewith
      shall be satisfactory in form and substance to the Lender and its
                  (t)   Evidence of Insurance.  Prior to the initial
      advance the Lender shall receive evidence of all insurance required
      by the terms of this Agreement and the Loan Documents.
                  (u)   Termination of Liens.  Prior to the initial advance
      the Lender shall have received duly executed UCC termination
      statements and other instruments in form and substance satisfactory
      to the Lender, as shall be necessary to terminate and satisfy any
      Liens on the Collateral except for Permitted Liens.
                  (v)   Certificate of Incumbency of Borrower.  Prior to
      the initial advance Lender shall have received a certificate of
      incumbency of Borrower signed by the Borrower's Secretary or
      Assistant Secretary, which certificate shall certify the names of the
      officers of the Borrower authorized to execute any Loan Documents and
      any other related documents on behalf of Borrower, together with the
      signatures of such officers, and Lender may conclusively rely on such
      certificate until receipt of a further certificate of the Secretary
      or Assistant Secretary of Borrower cancelling or amending the prior
      certificate and submitting the signatures of the officers named in
      such further certificate. 
                  (w)   Resolutions of Borrower.  Prior to the initial
      advance Lender shall have received a certified copy of all corporate
      proceedings of Borrower evidencing that all action required to be
      taken in connection with the authorization, execution, delivery, and
      performance of this Agreement, the other Loan Documents, the Lease
      and the DSN Plant Equipment Lease, and the transactions contemplated
      hereby and thereby, has been duly taken.
                  (x)   Certificate of Incumbency of Each Guarantor.  Prior
      to the initial advance Lender shall have received a certificate of
      incumbency of each Guarantor signed by such Guarantor's Secretary or
      Assistant Secretary, which certificate shall certify the names of the
      officers of such Guarantor authorized to execute the Guaranty and any
      other related documents on behalf of such Guarantor, together with
      the signatures of such officers, and Lender may conclusively rely on
      such certificate until receipt of a further certificate of the
      Secretary or Assistant Secretary of such Guarantor cancelling of
      amending the prior certificate and submitting the signatures of the
      officers named in such further certificate.
                  (y)   Resolutions of Each Guarantor.  Prior to the
      initial advance Lender shall have received a certified copy of all
      corporate proceedings of each Guarantor evidencing that all action
      required to be taken in connection with the authorization, execution,
      delivery and performance of the Guaranty to be executed by such
      Guarantor, and the transactions contemplated thereby, has been duly
                  (z)   References.  Prior to the initial advance Lender
      shall have received, reviewed and found satisfactory bank and
      customer references for EDC and each Guarantor.
                  (aa)  $75,000,000 Credit Facility.  Prior to the initial
      advance, LSB and certain of its subsidiaries shall have received and
      accepted an executed commitment to lend, and shall be in the process
      of completing a new $75,000,000 credit facility with BankAmerica
      Business Credit or affiliate thereof on terms and conditions
      reasonably acceptable to Lender.
                  (ab)  Other Required Documentation.  Borrower shall
      execute and/or deliver such other documents, instruments, agreements
      or items as Lender may reasonably require.
            Section 2.10  Place and Form of Payments.  Unless the Lender
  otherwise directs in writing, all payments and prepayments permitted or
  required by any Loan Document shall be made in immediately available funds
  and not later than the time necessary for good funds to be credited on the
  same day received at the Lender's account in accordance with the
  instructions annexed hereto as Rider 2.10 or to such other location as the
  Lender shall hereafter designate to the Borrower in writing.  Whenever any
  payment is stated to be due on a day other than a Business Day, such
  payment shall be made on the next succeeding Business Day, and such
  extension of time shall be included in the computation of interest or fees.
            Section 2.11  Hold Back.  Lender will hold back construction
  fund advances in an amount of $2,500,000 until such time as Lender shall
  have determined, based upon an appraisal of the DSN Plant performed at
  Borrower's sole cost and expense by an independent appraiser selected by
  Lender, that the Fair Market Value of the DSN Plant is at least equal to
            Section 2.12  Commitment Fee.  In consideration of the Lender's
  commitment to enter into this Agreement, the Mixed Acid Plant Loan
  Documents and the Rail Car Loan Documents, the Borrower acknowledges that
  the Lender has previously received a non-refundable fee in the amount of
  $124,950, paid in connection with the Lender's proposal and commitment.
                                  ARTICLE 3
                        SECURITY FOR THE OBLIGATIONS
            Section 3.1  Grant of Security Interest.  As collateral
  security for the prompt and due payment and performance of the Obligations
  and all Indebtedness of Borrower to Lender under the Mixed Acid Plant Loan
  Documents and the Rail Car Loan Documents, the Borrower hereby assigns to
  the Lender and grants to the Lender a continuing lien on and security
  interest in all of the Borrower's right, title and interest in and to the
  following property, present or future, tangible or intangible, now owned or
  existing or hereafter acquired or arising:
                  (a)   All documents, instruments, rentals and other
      rights to payment relating to the DSN Plant, the DSN Plant Equipment
      Lease, the Ground Lease, the Ground Sublease and the Consulting
      Agreement and all other agreements, contracts, chattel paper,
      contract rights, rights to payment and insurance policies and surety
      bonds relating thereto, and the Plans and Specifications and all
      Construction Contracts, and all proceeds of all of the foregoing;
                  (b)   All general intangibles, trade secrets, computer
      programs, software, customer lists, trademarks, trade names, patents,
      licenses, copyrights, technology, processes, proprietary information,
      and insurance proceeds relating to the DSN Plant;
                  (c)   All books and records, including books of account
      and ledgers of every kind and nature, all electronically recorded
      data relating to Borrower or the business thereof, all receptacles
      and containers for such records, and all files and correspondence
      relating to the DSN Plant;
                  (d)   All Equipment, goods, including all inventory,
      machinery, tools, molds, dies, furniture, furnishings, fixtures,
      trade fixtures, motor vehicles and all other goods used in connection
      with or in the conduct of Borrower's business relating to the
      DSN Plant;
                  (e)   All accessions, appurtenances, components, repairs,
      repair parts, spare parts, replacements, substitutions, additions,
      issue and/or improvements to or of or with respect to any of the
                  (f)   All rights, remedies, powers and/or privileges of
      Borrower with respect to any of the foregoing; and
                  (g)   Any and all Proceeds and products of any of the
      foregoing, including all money, rentals, accounts, general
      intangibles, deposit accounts, documents, instruments, chattel paper,
      goods, insurance proceeds, and any other tangible or intangible
      property received upon the sale or disposition of any of the
  Except in the ordinary or normal course of its operations in Section 7.6
  herein, Borrower has no right to dispose of or sell any of the
  above-described Collateral.
            Section 3.2  Continuing Obligation.  Except with respect to
  those Permitted Liens and those liens which by law are accorded a first
  priority, the Borrower shall take all action necessary to grant the Lender
  a valid first priority lien on and security interest in all Collateral on
  the Funding Date, and to maintain at all times the validity,
  enforceability, perfection and first priority of the Security Interest. 
  Until the Obligations are fully paid and satisfied, the Borrower will at
  all times do, make, execute, deliver, record, register or file all such
  financing statements, fixture filings, deeds of trust, mortgages,
  assignments, certificates, charges, instruments, acts, pledges, assignments
  and transfers (or cause the same to be done) and will deliver to the Lender
  such instruments constituting or evidencing the Collateral, as the Lender
  may request, to assure, continue or establish the validity, enforceability,
  perfection and first priority (except for Permitted Liens) of the Security
  Interest.  To the extent permitted by applicable law, the Borrower hereby
  authorizes the Lender to:  (i) sign Borrower's name and on behalf of such
  Borrower to execute and file mortgages, deeds of trust, financing
  statements, and notices of lien necessary to protect or perfect the
  security interest granted herein in any or all of the Collateral and
  (ii) file a carbon, photocopy or other reproduction of this Agreement or
  any of the other Loan Documents as a financing statement in each case which
  the Lender, in its discretion, deems necessary or desirable to perfect or
  maintain the perfection of the Security Interest.
                                  ARTICLE 4
            Section 4.1  The Equipment.  The Borrower, at its own cost and
  expense, will keep, or cause EDC to keep, the Equipment in good operating
  condition and repair, except for normal wear and tear, and will not waste
  or destroy, or allow EDC to waste or destroy, such Equipment, or any part
  thereof, or be negligent in the care and use thereof and will make all
  necessary replacements thereof and repairs thereto.  The Borrower shall
  promptly inform the Lender of any material additions to such Equipment and
  of any material loss, damage, or destruction of such Equipment.  The
  Borrower will not permit any Equipment to become a fixture to any real
  property or an accession to any other personal property, unless the Lender
  has a first priority perfected Security Interest in such real or personal
  property or has been provided with such waivers or consents as the Lender
  may reasonably require.  The Borrower shall, promptly upon the Lender's
  request, deliver to Lender any and all evidence of ownership of such
            Section 4.2  No Lender Liability.  The Lender shall have no
  duty of care with respect to any Collateral unless and until it takes the
  same into its own possession or control.  The Lender shall be deemed to
  have satisfied its duty of due care with respect to Collateral in its
  custody and control if it accords to such Collateral treatment
  substantially equal to the treatment the Lender accords its own property,
  or if the Lender takes such action with respect to the Collateral as the
  Borrower requests in writing, but no failure to comply with any such
  request nor any omission to do any such act requested by the Borrower shall
  be presumptively deemed, from that failure or omission, an absence of
  reasonable care.  The Lender shall not be responsible or liable for any
  shortage, discrepancy, damage, loss or destruction of any part of the
  Collateral wherever the same may be located and regardless of the cause
  thereof, unless caused by the Lender's gross negligence or willful
  misconduct.  The Lender does not, by anything contained herein or in any
  other Loan Document or otherwise, assume any obligation of the Borrower
  under the Ground Lease, the Ground Sublease, or the DSN Plant Equipment
  Lease or any other contract or agreement assigned to Lender or in which
  Lender is granted a security interest, and the Lender shall not be
  responsible in any way for the performance by the Borrower of any of the
  terms and conditions thereof.
            Section 4.3  Use of Equipment; Identification.
                  (a)   The Borrower shall use the Equipment in a careful
      and proper manner, will comply with and conform to all governmental
      laws, rules and regulations relating thereto, and will cause the
      Equipment to be operated properly or in substantial accordance with
      the manufacturer's or supplier's instructions or manuals and only by
      competent and duly qualified personnel.
                  (b)   The Borrower shall not move any of the Equipment
      from the DSN Plant Location without the prior written consent of CIT.
                  (c)   Upon Lender's written request and at the Borrower's
      sole expense, the Borrower shall attach to each item of Equipment a
      notice satisfactory to Lender disclosing Lender's security interest
      in such item of Equipment.
                                  ARTICLE 5
            To induce the Lender to enter into this Agreement and to make
  the Loan, the Borrower represents and warrants to the Lender as set forth
  below.  The representations and warranties of the Borrower contained in
  this Article V and otherwise herein and in any other Loan Document shall
  remain operative and in full force and effect regardless of any
  investigation made by or on behalf of the Lender and shall survive the
  execution and delivery of this Agreement and the other Loan Documents and
  the making of the Loan.
            Section 5.1  Organization and Qualification.  The Borrower is
  duly incorporated and organized and is validly existing as a corporation in
  good standing under the laws of the State of Oklahoma, with all power
  (corporate or otherwise) to own or lease and operate the DSN Plant and its
  other properties and assets and to carry on its business in the manner in
  which such business is now conducted.  The Borrower is duly licensed and
  qualified to do business and is in good standing in the state of Arkansas
  and in every other state where failure to be so licensed or qualified and
  in good standing would have a material adverse effect on its business,
  properties or assets.
            Section 5.2  Concerning the Loan Documents.  The Borrower has
  the power to authorize, execute and deliver the Loan Documents to which
  Borrower is a party, to incur and perform its Obligations hereunder and
  thereunder, and, as applicable, to grant the Security Interest.  The
  Borrower has duly taken all necessary corporate action to authorize the
  execution, delivery and performance of such Loan Documents, and no consent,
  approval or authorization of, or declaration or filing with, any
  governmental or other public body, or any other Person (including without
  limitation any stockholders, trustees or holders of Indebtedness of the
  Borrower), is required in connection with such authorization, execution,
  delivery and performance by the Borrower or the consummation of the
  transactions contemplated hereby or thereby.  Such Loan Documents have been
  duly authorized, executed and delivered by or on behalf of the Borrower,
  and constitute the legal, valid and binding Obligations of the Borrower and
  are enforceable against the Borrower in accordance with their respective
            Section 5.3  Guaranties.  Each Guarantor has the power to
  authorize, execute and deliver its Guaranty and to incur and perform its
  obligations under its Guaranty.  Each Guarantor has duly taken all
  necessary corporate action to authorize the execution, delivery and
  performance of its Guaranty, and no consent, approval or authorization of,
  or declaration or filing with, any governmental or other public body, or
  any other Person (including without limitation any stockholders, trustees
  or holders of Indebtedness of such Guarantor), is required in connection
  with such authorization, execution, delivery and performance by such
  Guarantor.  Each Guarantor's Guaranty has been duly authorized, executed
  and delivered by or on behalf of such Guarantor, and constitutes the legal
  valid and binding obligations of such Guarantor and is enforceable against
  such Guarantor in accordance with its terms.
            Section 5.4  Equipment.  All Equipment is in good operating
  order and condition and repair, except for ordinary wear and tear, is used
  or useful in the business of the Borrower and is readily moveable without
  harm or damage.  The invoices previously delivered to the Lender by the
  Borrower respecting the Equipment are genuine, true and accurate, and the
  descriptions and locations of the Equipment set forth in the Disclosure
  Schedule are true, complete and accurate.
            Section 5.5  The DSN Plant.  Construction of the DSN Plant is
  in full compliance with all requirements of the DSN Plant Equipment Lease
  and the Ground Lease; the description of the DSN Plant Location in Exhibit
  "C," and the description of the Ground Lease, the Ground Sublease and the
  DSN Plant Equipment Lease in Article 1 above is accurate and complete.  The
  Ground Lease, the Ground Sublease and the DSN Plant Equipment Lease are
  valid and enforceable in accordance with their respective terms and are in
  full force and effect.  Neither the Borrower nor any other party to the
  Ground Lease, the Ground Sublease or the DSN Plant Equipment Lease is in
  default of its obligations thereunder or has delivered or received any
  notice of default under the Lease or the Equipment Lease (as applicable)
  which default has not been waived or cured.
            Section 5.6  Title to the DSN Plant and Equipment; Security
  Interest.  Except for the Security Interest and Permitted Liens and all
  items set forth in the Title Policy, under the Ground Lease and subject to
  the right of quiet enjoyment under the Ground Sublease and the DSN Plant
  Equipment Lease, the Borrower has good, and merchantable title to the DSN
  Plant and all Equipment and other Collateral, and neither the DSN Plant nor
  any of such Equipment nor any other Collateral is or will be subject to any
  Lien.   The provisions of the Loan Documents create legal, valid and
  enforceable security interests in and liens on the DSN Plant and all
  Equipment and other Collateral, and the Loan Documents and such UCC and
  real property filings create a perfected and continuing first priority
  security interest upon the DSN Plant and all the Equipment and other
  Collateral securing the Obligations, and are enforceable against the
  Borrower and all third parties.
            Section 5.7  Financial Condition.  The Borrower has furnished
  to the Lender LSB's consolidated and consolidating financial statements as
  of December 31, 1993, accompanied by the report of LSB's independent
  certified public accountants, which statements present fairly in all
  material respects the consolidated and consolidating financial position of
  LSB and its consolidated Affiliates as of the date thereof.  Such financial
  statements have been prepared in accordance with GAAP.  From the date of
  such financial statements to the date of the execution of this Agreement,
  there has not been any material adverse change from the financial condition
  reflected in such financial statements or in the Borrower's business or
  condition since the date thereof.  As of the date hereof, the Borrower has
  no direct or contingent material liabilities which are not provided for or
  reflected in such financial statements.
            Section 5.8  Litigation.  There are no actions, suits,
  proceedings or investigations pending or, to the knowledge of the Borrower,
  threatened against or affecting the Borrower or EDC as it may affect the
  Ground Lease, the Ground Sublease or the DSN Plant Equipment Lease, nor to
  the knowledge of Borrower is there any basis therefor on the date of this
            Section 5.9  Disclosure.  No representation or warranty made by
  the Borrower hereunder and no written information, exhibit, report,
  document or certificate furnished by or on behalf of the Borrower or any
  Affiliate to the Lender in connection with this Agreement, contained or
  will contain, as of its date or as of the Funding Date, any material mis-
  statement of fact or omits, as of its date, to state a material fact or any
  fact necessary to make the statements contained therein not misleading. 
  There is no fact known to the Borrower that materially adversely affects or
  that, insofar as the Borrower can now reasonably foresee, may materially
  adversely affect, the condition, financial or otherwise, operations,
  properties or prospects of the Borrower and Affiliates, or the ability of
  the Borrower to carry out its Obligations under any Loan Document.
            Section 5.10  Tax Returns and Payments.  The Borrower has filed
  all federal, state and local tax returns and other reports which it was
  required by law to file on or prior to the date hereof and has paid all
  taxes, assessments, fees and other governmental charges and penalties and
  interest, if any, payable against it or its property, income or franchise,
  that are due and payable, and Borrower does not have any knowledge of any
  actual or proposed deficiency or additional assessment in connection
  therewith.  The charges, accruals and reserves on the books of Borrower in
  respect of federal, state and local taxes for all open years, and for the
  current fiscal year, make adequate provision for all unpaid tax liabilities
  for such periods.
            Section 5.11  Compliance with Other Instruments.  Neither the
  Borrower nor EDC is in violation of any material term or provision of its
  certificate of incorporation or by-laws, or of any material mortgage,
  indenture, contract, agreement, instrument, or other undertaking to which
  the Borrower or EDC is a party or which purports to be binding on Borrower
  or EDC, or any of the assets of Borrower or EDC (including the Ground
  Lease, the Ground Sublease and the DSN Plant Equipment Lease), or, except
  as disclosed to Lender pursuant to Section 5.14 hereof, of any judgment,
  decree, order or any material statute, rule or governmental regulation
  applicable to it.  The execution, delivery and performance of this
  Agreement and the other Loan Documents do not and will not violate or
  otherwise conflict with any such term or provision or result in the
  creation of any security interest, lien, charge or encumbrance upon any of
  the Collateral, except the Security Interest.
            Section 5.12  Pension Plans.  The Borrower has not participated
  in any "prohibited transactions", as defined in Section 4975 of the
  Internal Revenue Code, that could subject the Borrower to any tax or
  penalty imposed by said Section 4975 (other than prohibited transactions
  that have been "corrected", as defined in said Section 4975).  Since the
  effective date of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as
  from time to time amended ("ERISA"), the Borrower has not incurred any
  "accumulated funding deficiency", as such term is defined in Section 302 of
  ERISA (other than any accumulated funding deficiency that has been
  "corrected", as defined in Section 4971(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code.
            Section 5.13  Labor Relations.  To the best knowledge of
  Borrower after due inquiry, Borrower and EDC are in material compliance
  with the Fair Labor Standards Act with respect to the DSN Plant.  To the
  best knowledge of Borrower after due inquiry, neither the Borrower nor EDC,
  with respect to the DSN Plant, is engaged in any unfair labor practice.  To
  the best knowledge of Borrower after due inquiry, there are:  (i) no unfair
  labor practice complaints pending or, to the best knowledge of the
  Borrower, threatened against the Borrower or EDC and no grievance or
  arbitration proceedings arising out of or under collective bargaining
  agreements are so pending or, to the best knowledge of the Borrower,
  threatened; (ii) no strikes, work stoppages or controversies pending or
  threatened between the Borrower or EDC and any of their employees (other
  than employee grievances arising in the ordinary course of business); and
  (iii) no union representation questions exist with respect to the employees
  of the Borrower or EDC and no union organizing activities taking place
  which would have a material adverse effect on the financial condition,
  results of operations or business of the Borrower or EDC; 
            Section 5.14  Environmental Laws.  Except as disclosed by
  Borrower to Lender by delivery to Lender of copies of documents publicly
  filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, a report of the Arkansas
  Department of Pollution and Control and Ecology to EDC dated July 18, 1994,
  an environmental report of Woodward Clyde regarding the DSN Plant Location,
  and correspondence from Borrower and Affiliates regarding the DSN Plant
  Location (all collectively referred to as "Environmental Disclosure
  Documents"), to the best knowledge of Borrower after due inquiry, as of the
  date hereof (a) the operations of the Borrower or EDC (with respect to the
  DSN Plant) comply in all material respects with all applicable
  Environmental Laws; (b) none of the operations of the Borrower or EDC (with
  respect to the DSN Plant) is subject to any judicial or administrative
  proceeding alleging the violation of any Environmental Laws; (c) none of
  the operations of the Borrower or EDC (with respect to the DSN Plant) is
  the subject of federal or state investigation evaluating whether any
  remedial action is needed to respond to a release of any Hazardous
  Substance into the environment; (d) neither the Borrower nor EDC (with
  respect to the DSN Plant) has filed any notice under any federal or state
  law indicating past or present treatment, storage or disposal of a
  Hazardous Substance or reporting a spill or release of a Hazardous
  Substance into the environment; and (e) neither the Borrower nor EDC (with
  respect to the DSN Plant) has any known material contingent liability in
  connection with any release of any Hazardous Substance into the
  environment.  The materiality standard used in this Section 5.14 shall be
  exceeded if the facts giving rise to a breach or breaches of the
  representations or warranties contained herein might result in liability in
  excess of $1,000,000 in the aggregate.
            Section 5.15  Trade Names.  Other than as disclosed on the
  Disclosure Schedule, the Borrower, during the past five years, has not used
  any corporate name other than its present corporate name (which is set
  forth in the introductory paragraph of this Agreement) and has not been
  known by or used any fictitious, trade or "doing business" name.
            Section 5.16  Subsidiaries.  The Disclosure Schedule contains a
  correct and complete list of the name and relationship to the Borrower of
  each and all of the Borrower's Subsidiaries, if any, and the location of
  the chief executive office of each Subsidiary.
            Section 5.17  Loans and Affiliate Payments.  The Disclosure
  Schedule fully and completely sets forth all notes and Indebtedness
  together with the amount and schedule of any material payments owed by
  Borrower to officers, directors, stockholders and Affiliates of Borrower.
            Section 5.18  Permits, Licenses.  Borrower possesses all
  material permits, franchises, contracts and licenses required and owns or
  has the right to use all trademarks, trade names, patents and fictitious
  name rights necessary to enable it to conduct the business in which it is
  engaged without conflict with the rights of others.
            Section 5.19  Broker's or Transaction Fees.  Borrower has no
  obligation to any Person for any finder's, broker's or investment banker's
  fee in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby.
            Section 5.20  Taxpayer ID No. and Chief Executive Office. 
  Borrower's taxpayer identification number is 731456545.  Borrower's chief
  executive office is located at 16 South Penn, Oklahoma City, OK 73107, and
  Borrower's principal place of business is located in Oklahoma City.
            Section 5.21  No Default.  No Default has occurred under this
                                  ARTICLE 6
                            AFFIRMATIVE COVENANTS
            The Borrower covenants and agrees that, so long as all or any
  portion of the Obligations remain unpaid or unsatisfied, it will, at its
  own cost and expense:
            Section 6.1  Financial and Other Information.  Promptly furnish
  to the Lender or its agents all such financial or other information as the
  Lender shall reasonably request, and, at the request of the Lender, notify
  its auditors and accountants that the Lender is authorized to obtain such
  information directly from them.  Without limitation of the foregoing, the
  Borrower will furnish to the Lender in such detail as the Lender shall
                  (a)   Not later than 120 days after the close of each
      Fiscal Year of the Borrower, unaudited balance sheets of the Borrower
      as at the end of such Fiscal Year and related unaudited statements of
      income, expense and retained earnings and statements of cash flow of
      the Borrower for such year, setting forth in each case in comparative
      form figures for the previous Fiscal Year, all in reasonable detail,
      fairly presenting in all material respects the financial position of
      the Borrower and the results of operations of the Borrower for the
      Fiscal Year then ended, and prepared in accordance with GAAP.  Such
      statements shall be accompanied by a certificate of the chief
      financial officer or chief accounting officer of Borrower.
                  (b)   Not later than 90 days after the close of each
      fiscal quarter of Borrower, unaudited balance sheets of the Borrower
      as at the end of such period, and unaudited statements of income and
      expense from the beginning of the Fiscal year to the end of each such
      period, for the Borrower, all in reasonable detail, fairly presenting
      in all material respects the financial position and results of
      operations of the Borrower, in each case, prepared in accordance with
      GAAP and consistent with the audited financial statements required
      pursuant to Section 6.1(e).  Such statements shall be accompanied by
      a certificate of the chief financial officer or accounting officer of
      Borrower stating that, based upon such examination or investigation
      as such officer shall have deemed necessary to enable him to render
      an informed opinion in respect thereof, to the best of his knowledge
      and belief the financial statements are materially correct and no
      Default exists under this Agreement and is continuing except for
      those, if any, described in such certificate in reasonable detail.
                  (c)   Not later than 120 days after the close of each
      Fiscal Year of EDC, audited consolidated and unaudited consolidating
      balance sheets of EDC and its consolidated Subsidiaries as at the end
      of such Fiscal Year and related audited consolidated and unaudited
      consolidating audited statements of income, expense and retained
      earnings and statements of cash flow of EDC and its consolidated
      Subsidiaries for such year, all in reasonable detail, fairly
      presenting in all material respects the financial position of EDC and
      its consolidated Subsidiaries and the results of operations of EDC
      and its consolidated Subsidiaries for the Fiscal Year then ended, and
      prepared in accordance with GAAP.  Such statements required hereunder
      shall be examined and accompanied by a report of independent
      certified public accountants which shall not contain any
      qualifications or exceptions as to scope.
                  (d)   Not later than 90 days after the close of each
      fiscal quarter of EDC, unaudited consolidated and consolidating
      balance sheets of EDC and its consolidated Subsidiaries as at the end
      of such period, and consolidated and consolidating statements of
      income and expense from the beginning of the Fiscal Year to the end
      of each such period, for EDC and its consolidated Subsidiaries, all
      in reasonable detail, fairly presenting in all material respects the
      consolidated and consolidating financial position and results of
      operations of EDC and its consolidated Subsidiaries, in each case,
      prepared in accordance with GAAP and consistent with the audited
      financial statements required pursuant to Section 6.1(c) above, and
      certified to be materially correct by the chief financial officer or
      the chief accounting officer of EDC.
                  (e)   Not later than 120 days after the close of each
      Fiscal Year of LSB, LSB's 10K Report filed with the Securities and
      Exchange Commission, the audited consolidated and unaudited
      consolidating balance sheets of LSB and its consolidated Affiliates
      as at the end of such Fiscal Year and related audited consolidated
      and unaudited consolidating statements of income, expense and
      retained earnings and audited statements of cash flow of LSB and its
      consolidated Affiliates for such year, setting forth in each case in
      comparative form figures for the previous Fiscal Year, all in reason-
      able detail, fairly presenting the financial position of LSB and its
      consolidated Affiliates and the results of operations of LSB and its
      consolidated Affiliates for the Fiscal Year then ended, and prepared
      in accordance with GAAP.  Such statements required hereunder shall be
      examined and accompanied by a report of independent certified public
      accountants which shall not contain any qualifications as to scope;
      and such report shall also be accompanied by a certificate of such
      accountants stating that in the course of performing their
      examination such accountants did not become aware of the existence of
      any default under this Agreement, except for those, if any, described
      in such certificate in reasonable detail.  In addition, the chief
      financial officer or accounting officer of LSB shall provide a
      certificate which shall also include a statement by such officer that
      no breach, default or event of default has occurred and is continuing
      under any document to which LSB or any consolidated Affiliate is a
      party that evidences any Indebtedness of LSB or any such Affiliate
      which exceeds, individually or together with any related
      Indebtedness, $5,000,000, or if any such breach, default or event of
      default has occurred, explaining the nature of such breach, default
      or event of default and the status thereof.  Such certificate shall
      also include a statement from such officer that LSB is in compliance
      with all covenants contained in this Agreement relating to the
      financial condition of LSB, and such statement shall be accompanied
      by the calculations of such financial covenants.
                  (f)   Not later than 90 days after the close of each
      fiscal quarter of LSB, LSB's 10Q Report filed with the Securities and
      Exchange Commission and the unaudited consolidated balance sheets of
      LSB and its consolidated Affiliates as at the end of such period, and
      unaudited consolidated statements of income and expense from the
      beginning of the Fiscal year to the end of each such period, for LSB
      and its consolidated Affiliates, all in reasonable detail, fairly
      presenting in all material respects the consolidated financial
      position and results of operations of LSB and Affiliates, in each
      case, prepared in accordance with GAAP and consistent with the
      audited financial statements required pursuant to Section 6.1(e)
      above.  Such statements shall be accompanied by a certificate of the
      chief financial officer or the chief accounting officer of LSB
      stating that, based upon such examination or investigation as such
      officer shall have deemed necessary to enable him to render an
      informed opinion in respect thereof, to the best of his knowledge and
      belief, such financial statements are materially correct and no
      Default under this Agreement exists and is continuing except for
      those, if any, described in such certificate in reasonable detail. 
      Such certificate shall also include a statement from such officer
      that LSB is in compliance with all financial covenants contained in
      this Agreement relating to the financial condition of LSB, and such
      statement shall be accompanied by the actual calculations of such
      financial covenants.
                  (g)   Promptly after the Borrower or any Affiliate
      receives the same, copies of management letters provided to the
      Borrower by its independent certified public accountants;
                  (h)   Promptly after their preparation, copies of any and
      all proxy statements, financial statements, and reports which the
      Borrower, or LSB or EDC sends to its shareholders or holders of its
      Indebtedness, and copies of any and all periodic special reports, as
      well as registration statements, filed by the Borrower, LSB or EDC
      with the Securities and Exchange Commission or similar State
                  (i)   Deliver to the Lender within 30 days of the end of
      each quarter, a compliance certificate signed by the Borrower's Chief
      Financial Officer or the Chief Accounting Officer certifying that the
      Borrower is in compliance with all of the terms and conditions of the
      Agreement and that no Default exists.
                  (j)   Such additional information as the Lender may from
      time to time reasonably request regarding the financial and business
      affairs of the Borrower or any Subsidiary or Guarantor and which are
      kept in the ordinary course of business.
            Section 6.2  Access.  At all reasonable times, and from time to
  time, permit the Lender or its agents to inspect the Collateral and to
  audit, examine and make extracts from or copies of any of its books,
  ledgers, reports, correspondence and other records.
            Section 6.3  Taxes.  Promptly pay and discharge all taxes,
  assessments and other governmental charges prior to the date on which same
  are past due, establish adequate reserves for the payment of such taxes,
  assessments and other governmental charges, make all required withholding
  and other tax deposits, and, upon request, provide the Lender with receipts
  or other proof that any or all of-such taxes, assessments or governmental
  charges have been paid in a timely fashion; provided, however, that nothing
  contained herein shall require the payment of any tax, assessment or other
  governmental charge so long as its validity is being contested in good
  faith and by appropriate proceedings diligently conducted.
            Section 6.4  Maintenance of Properties; Insurance.  At the
  Borrower's sole cost and expense, defend all Collateral against the claims
  or demands of all other parties; keep the Collateral in good operating
  condition and repair and in compliance with all laws (except normal wear
  and tear); and insure all Equipment, the DSN Plant and DSN Plant Location
  against risk, in coverage, form and amount satisfactory to the Lender with
  a carrier reasonably acceptable at all times to Lender with no greater
  deductible amount than $250,000 per occurrence.  Insurance on the
  Equipment, the DSN Plant and the DSN Plant Location shall be in an amount
  equal to the greater of the full replacement value thereof, or 100% of the
  outstanding balance of the Loan.  The Borrower shall also maintain
  (a) builder's all risk completed value hazard insurance covering 100% of
  the replacement cost of the DSN Plant and Equipment during the course of
  construction in the event of fire, lightning, windstorm, earthquake,
  vandalism, malicious mischief and all other risks normally covered by "all
  risk" policies in the area where the DSN Plant is located (including loss
  by flood if the DSN Plant is located in an area designated as subject to
  the danger of flood); (b) product liability insurance in an amount
  customary for the businesses conducted by the Borrower; and (c) general
  public liability insurance in an amount satisfactory to Lender, but in no
  event less than Fifteen Million Dollars ($15,000,000) per occurrence, for
  bodily injury and property damage.  The Borrower and EDC shall also
  maintain workers' compensation insurance in accordance with Borrower's and
  EDC's usual practices.  Each insurance policy shall be endorsed in favor of
  the Lender as additional loss payee in form and substance satisfactory to
  the Lender, and provide that any proceeds payable thereunder will be paid
  to the Borrower and the Lender as their interest may appear.  Each policy
  shall provide that if such insurance is cancelled for any reason
  whatsoever, or if any substantial change is made in the coverage which
  affects the Lender, or if such insurance is allowed to lapse for nonpayment
  of premium, such cancellation, change or lapse shall not be effective as to
  the Lender until 30 days after receipt by the Lender of written notice from
  the carrier thereof.  The Borrower hereby directs all insurers under such
  policies to pay all proceeds with respect to losses of Collateral to
  the Borrower and to Lender.  With respect to occurrences giving rise to
  insurance proceeds paid with respect to losses, the Lender shall, so long
  as no uncured Default exists, release such proceeds to the Borrower after
  receipt of evidence of satisfactory repair, replacement or reconstruction
  of the assets subject to such casualty.
            Section 6.5  Business.  Take all necessary steps to preserve
  its corporate existence and its right to conduct business in all state in
  which the nature of its business or the ownership of it property requires
  such qualification.
            Section 6.6  Compliance.  Use reasonable efforts to comply in
  all material respects with all applicable laws and duly observe all valid
  requirements of all applicable governmental authorities, including all
  statutes, rules and regulations relating to public and employee health and
  safety and social security and withholding taxes.  The Borrower may contest
  or dispute any taxes, assessments or impositions in good faith, so long as
  such contest or dispute does not result in the creation or incurring of any
  liens against the Lender's Collateral and the Borrower maintains adequate
  reserves as required under GAAP for the satisfaction of the disputed tax,
  assessment or imposition.
            Section 6.7  Litigation.  Except as disclosed in the
  Environmental Disclosure Documents referred to in Section 5.14, promptly
  notify the Lender in writing of any action, suit, proceeding, or
  counterclaim against, or of any investigation of, the Borrower, the DSN
  Plant Location or any of the Collateral, if:  (i) the outcome of such
  litigation, proceeding, counterclaim, or investigation would materially and
  adversely affect the Collateral or the finances or operations of Borrower
  or EDC; or (ii) such litigation, proceeding, counterclaim, or investigation
  questions the validity of this Agreement or any other Loan Document or any
  action taken or to be taken pursuant thereto.  Borrower shall furnish to
  the Lender such information regarding any such litigation, proceeding,
  counterclaim, or investigation as the Lender shall request.
            Section 6.8  Environmental Laws.
                  (a)   Except as disclosed in the Environmental Disclosure
      Documents referred to in Section 5.14, give written notice to Lender
      immediately upon receipt of any notice that (i) the operations of the
      Borrower or EDC with respect to the DSN Plant are not in material
      compliance with requirements of applicable Environmental Laws;
      (ii) the Borrower or EDC with respect to the DSN Plant is subject to
      federal or state investigation evaluating whether any remedial action
      is needed to respond to the release of any Hazardous Substance into
      the environment which would have a material adverse effect on
      Borrower; or (iii) any properties or assets of the Borrower or EDC
      with respect to the DSN Plant are subject to an Environmental Lien. 
      As used herein, "Environmental Lien" means a lien in favor of any
      governmental entity for (A) any liability under any Environmental
      Laws, or (B) damages arising from or costs incurred by such
      governmental entity in response to a release of a Hazardous Substance
      into the environment.
                  (b)   Except as disclosed in the Environmental Disclosure
      Documents referred to in Section 5.14, without limiting the
      generality of any of the Borrower's other covenants and agreements,
      the operations of the Borrower or EDC with respect to the DSN Plant
      shall at all times comply in all material respects with all
      applicable Environmental Laws.  The materiality standard used in this
      Section 6.8 shall be exceeded if the facts giving rise to a breach or
      breaches of the covenant herein is likely to result in liability in
      excess of $500,000 in the aggregate.
            Section 6.9  Notices.  Promptly notify the Lender in writing of
  any Default or of any default by any party under any Construction Contract,
  the Ground Lease, Ground Sublease, the DSN Plant Equipment Lease, the
  Consulting Agreement, or as required by Sections 6.7 and 6.8 of this
  Agreement.  The failure of the Borrower to promptly give the Lender such
  notice of any Default of which it is aware, shall, at the Lender's option,
  eliminate any cure period for such Default.
            Section 6.10  Tangible Net Worth.  LSB shall maintain at all
  times, on a consolidated basis, a minimum tangible net worth of $80,000,000
  after subtracting treasury stock and $92,800,000 before subtracting
  treasury stock.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the tangible net worth
  after subtracting treasury stock shall not be less than $83,000,000 at 
  December 31, 1995 and $85,000,000 at December 31, 1996 and thereafter.  The
  term tangible net worth is defined as total stockholders' equity, after
  deducting any treasury stock, less all assets that are considered
  intangible assets under GAAP (including but not limited to goodwill,
  patents, trademarks, certain deferred charges (as approved by Lender) and
  customer lists).
            Section 6.11  Change of Ownership.  LSB shall at all times hold
  not less than one hundred percent (100%) of each class of stock of LSBC
  and, at all times, LSBC shall hold, directly or indirectly, one hundred
  percent (100%) of each class of stock of the Borrower. 
            Section 6.12  Use of Proceeds.  Use the proceeds of the Loan
  for construction and equipment costs, fees and expenses in accordance with
  Article 2 hereof.
            Section 6.13  Books.  Keep proper books of record and account
  in which full, true and correct entries in accordance with GAAP will be
  made of all dealings or transactions in relation to its business and
                                  ARTICLE 7
                             NEGATIVE COVENANTS
            So long as all or any portion of the Obligations remains
  unpaid, the Borrower covenants and agrees that, without the Lender's prior
  written consent, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld, the
  Borrower shall not:
            Section 7.1  Corporate Structure.  Merge, reorganize or
  consolidate with or acquire any Person or make any investment in the
  securities of any Person.
            Section 7.2  Dividends, Distributions, Redemptions.  Declare or
  pay any dividends or other distributions upon any stock or make any
  distribution of the Borrower's property or assets or redeem, retire,
  purchase or otherwise acquire, directly or indirectly, the Borrower's
            Section 7.3  Loans, Investments, Affiliate Payments, Salaries. 
  Make any loans or other advances of money (other than compensation) to any
  Person; make any payments to any officers, directors, stockholders or
  Affiliates on any existing loans except as set forth on the Disclosure
  Schedule or pursuant to the Ground Lease or Administrative Services
  Agreement between Borrower and LSB, or payments to LSB for the Borrower's
  pro rata share of taxes with respect to the Borrower's business, or permit
  the annual compensation and all other direct and indirect remuneration to
  its officers to increase more than fifteen percent (15%) per year.
            Section 7.4  Change in Business, Structure or Business
  Location.  Make any material change in the capital structure or any of
  Borrower's business objectives, purposes and operations; engage, directly
  or indirectly, in any business other than ownership of the DSN Plant, the
  railcars acquired with the Rail Car Loan, the Mixed Acid Plant financed by
  the Mixed Acid Plant Loan, and all items related thereto; or change the
  location of its chief executive office without thirty days' prior written
  notice to Lender.
            Section 7.5  Guaranties.  Borrower shall not guaranty or
  otherwise, in any way, become liable with respect to the Indebtedness or
  liabilities of any Person.
            Section 7.6  Sale of Property.  Offer to sell, convey, assign,
  transfer, exchange, lease (except pursuant to the DSN Plant Equipment
  Lease, the Ground Sublease or to the extent permitted in the Mixed Acid
  Plant Loan Documents or the Rail Car Loan Documents) or otherwise dispose
  of any Collateral, or, on an annual basis, any other real or personal
  property having a value in excess of $25,000, except sales of supplies,
  equipment and inventory in the ordinary course of the Borrower's business
  and trade-ins on new purchases, provided that Lender shall have a first
  priority perfected lien on any new purchases of property.
            Section 7.7  Prepayment.  Borrower shall not prepay any
  Indebtedness, except the Obligations in accordance with this Agreement.
            Section 7.8  Liens.  Create, incur, assume or suffer to exist
  any Lien upon any Collateral, the DSN Plant Equipment Lease or the Ground
  Lease, except Liens in favor of the Lender and Permitted Liens and the
  DSN Plant Equipment Lease, the Ground Sublease and the Consulting
            Section 7.9  Negative Pledge on Leases.  Pledge, encumber,
  transfer or assign any of its right, title or interest in any of the real
  property Collateral relating to the DSN Plant Location.
            Section 7.10  Pension Plans.  To the knowledge of Borrower,
  with respect to all Pension Plans:  (a) incur any liability to the Pension
  Benefit Guaranty Corporation; (b) participate in any prohibited transaction
  involving any of such plans or any trust created thereunder which would
  subject the Borrower to a tax or penalty on prohibited transactions imposed
  under Code Section 4975 or ERISA; (c) fail to make any contribution which
  it is obligated to pay under the terms of such plan; (d) allow or suffer to
  exist any occurrence of a Reportable Event, or any other event or condition
  which presents a risk of termination by the Pension Benefit Guaranty
  Corporation of any such plan; or (e) incur any withdrawal liability with
  respect to any multiemployer Pension Plan which is not fully bonded.
            Section 7.11  Borrower's Name.  Change Borrower's corporate
  name or use any trade name or style unless the Borrower shall first give
  the Lender thirty days prior written notice of the change in question.
            Section 7.12  Changes to DSN Plant Documents.  Make any
  alterations, amendments or modifications of any provisions of (a) the
  DSN Plant Equipment Lease, (b) the Ground Lease, (c) the Ground Sublease,
  (d) the Consulting Agreement, or (e) the Administrative Services Agreement
  dated September 19, 1994 between LSB and the Borrower.
            Section 7.13  Other Debts.  Except for Permitted Liens,
  Borrower shall not have outstanding or incur any direct or contingent
  Indebtedness (other than those to Lender) or lease obligations (other than
  the Ground Lease, DSN Plant Equipment Lease and Ground Sublease) or to
  become liable for the Indebtedness of others without Lender's written
  consent.  This does not prohibit:
                  (a)   Acquiring goods, supplies, services or merchandise
      on normal trade credit, or payroll obligations or obligations under
      the Administrative Services Agreement between LSB and Borrower;
                  (b)   Endorsing negotiable instruments received in the
      usual course of business; 
                  (c)   Debts, lines of credit and leases in existence on
      the date of this Agreement and disclosed to Lender on the Disclosure
      Schedule; or
                  (d)   Taxes, Indebtedness associated with the
      construction of the DSN Plant and lawsuits.
            Section 7.14  Transactions with Affiliates.  Not to enter
  transactions with any Affiliate on terms less favorable than those
  available to Borrower from persons or entitles not affiliated with Borrower
                  (a)   taxes on consolidated tax returns;
                  (b)   the DSN Plant Equipment Lease;
                  (c)   the Ground Lease;
                  (d)   the Ground Sublease;
                  (e)   the Consulting Agreement; and 
                  (f)   the Administrative Services Agreement.
  None of the agreements in this Section 7.14(b) through (f) may be amended
  or modified with Lender's prior written consent.
                                  ARTICLE 8
            Section 8.1  Events of Default.  The occurrence of any one or
  more of the following events for any reason whatsoever shall constitute an
  Event of Default:
                  (a)   Any failure to pay any of the Obligations when due;
                  (b)   Any representation or warranty made by the Borrower
      in any Loan Document or in any Financial Statement or other
      certificate furnished by the Borrower or any Affiliate at any time to
      the Lender shall prove to be untrue in any material respect as of the
      date on which made;
                  (c)   Except with respect to cure periods as otherwise
      set forth herein or therein, default shall occur in the observance or
      performance of any of the other covenants and agreements contained in
      any Loan Document and Borrower has not cured such default within ten
      (10) days of Borrower's receipt of written notice identifying such
      failure, or if any such agreement, instrument or document shall
      terminate or become void or unenforceable without the written consent
      of Lender and Borrower refuses to execute valid and enforceable
      substitute documents;
                  (d)   The DSN Plant Completion Date has not occurred
      prior to the end of the Construction Period;
                  (e)   Any Event of Default under the Mixed Acid Plant
      Loan Documents, the Rail Car Loan Documents and Borrower has not
      cured such Event of Default within any cure period provided therein;
                  (f)   Any default by the Borrower under any material
      agreement or instrument with any third party (other than an agreement
      or instrument evidencing the lending of money) if such default
      continues for thirty (30) days after such breach first occurs;
                  (g)   Any default by the Borrower in any payment on any
      indebtedness or obligation owed to any trade creditor in excess of
      $100,000 in the aggregate beyond any period of grace provided with
      respect thereto and Borrower is not contesting same in good faith and
                  (h)   Any uncured default beyond any applicable grace
      period by LSB or any of its Subsidiaries under any agreement or
      instrument evidencing any loan, extension of credit or other
      Indebtedness of LSB or any of its Subsidiaries in an amount equal to
      or greater than $5,000,000;
                  (i)   Any material part of the Collateral shall be
      nationalized, expropriated, condemned, seized or otherwise
      appropriated, or custody or control of such Collateral or of the
      Borrower shall be assumed by any public authority or any court of
      competent jurisdiction at the instance of any public authority;
                  (j)   One or more judgments for the payment of money
      aggregating an excess of $1,000,000 (if not adequately covered by
      insurance) shall be rendered against the Borrower or EDC and there is
      a failure to pay or to bond and stay enforcement of such judgment and
      commence appropriate proceedings to appeal such judgment within the
      applicable appeal period or, after such appeal is filed, Borrower or
      EDC fails to diligently prosecute such appeal or such appeal is
                  (k)   The Borrower, EDC or any Guarantor shall:  (i) file
      a voluntary petition in bankruptcy or file a voluntary petition or an
      answer or otherwise commence any action or proceeding seeking
      reorganization, arrangement or for any other relief under the Federal
      Bankruptcy Code, as amended, or under any other bankruptcy or
      insolvency act or law, state or federal, now or hereafter existing,
      or consent to, approve of, or acquiesce in, any such petition, action
      or proceeding; (ii) apply for or acquiesce in the appointment of a
      receiver, assignee, liquidator, sequestrator, custodian, trustee or
      similar officer for it or for all or a substantial part of its
      property; (iii) make an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or
      (iv) admit in writing that is unable generally to pay its debts as
      they become due;
                  (l)   An involuntary petition shall be filed or an action
      or proceeding otherwise commenced seeking reorganization, arrangement
      or readjustment of the Borrower's EDC's or any Guarantor's debt or
      for any other relief under the Federal Bankruptcy Code, as amended,
      or under any other bankruptcy or insolvency act or law, state or
      federal, now or hereafter existing; or a receiver, assignee,
      liquidator, sequestrator, custodian, trustee or similar officer for
      the Borrower or EDC or any Affiliate or any Guarantor or for all or a
      substantial part of their property shall be appointed involuntarily;
      or a warrant of attachment, execution or similar process shall be
      issued against any substantial part of the property of the Borrower,
      EDC or any Guarantor; and any of the foregoing remain undismissed or
      undischarged for a period of 60 days;
                  (m)   The Borrower, EDC or any Guarantor shall file a
      certificate of dissolution under applicable state law or shall be
      liquidated, dissolved or wound-up or shall commence or have commenced
      against it any action or proceeding for dissolution, winding-up or
      liquidation, or shall take any corporate action in furtherance
      thereof without Lender's prior written consent;
                  (n)   The Security Interest shall cease to be a valid and
      perfected first priority security interest in any material portion of
      the Collateral then in existence and Borrower refuses to or cannot
      promptly cure any deficiency and restore the Lender's valid and first
      perfected priority security interest;
                  (o)   A material default shall occur in any Construction
      Contract, the Consulting Agreement, the DSN Plant Equipment Lease,
      the Ground Lease or the Ground Sublease and same are not being
      contested diligently and in good faith, or the DSN Plant Equipment
      Lease, the Lease, or the Ground Sublease shall expire or otherwise
      terminate or become unenforceable;
                  (p)   any Guarantor revokes or terminates any guaranty
      relating to the Obligations or defaults under the terms of any such
      guaranty; or
            Section 8.2  Rights Upon Default.  Upon the occurrence and
  during the continuance of any Event of Default:
                  (a)   The Lender may declare all the Obligations not
      otherwise due to be forthwith due and payable, (provided that, in the
      case of the occurrence of any Event of Default described in
      Sections 8.l(i) or (j), all the Obligations shall forthwith become
      due and payable without such declaration) whereupon the unpaid amount
      of the Obligations (including any applicable prepayment penalty)
      shall become immediately due and payable without presentment, demand,
      protest or notice of any kind, all of which are hereby expressly
      waived.  Upon such acceleration, Lender shall not be obligated to
      advance any further funds relating to the custodian of the DSN Plant.
                  (b)   Notwithstanding the foregoing in Section 8.2(a) but
      subject to the provisions of Section 9.10, the effect of an event
      described in Section 8.1(a) as an occurrence of an Event of Default
      shall be after Lender gives notice of such payment Default to
      Borrower and Borrower shall not have paid such amount within three
      (3) days of such Notice.  The effect as an Event of Default of any
      other event described in Section 8.1 may be waived by Lender in
                  (c)   In addition to all other rights provided herein or
      at law, the Lender shall have all of the rights and remedies of a
      secured party under the UCC and all of the rights and remedies
      granted under each of the Loan Documents.  At any time when an Event
      of Default has occurred and is continuing, the Lender may enter any
      premises where the Collateral is located, take physical possession of
      the Collateral or any part thereof, and maintain such possession on
      the Borrower' premises or remove any or all of the Collateral to such
      other place or places as the Lender desires in its sole discretion. 
      If the Lender exercises its right to take possession of any
      Collateral upon the occurrence and during the continuance of any
      Event of Default, the Borrower, upon the Lender's demand, will
      assemble the Collateral and at the Lender's option, make it available
      to the Lender at the Borrower' premises at which it is located or
      deliver it to such place or places as the Lender directs.  The
      Borrower hereby waives to the full extent permitted by law all rights
      to notice and hearing prior to the Lender's exercise of its rights to
      take possession of the Collateral without judicial process or to
      replevy, claim and deliver, attach or levy upon the Collateral ex
      parte.  The Lender shall not be under any obligation to marshall any
      assets in favor of the Borrower or any other party or against or in
      payment of any or all of the Obligations.
                  (d)   The Lender may sell and deliver any or all of the
      Collateral at public or private sale, for cash, upon credit or
      otherwise, at such prices and upon such terms as the Lender, in its
      sole discretion, deems advisable, all in accordance with the
      applicable provisions of the UCC including the standard of commercial
                  (e)   The requirement of reasonable notice with respect
      to a disposition of the Collateral shall be met if such notice is
      mailed both by regular and certified mail, postage prepaid to the
      Borrower at the address as set forth herein at least ten days before
      the time of the event of which notice is being given.  Subject to the
      provisions of any applicable Loan Document or law governing the
      enforcement of liens or security interests, the Lender may be the
      purchaser at any public sale, and to the extent permitted by
      applicable law, at any private sale, free from any right of
      redemption, which the Borrower also waives.
                  (f)   The Proceeds of any sale of any of the Collateral
      shall be applied first to all costs and expenses of sale, including
      attorneys' fees, and second to the payment (in whatever order the
      Lender elects) of all of the Obligations.  The Lender will return any
      excess Proceeds to the Borrower, subject to the claims of any other
      parties with an interest in the Collateral or the Proceeds, and the
      Borrower shall remain liable to the Lender for any deficiency.  If
      any Collateral is sold by the Lender upon credit or for future
      delivery, the Lender shall not be liable for the failure of the
      purchaser to pay for such Collateral, and in such event the Lender
      may resell the same.
                  (g)   The Lender may exercise any right or remedy it may
      have at law or in equity with respect to the Obligations or the
      subject matter of this Agreement.  The rights and remedies provided
      for herein are cumulative and not exclusive of any other of such
      rights and remedies or any other rights or remedies provided by law.
                  (h)   Upon any Default, and during any applicable cure
      period, Lender shall not be obligated to make any further advances or
      Loans to Borrower.
                                  ARTICLE 9
            Section 9.1  Survival.  All agreements, representations and
  warranties contained in this Agreement or made in writing by or on behalf
  of the Borrower in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby
  shall survive the execution and delivery of this Agreement, notwithstanding
  any investigation at any time made by the Lender.
            Section 9.2  Waiver of Notices.  No notice to or demand on the
  Borrower which the Lender is not required hereunder or by law to give but
  nevertheless may elect to give shall entitle the Borrower to any other or
  further notice or demand in the same, similar or other circumstances.
            Section 9.3  Assignment.  The provisions of this Agreement
  shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective successors
  and assigns of the parties hereto; provided, however, that no interest
  herein may be assigned by the Borrower without the prior written consent of
  the Lender.  The rights and benefits of the Lender hereunder shall, if the
  Lender so agrees, inure to any party acquiring any interest in the
  Obligations or any part thereof.  In the event of any such assignment by
  the Lender, the Borrower agrees that such assignment by the Lender shall be
  free from any set-off, counterclaim defense or other claim that any such
  Borrower may have against such assignee, without waiving any claim such
  Borrower may have against the Lender.  The terms "Lender" and "Borrower" as
  used herein shall include the respective successors and assigns of such
            Section 9.4  Complete Agreement Modification.  This Agreement
  is intended by the Borrower and the Lender to be the final, complete and
  exclusive expression of the agreement between them and supersedes all prior
  agreements and understandings regarding the DSN Plant.  No modification,
  rescission, waiver, release or amendment of any provision of this Agreement
  shall be made, except by a written agreement signed by the Borrower and a
  duly authorized officer of the Lender.
            Section 9.5  Applicable Law.  This Agreement and the Loan
  Documents (except to the extent, if any, expressly provided to the contrary
  in any Loan Document) shall be governed by, construed, applied and enforced
  in accordance with the laws of the State of New York.
            Section 9.6  Indemnification.
                  (a)   If after receipt of any payment of all or any part
      of the Obligations, the Lender is for any reason compelled to
      surrender such payment to any person or entity, because such payment
      is determined to be void or voidable as a preference, impermissible
      setoff, or a diversion of trust funds, or for any other reason,
      Borrower's Obligations under the Note shall continue in full force
      and the Borrower shall indemnify and hold the Lender harmless for,
      the amount of such payment surrendered.  The provisions of this
      Section shall be and remain effective notwithstanding any contrary
      action which may have been taken by the Lender in reliance upon such
      payment, and any such contrary action so taken shall be without
      prejudice to the Lender's rights under this Section and shall be
      deemed to have been conditioned upon such payment having become final
      and irrevocable.  The provisions of this Section shall survive the
      termination of this Agreement.
                  (b)   The Borrower hereby indemnifies and holds the
      Lender, and its directors, officers, agents, employees and counsel,
      harmless from and against any and all losses, liabilities, damages,
      injuries, costs, expenses and claims of any and every kind (except
      claims brought by the Borrower against the Lender for breach of this
      Agreement of the Loan Documents) including without limitation, court
      costs and attorneys' fees imposed on or incurred by or asserted
      against any of them, whether direct, indirect or consequential
      arising out of or by reason of any litigation, investigations,
      claims, or proceedings whether based on any federal, state or local
      laws or other statutes or regulations commenced or threatened, which
      arise out of or are in any way based upon the negotiation,
      preparation, execution, delivery, enforcement, performance or
      administration of this Agreement or any other Loan Document, or any
      undertaking or proceeding relating to any of the transactions
      contemplated hereby or by any act, omission to act, event or
      transaction related or attended thereto, except this indemnification
      shall not apply to any losses, liabilities, damages, injuries, costs,
      expenses and claims caused by the gross negligence or willful
      misconduct of Lender.
                  (c)   The Borrower hereby indemnifies the Lender and
      agrees to hold the Lender harmless from and against any and all
      losses, liabilities, damages, injuries, costs, expenses and claims of
      any and every kind whatsoever (including, without limitation, court
      costs and attorneys' fees) which at any time or from time to time may
      be paid, incurred or suffered by, or asserted against the Lender for,
      with respect to, or as a direct result of the violation by the
      Borrower of the Environmental Laws or any laws or regulations
      relating to Hazardous Substance, treatment, storage, disposal,
      generation and transportation, air, water and noise pollution, soil
      or ground or water contamination, the handling, storage or release
      into the environment of Hazardous Substance, or with respect to, or
      as a direct or indirect result of the presence on or under, or the
      escape, seepage, leakage, spillage, discharge, emission or release
      from, properties utilized by the Borrower or EDC with respect to the
      DSN Plant in the conduct of their respective business into or upon
      any land, the atmosphere, or any watercourse, body of water or
      wetland, of any Hazardous Substance (including, without limitation,
      any losses, liabilities, damages, injuries, costs, expenses or claims
      asserted or arising under the Environmental Laws).
                  (d)   Without limiting any of the foregoing, if, by
      reason of any suit or proceeding of any kind, nature or description
      against the Borrower, which, in the Lender's sole discretion makes it
      advisable for the Lender to seek counsel for protection and
      preservation of its Liens, security or assets or to defend its own
      interest, such reasonable expenses and counsel fees shall be allowed
      to the Lender.  The foregoing indemnity shall survive the payment of
      the Obligations and the termination of this Agreement.  All of the
      foregoing costs and expenses shall be part of the Obligations and
      secured by the Collateral.
            Section 9.7  Stamp or other Tax.  Should any stamp, excise,
  sales, use or other tax, including mortgage, conveyance, deed, intangible
  or recording taxes become payable in respect of this Agreement, or any
  other Loan Document, any Obligations, or any Collateral, or any
  modification hereof or thereof, the Borrower shall pay the same (including
  interest and penalties, if any) and shall hold the Lender harmless with
  respect thereto, except for income taxes of Lender as a result thereof.
            Section 9.8  Captions.  The captions of the various sections of
  this Agreement have been inserted only for purposes of convenience; such
  captions are not a part of this Agreement and shall not be deemed in any
  manner to modify, explain, enlarge or restrict any provision hereof.
            Section 9.9  Notices.  All notices or other communications
  which are required or permitted hereunder to be given to any party shall be
  in writing and shall be deemed sufficiently delivered if delivered
  personally or by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, or
  by nationally recognized overnight delivery service, to the address set
  forth below or to such other address as each party may designate for itself
  by like notice.  Such notice or communication shall be deemed to have been
  given on the date delivered; or if refused, on the date refused; or if
  marked, on the date of actual receipt of such mailing as evidenced by the
  return receipt.
  If to the Lender:                 The CIT Group/Equipment
                                      Financing, Inc.
                                    1211 Avenue of the Americas
                                    New York, New York  10036
                                    Attn:  Senior Vice President, 
  If to the Borrower:               DSN Corporation
                                    16 South Pennsylvania Avenue
                                    Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73107
                                    Attn:  President
  Any such notice, demand, or request shall be deemed given upon receipt,
  refusal of delivery or return for failure to be called for.
            Section 9.10  No Waiver, Lender Performance.  No course of
  dealing between the Borrower and the Lender and no delay or omission by the
  Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder or under any other Loan
  Document or with respect to any Obligations shall operate as a waiver
  thereof or of any other right or remedy, and no single or partial exercise
  thereof shall preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the
  exercise of any other right or remedy.  All rights and remedies of the
  Lender hereunder or under any other Loan Document shall be cumulative. 
  Upon the failure of the Borrower to perform any of its duties under this
  Agreement the Lender may, but shall not be obligated to, perform any or all
  such duties and the Borrower will upon demand reimburse the Lender for all
  reasonable costs, fees and expenses incurred in connection therewith.
            Section 9.11  Evidence of Obligations; Admissibility of
  Lender's Books and Records.  The Borrower agrees that the Lender's books
  and records showing the Obligations shall be admissible in any action or
  proceeding arising herefrom.
            Section 9.12  No Liability for Brokers.  The Borrower covenant
  and agree that the Lender shall have no liability for, and the Borrower
  hereby indemnifies and holds the Lender harmless against, any brokerage fee
  or finder's fee or other commission, or claim therefor, arising in
  connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
            Section 9.13  Further Assurances.  The Borrower shall, at its
  expense, do, execute and delivery such further acts and documents as the
  Lender from time to time reasonably requires for the assuring and
  confirming to the Lender of the rights created or intended to be created
  hereunder, or for carrying out the intention or facilitating the
  performance of the terms of any Loan Document or for assuring the validity,
  perfection, priority or enforceability of any Lien under any Loan Document.
            Section 9.14  Counterparts.  This Agreement and the other Loan
  Documents may be executed by the parties hereto and thereto in any number
  of separate counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered
  shall be an original, but all such counterparts shall together constitute
  but one and the same instrument.
            Section 9.15  Notice of Breach by Lender.  Borrower agrees to
  give the Lender notice of any action or inaction by Lender or any agent or
  attorney of the Lender in connection with this Agreement, any other Loan
  Document, or the Obligations of Borrower under this Agreement or any other
  Loan Document that may be actionable against Lender or any agent or
  attorney of Lender or a defense to payment of any Obligations of Borrower
  under this Agreement or any other Loan Document, for any reason, including
  commission of a tort or violation of any contractual duty or duty implied
  by law.  Borrower agrees, to the fullest extent that it may lawfully do so,
  that unless such notice is given promptly (and in any event within fifteen
  (15) days after Borrower has knowledge, or with the exercise of reasonable
  diligence could have had knowledge, of any such action or inaction),
  Borrower shall not assert, and Borrower shall be deemed to have waived, any
  claim or defense arising therefrom to the extent that the Lender could have
  mitigated such claim or defense after receipt of such notice.
            Section 9.16  Time.  Time is of the essence.
            Section 9.17  Exhibits.  Exhibits "A", "B", "C", "D" and "E"
  attached hereto are incorporated herein by this reference.
            Section 9.18  Authorization to Date, Complete Blanks and
  Correct Errors.  The Borrower hereby irrevocably authorizes Lender and
  Lender's agents, representatives and employees to date, complete any blank
  spaces contained in, and to correct any errors appearing in, this
  Agreement, the other Loan Documents or in any other document relating
  hereto or thereto.
            Section 9.19  No Oral Agreements; Entire Agreement.  ORAL
            Section 9.20  Venue and Jurisdiction.  THIS AGREEMENT AND ANY
            Section 9.21  Waiver of Trial by Jury.  THE PARTIES TO THIS
            IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have entered into this
  Agreement on the date first above written.
  DSN CORPORATION, an Oklahoma
  By __________________________
       [Printed Name & Title]
  INC., a New York corporation
  By __________________________
         [Printed Name & Title]
  Agreed as to Article 6:
  a Delaware corporation 
  By __________________________
       [Printed Name & Title]
                                 EXHIBIT "A"
                             Disclosure Schedule
                                 EXHIBIT "B"
                               Promissory Note
                                 EXHIBIT "C"
                   Legal Description of DSN Plant Location
                                 EXHIBIT "D"
                            Disbursement Schedule
            Joyce White
            Senior Vice President
            Group Executive Officer

                                          November 3, 1994

Tony M. Shelby
Senior Vice President - Chief Financial Officer
LSB Industries, Inc.
16 South Pennsylvania
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73107

            Re:   COMMITMENT LETTER

Dear Mr. Shelby:

      You have requested that we consider extending six separate financing
arrangements with LSB Industries, Inc. ("LSB") and certain of its subsidiaries
(hereinafter referred to individually as "Borrower" and collectively as
"Borrowers") in order to provide for their on-going working capital needs and
for repayment of their existing credit facilities.  Subject to and upon the
terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, BankAmerica Business Credit, Inc.
("Lender") is pleased to provide to the Borrowers a total revolving credit
facility of up to $75,000,000 ("Total Credit Facility") on the following terms
and conditions:


            (a)   CREDIT FACILITIES AND BORROWERS:  There shall be six
            separate revolving credit facilities (each hereinafter referred to
            as a "Facility" and collectively as the "Facilities") in the
            following amounts to the following Borrowers:


            Facility One      $  7,000,000      LSB (and Affiliate Guarantors
                                                as listed on Exhibit "A")

            Facility Two      $ 15,000,000      L&S Bearing Co.

            Facility Three    $  8,000,000      Climate Master, Inc.

            Facility Four     $  7,000,000      International Environmental

            Facility Five     $  8,000,000      Summit Machine Tool
                                                Manufacturing Corp. ("Summit")

            Facility Six      $ 15,000,000      El Dorado Chemical Company
                                                ("EDC") and Slurry Explosive
                                                Corporation ("Slurry")

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November 3, 1994
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            Notwithstanding the amounts set forth under the heading "Facility
            Amount", and except as otherwise provided with respect to LSB,
            Borrowers are not limited to the specific Facility Amount if they
            would otherwise have sufficient Availability to exceed such
            Facility Amounts, but in no event will the Loans outstanding to
            all Borrowers exceed $75,000,000 in the aggregate.  With respect
            to LSB, the Facility Amount shall never be more than $8,400,000.

            (b)   AMOUNT OF REVOLVING CREDIT FACILITY:  Each Facility shall   
                  provide for advances of up to (i) eighty-five percent (85%)
            of the net amount of eligible accounts receivable of the
            applicable Borrowers and (ii) sixty percent (60%) of eligible
            inventory of the applicable Borrower, valued at the lower of cost
            (on a FIFO basis) or market value.  Collections of accounts (other
            than proceeds from the sale or other disposition of Borrowers'
            fixed assets, i.e. equipment and real estate) would be transferred
            daily to Lender from one or more restricted or lock box accounts
            and would be credited to the loan balances of the appropriate
            Borrower one (1) business day after receipt of good funds by
            Lender.  Advances to all Borrowers with respect to eligible
            accounts receivables that are more than 180 days from the invoice
            date shall not exceed the lesser of (i) $1,500,000 or (ii) five
            percent (5%) of the gross eligible accounts receivable
            availability under the Total Credit Facility.  Advances made under
            each Facility with respect to eligible inventory shall not exceed
            the following amounts:

               FACILITY                 ADVANCE AMOUNT

            Facility One                  $  3,500,000

            Facility Two                  $  7,000,000

            Facility Three                $  3,500,000

            Facility Four                 $  3,500,000

            Facility Five                 $  3,500,000

            Facility Six                  $ 15,000,000

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            Notwithstanding the amounts set forth under the heading "Inventory
            Advance Amount", Borrowers are not limited to the specific
            Inventory Advance Amount if they would otherwise have sufficient
            Availability based on Eligible Inventory to exceed such Inventory
            Advance Amount, but in no event will the Loans outstanding to all
            Borrowers based on Eligible Inventory exceed $37,500,000 in the

            (c)   ELIGIBLE COLLATERAL:  Collateral eligibility and the
            establishment of reasonable reserves against borrowing
            availability shall be determined by Lender in its reasonable
            discretion, provided, however, that the following accounts shall
            in any event be ineligible:  (i)  accounts past due for more than
            90 days if their terms are 90 days or less, (ii) accounts past due
            for more than 30 days if their terms are between 91 and 360 days,
            (iii) intercompany accounts, (iv)  note receivables (other than as
            part of chattel paper in which Lender has a perfected security
            interest), (v) foreign accounts that would otherwise be eligible
            but which are in excess of five percent (5%) of the gross eligible
            account receivables, without consideration of the foreign
            accounts, and (vi) non-trade receivables and, provided further
            that the following inventory shall be ineligible:  i) slow moving,
            (ii) work-in-progress, (iii) fifty percent (50%) of inventory
            classified as "components" other than the "components" at Climate
            Master, Inc. and International Environmental Corp., (iv) inventory
            in transit (unless such inventory is covered by insurance and is
            owned by Borrower and in which Lender has a perfected security
            interest), (v) service parts, (vi) used parts, (vii) returns,
            (viii) defective, (ix) off-site, (x) finished goods reserves as
            shown on the books of the Borrowers, (xi) containers, and (xii)
            "trade-in inventory" except that the trade-in equipment inventory
            of Summit may be eligible provided, however, that Lender will only
            advance 25% against such inventory with all such advances not to
            exceed $500,000 in the aggregate at any one time.

            (d)   LETTERS OF CREDIT:  Lender shall upon the Borrowers'
            request, and subject to the existence of sufficient Availability
            with respect to the requesting Borrower, cause to be issued for
            the Borrowers' account, merchandise/documentary letters of credit
            and standby letters of credit.  The aggregate undrawn face amount
            of the letters of credit issued under all Facilities to all
            Borrowers shall not exceed at any one time outstanding $11,000,000
            in the aggregate.  One hundred percent (100%) of the aggregate
            undrawn face amount of outstanding letters of credit will be
            reserved against availability.

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November 3, 1994
Page 4

            The expiration date of the documentary letters of credit issued
            under each Facility shall not exceed 180 days, but in no event
            extend beyond the Maturity Date. The Expiration date of the
            standby letters of credit may exceed 180 days.

      2.    MATURITY DATE:  The Facilities shall mature three years from the
            closing date ("Maturity Date") and all obligations shall then be
            due and payable, provided however, that the Loan Agreement may be
            automatically renewed and the Maturity Date extended for
            successive 13-month terms if no event of default has occurred and
            is continuing and as long as neither party has given the other
            party notice of termination at least 60 days prior to the end of
            the then current term.

      3.    INTEREST RATES:
            (a)   INTEREST RATE:  The unpaid balance on the revolving loans
                  outstanding under each Facility shall bear interest at a
                  rate equal to:

                  (i)   a fluctuating per annum rate equal to one-half percent
                        (.50%)  in excess of the Reference Rate as quoted from
                        time to time by Bank of America NT & SA, San
                        Francisco, California ("Bank of America") ("Reference
                        Rate Loans"); or

                  (ii)  at Borrower's option, 2.875 percent (2.875%) plus the
                        LIBOR rate for 90-day loans as quoted from time to
                        time by Bank of America ("LIBOR Loans").  Each LIBOR
                        Loan shall be for a $5,000,000 minimum amount, and
                        shall be subject to certain restrictions relating to
                        terms and incremental amounts.

                  All interest shall be calculated on the basis of a 360 day
                  year for actual days elapsed.  Interest on all loans shall
                  be payable monthly on the first day of each month.

            (b)   DEFAULT RATE:  If any such default occurs under any
                  Facility, then, from the date such event of default occurs
                  until it is cured, the Borrowers under each Facility shall
                  pay interest on the unpaid balance of the revolving loans at
                  a per annum rate two percent (2%) greater than the rate of
                  interest specified above and the letter of credit fee shall
                  be increased by two percent (2%).

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            (c)   REFERENCE RATE:  "Reference Rate" means the rate of interest
                  publicly announced from time to time by Bank of America as
                  its reference rate.  It is a rate set by Bank of America
                  based upon various factors, including Bank of America's
                  costs and desired return, general economic conditions, and
                  other factors, and it is used as a reference point for
                  pricing some loans.  However, Bank of America may price
                  loans at, above, or below the reference rate.

      4.    FEES:  Borrowers shall pay to Lender the following fees:

            (a)   CLOSING FEE:  A one time closing fee ("Closing Fee") for
                  each Facility equal to .50 percent of the applicable
                  Facility Amount ($375,000 in the aggregate) which shall be
                  fully earned and payable at closing.

            (b)   UNUSED LINE FEE:  An unused line fee, payable monthly, for
                  each Facility at the rate per annum equal to half percent
                  (.5%), on the difference between (a) the Facility Amount for
                  each Facility and (b) the sum of (i) the average daily
                  unpaid balance of the revolving loans outstanding under such
                  Facility during the month with the unpaid balance calculated
                  by applying payments immediately upon receipt, and (ii) the
                  average daily balance of the letters of credit outstanding
                  during the month.

            (c)   LETTER OF CREDIT FEES:  The Borrowers under each Facility
                  shall pay monthly to Lender a fee equal to one percent
                  (1.0%) per annum of the face amount of all outstanding
                  letters of credit.  Borrowers shall also pay to Lender all
                  commissions and processing fees incurred by Lender on the
                  Borrowers' behalf in arranging for the opening and
                  maintenance of the letters of credit, including all charges
                  of the issuing bank.

            (d)   EARLY TERMINATION FEE:  In the event that any Facility is
                  for any reason whatsoever terminated prior to the initial
                  term, the Borrowers under each Facility shall pay Lender an
                  early termination fee in the amounts set forth below, in
                  order to compensate Lender for its reasonable expenses and
                  its loss of anticipated profits.  If the effective date of
                  the termination of the Facilities occurs in the first year
                  of the term, then the early termination fee for each
                  Facility shall be three percent (3.0%) of the average daily
                  balance of the loans and letters of credit outstanding
                  during the 180 days (or any portion thereof) preceding the
                  effective date of termination; in the second year, the early
                  termination fee shall be two percent (2.0%) of the average 

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November 3, 1994
Page 6

                  daily balance of the loans and letters of credit outstanding
                  during the 180 days preceding the effective date of
                  termination; and in the third year, the early termination
                  fee shall be one percent (1.0%) of the loans and letters of
                  credit outstanding during the 180 days preceding the
                  effective date of termination.  If at the time of prepayment
                  any LIBOR Loans are outstanding, then the Borrowers shall
                  pay to Lender additional sums to compensate for the
                  cancellation of part or all of the LIBOR financing.  Prior
                  to an Event of Default which is continuing, the Borrower may
                  prepay at any time all outstanding Obligations due hereunder
                  without penalty or premium if (i) Lender under any condition
                  or for any reason changes the advance rates relating to
                  Eligible Accounts or Eligible Inventory from that set forth
                  in the definition of Availability, or (ii) as a result of or
                  in connection with or arising out of a public offering by
                  LSB of its securities (equity or debt) after the closing
                  date, the Borrower desires to prepay any of the Obligations
                  or terminate the Loan Agreement.

      5.    COLLATERAL:  All loans, advances, obligations, liabilities and
            indebtedness of the Borrowers to Lender shall be secured by valid,
            perfected and enforceable, first priority liens upon and security
            interests in all of the Borrowers' present and future accounts,
            contract rights, instruments, documents, chattel paper, general
            intangibles, patents, trademarks, trade names, inventory, and all
            capital stock of the Borrowers (other than LSB, EDC and Slurry)
            and certain affiliates and guarantors, including, but not limited
            to, the Affiliate Guarantors.  The parties agree that the capital
            stock of DSN Corporation, Prime Financial Corporation and its
            subsidiaries, and LSB Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries other
            than the subsidiaries who are Affiliate Guarantors) will not be
            pledged to Lender.  In addition, Lender shall have the right to
            take possession of all chattel paper but regardless of whether
            Lender exercises such right, no Borrower will pledge or deliver
            such chattel paper to other third parties without Lender's prior
            written consent thereto.  All of the Facilities shall be
            coterminous, cross-collateralized and cross-guaranteed with each
            other, except that the Borrowers under Facility Six shall not
            guarantee and the collateral thereunder shall not secure the other
            Facilities.  In addition, it is agreed and understood by Lender
            that certain general intangibles have previously been pledged by
            EDC and Slurry to Household Commercial Financial Services, Inc.
            ("Household Bank") and may not be pledged to Lender so long as
            loans are outstanding by Household Bank to EDC and Slurry.

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      6.    GUARANTEES.  The Borrowers under each Facility, other than the
            Borrowers under Facility Six, shall guarantee the obligations of
            the Borrowers under the other Facilities.  The obligations of LSB
            and the other Borrowers to Lender shall be secured by secured
            guarantees (the "Affiliate Guarantees") from the entities listed
            on Exhibit A (the "Affiliate Guarantors").  The Affiliate
            Guarantees shall contain grants of security interests in the same
            type of collateral as is described in Section 5 of this letter. 
            In addition, each Affiliate Guarantor shall execute a note and
            security agreement in favor of LSB (the "Guarantor Chattel Paper")
            and LSB shall pledge and deliver to Lender all such Guarantor
            Chattel Paper.

      7.    CONDITIONS PRECEDENT:  The extension of the aforementioned
            financing arrangement by Lender would necessarily be subject to
            the fulfillment of a number of conditions, including, but not
            limited to, the following:

            (a)   The execution and delivery, in form and substance acceptable
                  to Lender and its counsel, of Lender's customary agreements,
                  documents, guarantees, instruments, financing statements,
                  landlords' waivers, consents, documents indicating
                  compliance with all applicable federal and state
                  environmental laws and regulations, evidences of corporate
                  authority, certificates, insurance certificates evidencing
                  that Borrower has obtained insurance in amounts satisfactory
                  to Lender, opinions of counsel and such other writings to
                  confirm and effectuate the financing arrangements as may be
                  required by Lender and its counsel.

            (b)   The loan and security agreement for each Facility shall
                  contain financial covenants, acceptable to Lender, with
                  respect to leverage ratio, minimum tangible net worth, and
                  maximum capital expenditures, together with such other
                  representations, warranties, and covenants deemed
                  appropriate by Lender for this transaction, including
                  restrictions on certain distributions, loans, advances,
                  management fees, and similar transfers of funds or other
                  assets by Borrowers and an agreement by Borrowers to pay all
                  legal fees and audit and appraisal expenses incurred by
                  Lender together with an allocated charge of $500 per day per
                  auditor, with audits no more that three times per year prior
                  to an Event of Default to be charged to Borrower's account. 
                  Any additional audits prior to an Event of Default will be
                  at Lender's expense.  The loan agreement shall, without
                  limitation, (i) permit transfer of funds by and among the
                  Borrowers and Affiliate Guarantors, but advances and

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November 3, 1994
Page 8

                  distributions, excluding lease payments by Borrowers to
                  Prime Financial Corporation ("Prime") and DSN Corporation,
                  by Borrowers to affiliates of LSB (other than Borrowers and
                  Affiliate Guarantors) shall not exceed $200,000 in the
                  aggregate during any one year, (ii) prohibit the Borrowers
                  from making acquisitions having a cost in excess of
                  $2,000,000 per transaction or in excess of $10,000,000 in
                  the aggregate during any one year period without the consent
                  of Lender, and (iii) prohibit the Borrowers from financing
                  any acquisition without the consent of Lender.  In addition,
                  as long as no event of default has occurred and has not been
                  cured or otherwise waived to Lender's satisfaction LSB may
                  make the currently-scheduled dividends relating to or in
                  connection with or arising out of any and all series of
                  LSB's preferred stock issued and outstanding as of the date
                  hereof and the payments by LSB of an annual cash dividend on
                  its Common Stock in an amount equal to $.06 a share payable
                  on a semi-annual basis.  The Loan Agreement between Lender,
                  EDC and Slurry shall contain additional financial covenants
                  which will be the same as those set forth in the Amended and
                  Restated Secured Credit Agreement dated as of January 21,
                  1992 among El Dorado, Slurry, Connecticut Mutual Life
                  Insurance Company, C.M. Life Insurance Company and Household

            (c)   Except as disclosed in that Special Report to LSB
                  Shareholders dated September 15, 1994, no material adverse
                  change shall have occurred, as determined by Lender in its
                  sole discretion, in the business, operations, or profits of
                  any of the Borrowers since the financial statements dated
                  June 30, 1994.

            (d)   There shall exist no action, suit, investigation,
                  litigation, or proceeding pending or threatened in any court
                  or before any arbitrator or governmental instrumentality by
                  Borrower, and no material breach under any material
                  agreement or contract to which any Borrower or Affiliate
                  Guarantor is a party that (i) would have a material adverse
                  effect on the business, condition (financial or otherwise),
                  operations, performance, or properties of the Borrowers and
                  Affiliate Guarantors taken as a whole or which could impair
                  the ability of the Borrowers and Affiliate Guarantors taken
                  as a whole to perform satisfactorily under the proposed
                  financing arrangement, or (ii) in Lender's judgment, would
                  materially affect the transaction.

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            (e)   Lender and its counsel shall have received satisfactory
                  opinions of counsel to the Borrowers, as to the transactions
                  contemplated hereby (including, without limitation, the
                  opinions of such local counsel as lender may reasonably
                  require with respect to the Collateral and the perfection of
                  Lender's Lien thereupon and security interest therein).

            (f)   Receipt by Lender of policies of insurance, with terms of
                  coverage and endorsements as may be required by Lender and
                  its counsel.

            (g)   The Borrowers under each Facility shall have agreed to
                  deposit all funds relating to the Collateral collected by it
                  into one or more blocked accounts controlled by Lender and
                  to wire transfer all funds so deposited to Lender each day
                  for application to the outstanding loans.

            (h)   Execution by Lender of inter-creditor agreements with
                  Household Bank the terms of which shall be satisfactory to
                  Lender in its sole discretion.

            (i)   Prime shall lend to the Borrowers, simultaneously upon
                  receipt, an amount equal to all lease payments made by the
                  Borrowers to such entities.  The loans shall be subject to
                  such terms as are acceptable to Lender and such loans may
                  not be repaid while the Facilities are outstanding.

            (j)   Receipt by Lender from Prime, in favor of Lender, of an
                  agreement in recordable form not to pledge the mortgage and
                  note that it holds relating to the real property commonly
                  known as the Equity Tower located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
                  unless the funds are turned over to LSB.

            (k)   Lender's satisfaction with the indemnities given by LSB to
                  Bank IV in connection with the sale by LSB to Bank IV of
                  Equity Bank.

            (l)   Receipt by Lender of all indemnity agreements between any of
                  the Borrowers and third parties for the benefit of the
                  Borrowers with respect to any environmental contamination of
                  any of the premises occupied or operated by any of the
                  Borrowers or any subsidiary of LSB, including all indemnity
                  agreements given by Monsanto Corporation in favor of the
                  Borrowers, and the terms of such indemnities shall be
                  satisfactory to Lender.

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            (m)   Receipt by Borrowers of part of the initial proceeds from a
                  $12,750,000 loan which is part of a $15,000,000 Capax
                  facility to be provided to Borrowers by CIT, on terms and
                  conditions acceptable to Lender.

            (n)   Review, to the satisfaction of Lender, of Borrowers'
                  potential liability relating to environmental matters at the
                  CERCLIS-listed site located at El Dorado, Arkansas.

            (o)   As of the Closing Date and after taking into account all
                  loans made to Borrowers by Lender and letters of credit
                  issued for the benefit of Borrowers and subject to
                  Borrowers' accounts payable being substantially current,
                  Borrowers collectively shall have remaining availability of
                  at least ten percent (10%) of the initial Availability that
                  existed prior to the making of such loans and the issuing of
                  such letters of credit.

      8.    EXPENSES:  All out-of-pocket fees and expenses incurred by Lender
            in connection with its review, and its due diligence, such as
            reasonable legal, audit and appraisal expenses, together with an
            allocated charge of $500 per day per auditor, shall be paid by the
            Borrowers whether or not the transaction herein contemplated is
            consummated.  The Borrowers are obligated to make continuing
            deposits to reimburse out of pocket costs upon the request of

      9.    DISCLOSURE:  Unless approved by Lender in advance, this letter may
            not be delivered or disclosed to any third party except those who
            are in a confidential relationship to the Borrowers such as
            Borrowers' legal counsel, accountants, or financial advisors.

      10.   TERMINATION FEE:  In the event that the transaction is not
            consummated for any reason whatsoever, Lender shall be entitled to
            retain the full amount of all deposits as compensation for
            administrative costs incurred and damages sustained.  In addition,
            if Borrowers decline for any reason to borrow from Lender in
            accordance with the terms of this letter, Borrowers shall pay
            Lender $50,000 as a termination fee.

LSB Industries, Inc.
November 3, 1994
Page 11

      11.   INDEMNIFICATION:  By acceptance of this letter, the Borrowers
            jointly and severally agree to indemnify and hold Lender, its
            affiliates and Lender's and such affiliates' directors, officers,
            employees, agents, attorneys and consultants, harmless from and
            against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities and
            expenses (including fees and disbursements of counsel) that may be
            incurred by or asserted against any such indemnities in connection
            with or arising out of any documentation, investigation,
            litigation or proceeding, and whether or not such financing
            transaction  is consummated or any future documentation executed;
            PROVIDED HOWEVER, that no person shall have the right to be so
            indemnified hereunder for matters arising solely from its own
            willful misconduct or bad faith or gross negligence.

      12.   ARBITRATION:  If this letter or any of the matters relating hereto
            should become the subject of a dispute between us, any such
            dispute, including any claim based on or arising from an alleged
            tort, shall at the request of any party, be determined by
            arbitration conducted in accordance with the United States
            Arbitration Act under the commercial Rules of the American
            Arbitration Association and shall be conducted within the Los
            Angeles County, California.  Judgment upon the arbitration award
            may be entered in any court having jurisdiction.

      13.   DAMAGES AND AMENDMENTS: The Borrowers waive any claim for
            consequential damages.  This letter may not be modified or amended
            except in writing executed by all parties hereto.

      14.   THIRD PARTIES:  This letter is solely for the benefit of Borrowers
            and may not be relied on by any other party without the prior
            written consent of Lender.

      15.   GOVERNING LAW:  This letter agreement shall be governed by
            California law.

      This letter supersedes and replaces all previous communications between
the parties, written or oral.  This letter must be executed and returned to
Lender by no later than 5 p.m. Pasadena, California time, November 3, 1994, or
Lender's commitment in accordance with the foregoing shall automatically

LSB Industries, Inc. 
November 3, 1994
Page 12

      This letter, unless previously terminated as above provided, shall
expire at 5 p.m. Pasadena, California time, November 30, 1994, unless extended
in writing by Lender in its sole discretion.

      We look forward to working with you in the weeks ahead.


                                    BankAmerica Business Credit, Inc.

                                       Joyce White, Senior Vice President

ACCEPTED this 3rd day of November, 1994

LSB Industries, Inc. for itself and the other Borrowers

   Tony M. Shelby, 
   Senior Vice President - Chief Financial Officer

                              EXHIBIT "A"

Guaranty and Security Agreements

      a.    Universal Tech Corporation
      b.    L&S Automotive Products, Co.
      c.    Climatex, Inc.
      d.    Total Energy Systems, Ltd.
      e.    LSB Chemical Corp.
      f.    LSB Bearing Corp.
      g.    International Bearing, Inc.
      h.    LSB Extrusion Co.
      i.    Rotex Corporation
      j.    Tribonetics Corporation
      k     Summit Machine Tool Systems, Inc.
      l.    Hercules Energy Manufacturing Corporation
      m.    Morey Machinery Manufacturing Corporation 
      n.    CHP Corporation
      o.    Koax Corp.
      p.    APR Corporation
      q.    Summit Machine Tool, Inc. Corporation

all collectively referred to as the "Affiliate Guarantors".
                       ___ STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT                EXHIBIT 10.3

      This Stock Purchase Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into
effective as of the 14th day of November, 1994 by and between
_________________, an individual ("_______"), __________________, an
individual ("________"), ____________, an individual ("_____") (_______,
________ and _____ are hereinafter collectively referred to as the
"Shareholders"), _______________,
_________ and LSB Industries, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("LSB").

                             R E C I T A L S:

      WHEREAS, the Shareholders own:  (a) one hundred percent (100%) of the
equity shares of ___, and (b) one hundred percent (100%) of the equity shares
of ___;

      WHEREAS, ___ is currently authorized to issue 10,000 shares of common
stock and such common stock is the only class of stock issued and is the only
stock of ___ with voting rights;

      WHEREAS, ___ is currently authorized to issue 2,500 shares of common
stock and such common stock is the only class of stock issued and is the only
stock of ___ with voting rights;

      WHEREAS, a total of 10,000 shares of ___ common stock are currently
issued and outstanding;

      WHEREAS, a total of 1,500 shares of ___ common stock are currently
issued and outstanding;

      WHEREAS, _____ owns twenty percent (20%), _______ owns forty percent
(40%), and ________ owns forty percent (40%), of ___;

      WHEREAS, _____, ________and ________ each own thirty-three and one-third
percent (33-1/3%) of ___;

      WHEREAS, commencing upon the closing of this Agreement, the Shareholders
have agreed to the employment terms with ___ set forth in the Employment
Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "A";

      WHEREAS, LSB desires to purchase a total of eighty percent (80%) of
shares of ___, upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, so
as to allow LSB to become the owner of eighty percent (80%) of all issued and
outstanding common stock of ___; 

      WHEREAS, ___ and the Shareholders have, executed and agreed to a Stock
Purchase Agreement for _____ purchase of one hundred percent (100%) of all
issued and outstanding common stock of ___ (the "___ Stock Purchase
Agreement"), which purchase is to be consummated simultaneously with the
Closing of this Agreement.

      WHEREAS, ___ and LSB have executed that certain Loan Agreement dated
September 15, 1994 (the "Loan Agreement"), under which Loan Agreement LSB may
make advances at its sole discretion to ___ up to $1.5 Million (the "Loan").

      NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements
contained herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Shareholders and LSB agree as

1.    Recitals.  The recitals set forth above shall be deemed a part of this
      Agreement and are incorporated herein by reference.

2.    Stock Purchase.

      2.1   Purchase.  Subject to the terms and conditions contained herein,
      the Shareholders hereby agree to sell to LSB and LSB agrees to purchase
      from the Shareholders 8,000 shares of _____ common stock (constituting
      80% of the shares of ___) (hereinafter collectively referred to as the
      "Subject Shares"), from the following individual Shareholders in
      accordance with the following schedule:

                                                      Number of          
               ___                                    ___ Shares
            Shareholder                   Subject to Purchase

            ________                                        3,200
            ________                                        3,200
            ________                                        1,600
            TOTAL (80% of all                               8,000
                   outstanding shares)

      For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "Participation Percentage"
      shall mean the following percentages for each of the Shareholders:

                  Shareholder             Participation Percentage

                  ________                                  40%
                  ________                                  40%
                  ________                                  20%
                  TOTAL                                    100%

      2.2   Closing Date.  The Closing of purchase and sale of the Subject
      Shares under this Agreement shall occur on  or before the later of
      November 15, 1994 or three (3) days after LSB's financing with
      BankAmerica closes, but in no event later than December 15, 1994 (the
      "Closing" or the "Closing Date"); provided, however, if Closing does not
      occur on or before November 15, 1994, LSB shall pay Shareholders
      $100,000 as a down payment against the amounts to be paid at Closing.

      2.3   Closing.  At the Closing of LSB's purchase of the Subject Shares,
      the Shareholders shall deliver to LSB the certificate(s) evidencing the
      Subject Shares, together with assignments separate from the
      certificate(s) endorsed in favor of LSB or its designee.  The Subject
      Shares shall be duly authorized, non-assessable, validly issued and
      delivered to LSB free and clear of all liens, restrictions, claims
      and/or agreements of any kind.  At the Closing, the Shareholders, ___,
      ___ and LSB shall also fulfill all other obligations set forth herein as
      items to occur at or before Closing.

      2.4   Purchase Price.  After delivery to LSB at the Closing of the
      certificate(s) evidencing the Subject Shares, and conditioned upon ___,
      ___ and the Shareholders fulfilling all obligations to take place at or
      before Closing, LSB agrees to pay the amount set forth below in Section
      2.4.1 (the "Purchase Price"), payable as reflected in Section 2.4.2

        2.4.1  Purchase Price.  The total Purchase Price to be paid to all
        Shareholders under this Agreement shall be the total amount of $4

        2.4.2 Payment of Purchase Price.  LSB shall pay to the
        Shareholders, in proportion to their Participation Percentage, the
        total Purchase Price as follows:

                    (a)  Thirty-seven and one-half percent (37.5%) of the
                    total Purchase Price shall be paid on the Closing Date;

                    (b)  Twenty percent (20%) of the total Purchase Price
                    remaining after the payment in (a) above shall be paid on
                    or before the first anniversary of the Closing Date, with
                    such amount represented by a promissory note marked
                    negotiable with interest payable at seven percent (7%)
                    per annum;

                    (c)  Twenty percent (20%) of the total Purchase Price
                    remaining after the payment in (a) above shall be paid on
                    or before the second anniversary of the Closing Date,
                    with such amount represented by a promissory note marked
                    negotiable with interest payable at seven percent (7%)
                    per annum from the date of the note;

                    (d)  Twenty percent (20%) of the total Purchase Price
                    remaining after the payment in (a) above shall be paid on
                    or before the third anniversary of the Closing Date, with
                    such amount represented by a promissory note marked
                    negotiable with interest payable at seven percent (7%)
                    per annum from the date of the note;

                    (e)  Twenty percent (20%) of the total Purchase Price
                    remaining after the payment in (a) above shall be paid on
                    or before the fourth anniversary of the Closing Date,
                    with such amount represented by a promissory note marked
                    negotiable with interest payable at seven percent (7%)
                    per annum from the date of the note;

                    (f)  Twenty percent (20%) of the total Purchase Price
                    remaining after the payment in (a) above shall be paid on
                    or before the fifth anniversary of the Closing Date, with
                    such amount represented by a promissory note marked
                    negotiable with interest payable at seven percent (7%)
                    per annum from the date of the note;

        The promissory notes as referenced in (b) through (f) above shall
        be dated and delivered to Shareholders at Closing and may be
        separately issued, at the option of the Shareholders, to _______,
        ________ and _____ in accordance with their respective
        Participation Percentages(said promissory notes shall be
        collectively referred to as the "Shareholders' Notes"). 

        2.4.3  Post-Closing Confirmations.  The Shareholders shall have
        the obligations and shall make the transfers set forth below, in
        the manner therein specified, in the event of the non-occurrence
        of the following confirmation events (the "Confirmation Events"): 
        (i) on or before one (1) year after the Closing, ___ obtains a
        valid and enforceable shared energy savings contract with respect
        to _________ which includes financing therefor from a bona fide
        lender (the "_________ Contract"), and (ii) the Net Present Value
        of eighty percent (80%) of _____ interest in the net revenues
        attributable to the energy savings from the ________ and _________
        Projects shall be $4 Million or greater, calculated as of the
        Closing date of this Agreement, using a ten percent (10%) discount
        rate, measured two (2) years and six (6) months after the Closing
        Date (but in no event sooner than one (1) full year following
        completion of construction of the _________ project) (the
        "Measurement Date"), using the energy saving attributable to the
        respective projects during the one (1) full year period prior to
        the Measurement Date (the "Calculated Net Present Value").

              (a)   In the event the Confirmation Event set forth in
              2.4.3(i) above does not occur, then the Shareholders shall
              transfer to LSB, in the manner set forth in Section 2.4.3(c)
              below, an amount equal to the difference between $4 Million
              and the Calculated Net Present Value without the _________
              Project as of the Closing Date (the "____ Shortfall

              (b)   In the event that the Confirmation Event set forth in
              2.4.3(i) does occur, but the Confirmation Event set forth in
              2.4.3(ii) above yields an amount less than $4 Million, then
              the Shareholders shall transfer to LSB, in the manner set
              forth in Section 2.4.3(c) below, an amount equal to the
              difference between $4 Million and the Calculated Net Present
              Value as of the Closing Date (the "Yield Shortfall Amount"). 

              (c)  The ____ Shortfall Amount and the Yield Shortfall
              Amount shall be satisfied, to the extent possible, by
              Shareholders' transfer to LSB by means of a joint and
              several assignment to LSB of any and all amounts owed to
              Shareholders, now or in the future, by ___, including,
              without limitation, the Shareholder's Net Income Interest
              and Net Profit Interest under the ___ Stock Purchase
              Agreement.   Accordingly, the Shareholders do hereby assign
              to LSB or its designee, jointly and severally, any and all
              amounts owed to Shareholders, now or in the future, by ___,
              including, without limitation, their respective and combined
              Net Income Interest and Net Profit Interest under the____
              Stock Purchase Agreement, and the Shareholders hereby
              irrevocably instruct ___ to pay any monies owed to
              Shareholders by ___, now or in the future, to LSB or its
              designee such sums as may be necessary to satisfy all ____
              Shortfall Amounts and Yield Shortfall Amounts as those
              amounts become known, owed or due.  

                    (d)   To the extent subsequent events occur during the
              Shareholders' respective Bonus Period (as that term is
              defined in the ___ Stock Purchase Agreement), which would
              require adjustment (either increase or decrease) in the
              amount paid or to be paid as a result of the non-occurrence
              of one of the Confirmation Events, such adjustment and any
              refund to Shareholder or additional payments to LSB as may
              be required as a result of such adjustment, shall be
              determined on or before the last day of the calendar year in
              which such subsequent event occurs.

3.      Representations & Warranties of Shareholders.  The Shareholders, ___ and
        ___, jointly and severally represent and warrant to LSB as follows:

  3.1   The Subject Shares. The Shareholders own and have full and valid
        title to the Subject Shares free and clear of all liens, security
        interests, claims and encumbrances, and have good right and
        authority to sell the same.

  3.2   ___ Stock.  ___ is currently authorized to issue 10,000  shares of
        common stock, and such shares of common stock are the only stock
        of ___ which have voting rights.  There are 10,000 shares of ___
        common stock currently issued and such are all outstanding in the
        names stated in Section 2.1 above, and such shall be the only
        outstanding shares of ___ common stock as of the Closing Date.

  3.3   ___ Stock.  ___ is currently authorized to issue 2,500   shares of
        common stock, and such shares of common stock are the only stock
        of ___ which have voting rights.  There are only 1,500 shares of
        ___ common stock currently issued and such are all outstanding in
        the names stated in Section 2.1 above, and such shall be the only
        outstanding shares of ___ common stock as of the Closing Date.

  3.4   No Subscriptions, etc.  There are no outstanding subscriptions,
        options, rights, warrants, calls, commitments or agreements
        relating to the authorized but unissued shares of ___ or ___.

  3.5   Shareholder's Authority for Agreement.  Each Shareholder has full
        and requisite power and authority to deliver this Agreement and to
        perform its obligations hereunder.  The execution and delivery of
        this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions
        contemplated hereby have been duly authorized by the requisite
        actions and this Agreement constitutes the valid and legally
        binding obligation of each Shareholder enforceable against each of
        the respective Shareholder in accordance with its terms.  The
        execution and delivery of this Agreement and the consummation of
        the transactions contemplated hereby will not conflict with or
        result in any violation of, or default under, any provision of the
        formation documents of either ___ or ___ or with any other
        agreement or document to which any Shareholder is a party.

  3.6   Corporate Status and Authority.  ___ is a corporation duly
        organized and existing and in good standing under the laws of the
        State of California and____ is a corporation duly organized and
        existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of
        Nevada.  Both ___ and ___ have full power and authority to own and
        operate each of their properties and to carry on its business all
        as, and in the places where, such properties are now owned or
        operated or such businesses are conducted.  Both ___ and ___ are
        duly qualified to do business and are in good standing in every
        jurisdiction in which the nature of the property owned or leased
        or the nature of the business conducted by each makes such
        qualification necessary.

  3.7   Subsidiaries. ____ has no subsidiaries and is not a partner in any
        partnership or joint venture.  ___ is not a partner in any
        partnership or joint venture and has only two subsidiaries:  ____,
        Inc. ("____"), being a Louisiana corporation that is wholly owned
        by ___; and, ______, Inc. ("______"), being a California
        corporation certified to do business in Hawaii that is wholly
        owned by ___.  _____ interest in both ____ and ______ are included
        in the Purchase Price, for no additional consideration.  ______,
        Inc. has no subsidiaries and is a partner in only one partnership
        or joint venture:  ________ Conservation Partners, L.P., a
        Hawaiian limited partnership in which ______ is a 1% general
        partner and a 49% limited partner and, which interest is included
        in the Purchase Price, for no additional consideration.  ___ is
        also in the process of forming a Hawaiian corporation to be known
        as ___________, Inc. ("___________"), which will be a wholly owned
        subsidiary of ____and which is included in the Purchase Price for
        no additional consideration.  It is also anticipated that ______-
        _______ will be a 50% joint venturer/partner with a wholly owned
        subsidiary of __________________________to be known as
        _______________________, when and if such joint venture/
        partnership is formed, which interest is included in the Purchase
        Price, for no additional consideration; provided, however,
        Shareholders and ___ agree that the joint venture/partnership
        contemplated with _________________________ shall not be formed or
        agreed to prior to Closing without LSB's prior written approval of
        the terms of such joint venture/partnership.  All representations
        or warranties under this Agreement also apply to those
        subsidiaries, partnerships or joint ventures reflected above.

  3.8   Financial Statements.  ___ has heretofore delivered to LSB its
        consolidated unaudited financial statements (the "Unaudited
        Financials") of ___ and subsidiaries as of June 30, 1994,
        including a Balance Sheet as of June 30, 1994 and statement of
        operations for the year ended June 30, 1994, and ___ will continue
        to furnish such financial information to LSB as of the end of each
        month until the Closing.  The Unaudited Financials have been
        prepared by the management of ___ and fairly present the financial
        position of ___ and its subsidiaries at June 30, 1994 and the
        results of operations for the year then ended and as of the end of
        each subsequent month for which such Unaudited Financials are

  3.9   Undisclosed Liabilities.  On the Closing Date, ________, and their
        respective subsidiaries, will not be subject to any debts,
        liabilities or obligations of any nature, whether accrued,
        absolute, contingent or other, and whether due or to become due,
        including, but not limited to, liabilities or obligations on
        account of taxes (except ad valorem taxes accruing after December
        31, 1993) constituting a lien but not yet due and payable, other
        governmental charges, duties, penalties or fines, and there is no
        valid basis for the assertion against either ________, or their
        respective subsidiaries of any such debt, liability or obligation
        other than those (i) reflected the Unaudited Financials, (ii)
        which arise under obligations disclosed herein or (iii) which are
        pursuant to obligations arising in the ordinary course of the
        business of either ________, or their respective subsidiaries
        consistent with those obligations reflected by the Additional
        Unaudited Financials provided to LSB pursuant to Section 6.5

  3.10  Changes in Condition.  There has not been since June 30, 1994, (i)
        any change in the condition (financial or other) in or of the
        properties, assets, liabilities, or business of ________, or their
        respective subsidiaries, except changes in the ordinary course of
        business which have not in any one case or in the aggregate been
        materially adverse, (ii) any damage, destruction or loss (whether
        or not covered by insurance) materially and adversely affecting
        the properties, assets, or business of ________, or their
        respective subsidiaries, (iii) any change in the accounting
        methods or practices followed by ________, or their respective
        subsidiaries or any change in depreciation or amortization
        policies or rates heretofore adopted, (iv) any sale, lease,
        abandonment or other disposition by ________, or their respective
        subsidiaries of any interest in real property, or, other than in
        the ordinary course of business, of any machinery, equipment or
        other operating property or any sale, assignment, transfer,
        license or other disposition by ___ of any intangible asset, (v)
        any declaration setting aside or payment of any dividend or other
        distribution on or in respect of the Subject Shares, or any direct
        or indirect redemption, retirement, purchase or other acquisition
        by ___ of any of the Subject Shares, or (vi) any change in the
        Articles of Incorporation or By-laws of ________, or their
        respective subsidiaries, or (vii) any other occurrence, event or
        condition which materially adversely affects or may materially
        adversely affect the properties, assets, or business of ________,
        or their respective subsidiaries.  

  3.11  Taxes.  ________, or their respective subsidiaries have duly and
        timely filed all tax returns required to be filed, and have paid
        all taxes shown to be due and payable on all such returns, all
        assessments notice of which has been received by any of them, and
        all other taxes, governmental charges, duties, penalties, interest
        and fines due and payable by any of them on or before the Closing
        Date. There are no agreements, waivers or other arrangements
        providing for an extension of time with respect to the filing of
        any tax returns by ________, or their respective subsidiaries, or
        the payment by, or assessment against, ________, or their
        respective subsidiaries of any tax, governmental charge, duty or
        deficiency.  There are no suits, actions, claims, investigations,
        inquiries or proceedings threatened or now pending against
        ________, or their respective subsidiaries in respect to taxes,
        governmental charges, duties or assessments, or any matters under
        discussion with any governmental authority relating to taxes,
        governmental charges, duties or assessments, or any claims for
        additional taxes, governmental charges, duties or assessments
        asserted by any such authority.  The reserves made for taxes,
        governmental charges and duties on the Financials and the
        Unaudited Financials are sufficient for the payment of all unpaid
        taxes, governmental charges and duties payable by ________, or
        their respective subsidiaries attributable to all periods ended on
        or before the date of the Unaudited Financials.  ________, and
        their respective subsidiaries have withheld or collected on each
        payment made to each of its employees the amount of all taxes
        (including, but not limited to, federal income taxes, Federal
        Insurance Contribution Act taxes and state and local income and
        wage taxes) required to be withheld or collected therefrom and has
        paid the same to the proper tax receiving officers.

  3.12  Real Property.  Neither ________, nor their respective
        subsidiaries owns any real property or interest therein except ___
        has a leasehold interest of its office space at

  3.13  Title to Personal Property.  _________ and their respective
        subsidiaries have good and marketable title to all tangible
        personal property which each owns, including, but not limited to,
        that reflected on the Unaudited Financials (except as disposed of
        since the date of the Unaudited Financials in the ordinary course
        of business and without involving any misrepresentation or breach
        of warranty or covenant under this Agreement).

  3.14  Plant, Buildings, Machinery and Equipment. All buildings, offices,
        shops and other structures and all machinery, equipment, software,
        computer hardware and general intangibles, fixtures, vehicles and
        other properties owned, leased or used by either ________, and
        their respective subsidiaries (whether under their control or the
        control of others) are in good operating condition and repair and
        are adequate and sufficient for all operations.  ________, and
        their respective subsidiaries own all computer software and
        hardware, furniture, fixtures, machinery, equipment and other
        assets required in the business of _________ and their respective
        subsidiaries as now being conducted.

  3.15  Regulatory Compliance.  None of the real or personal properties
        owned, leased, occupied or operated by ________, or their
        respective subsidiaries, or the ownership, leasing, occupancy or
        operation thereof, is in violation of any law or any building,
        zoning, environmental or other ordinance, code, rule or
        regulation, and no notice from any governmental body or other
        person has been served upon ________, or their respective
        subsidiaries or upon any property owned, leased, occupied or
        operated by ________, or their respective subsidiaries claiming
        any violation of any such law, ordinance, code, rule or regulation
        or requiring, or calling attention to the need for, any work,
        repairs, construction, alterations or installation an or in
        connection with such property which has not been complied with. 
        ________, and their respective subsidiaries have the right to use
        their properties for all material operations conducted by it. 
        ________, and their respective subsidiaries are in compliance with
        all rules, regulations and laws that pertain to the conduct of
        their business and ________, and their respective subsidiaries are
        not aware of or have received any notice charging ________, or
        their respective subsidiaries with such violations.  Further,
        neither ________, nor their respective subsidiaries, to the best
        knowledge of the Shareholders, are under extraordinary
        investigation by any governmental or industry regulatory body for
        any reason.

  3.16  Accounts.  All account receivables of _________ and their
        respective subsidiaries which are reflected in the Unaudited
        Financials and those owned by ________, and their respective
        subsidiaries on the Closing Date are and will be good and
        collectible except to the extent charged off each month in
        accordance with its normal accounting practices, consistently

  3.17  Inventory.  All items, if any, contained in the inventory of
        _________ and their respective subsidiaries, as reflected in the
        Unaudited Financials and as owned on the Closing Date are of a
        quality and quantity salable or usable in the ordinary course of
        ____________, and their respective subsidiaries' business at
        customary retail or wholesale prices; and the values of such
        inventory reflect write-downs to realizable market value in the
        case of items which had become obsolete or were unsalable except
        at prices less than cost through regular distribution channels in
        the ordinary course of_____________, and their respective
        subsidiaries' business.

  3.18  Patents, Trademarks, Etc.  Neither ________, nor their respective
        subsidiaries infringe on any patents, trademarks, trade names,
        brand names or copyrights of any third party.      

  3.19  New Developments.  There are no new developments in any business
        conducted by ________, or their respective subsidiaries, nor any
        new or improved methods, materials, products, processes or
        services useful in connection with the business of ________, or
        their respective subsidiaries as presently conducted, which may
        adversely affect the properties, assets or business of_________,
        or their respective subsidiaries.

  3.20  Competition.  Neither ________, nor their respective subsidiaries
        nor any of their officers or employees have entered into any
        agreement relating to the business of ________, or their
        respective subsidiaries containing any prohibition or restriction
        of competition or solicitation of customers with any person,
        corporation, partnership, firm, association or business
        organization, entity or enterprise which is now in effect.

  3.21  Contractual Obligations.  The Shareholders, ________, and their
        respective subsidiaries have or will have prior to Closing
        furnished LSB for its examination (i) a list of all written or
        oral contracts, commitments, agreements and other contractual
        obligations (not otherwise described herein) to which either
        ________, or their respective subsidiaries are a party or by which
        their properties or assets are bound, affecting either ________,
        or their respective subsidiaries, including, without limitation,
        all labor agreements, employment contracts, leases, notes and
        other evidence of indebtedness, pension and profit sharing and
        other employee benefit plans or agreements, insurance policies and
        contracts, and agreements obligating either ___ or ___ to expend
        any substantial amount of money or acquire or dispose of any
        substantial amount of property, and (ii) a list of all
        governmental or court approvals and third party contractual
        consents required in order to consummate the transactions
        contemplated by this Agreement. 

  3.22  Compliance with Obligations.  Neither ___, ___, nor their
        respective subsidiaries is, nor is either alleged to be, in
        default under, or in breach of any term or provision of, any
        contract, agreement, lease, license, commitment, instrument or
        obligation.  No other party to any contract, agreement, lease,
        license, commitment, instrument or obligation to which either
        ________, or their respective subsidiaries is a party is in
        default thereunder or in breach of any term or provision thereof. 
        There exists no condition or event which, after notice or lapse of
        time or both, would constitute a default by any party to any such
        contract, agreement, lease, license, commitment, instrument or

  3.23  Litigation. There is no suit, action or claim, no investigation or
        inquiry by any administrative agency or governmental body, and no
        legal, administrative or arbitration proceeding pending or
        threatened against either ________, or their respective
        subsidiaries or any of their properties, assets, or business or to
        which it is or might become a party, and there is no valid basis
        for any such suit, action, claim, investigation, inquiry or
        proceeding.  There is no outstanding order, writ, injunction or
        decree of any court, any administrative agency or governmental
        body or arbitration tribunal against or affecting either ________,
        or their respective subsidiaries or any of the capital stock,
        properties, assets, or business of either ________, or their
        respective subsidiaries other than those listed in Exhibit "B"
        attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.

  3.24  Licenses and Permits.  ________, and their respective subsidiaries
        have all governmental licenses and permits necessary to conduct
        their business and to operate their properties and assets, and
        such licenses and permits are in full force and effect.  No
        violations exist or have been recorded in respect of any
        governmental license or permit of either ________, or their
        respective subsidiaries.  No proceeding is pending or threatened
        looking toward the revocation or limitation of any such
        governmental license or permit and there is no valid basis for any
        such revocation or limitation.  ________, and their respective
        subsidiaries have complied with all laws, rules, regulations,
        ordinances, codes, orders, licenses, concessions and permits
        relating to any of their properties or applicable to their
        business including, but not limited to, the labor, environmental
        and antitrust laws.

  3.25  Labor Disputes.  Since June 30, 1994, there has not been any
        matter under discussion with any labor union or any strike, work
        stoppage or labor trouble relating to employees of either ___,
        ___, or their respective subsidiaries.  Since June 30, 1994, there
        has not been any change in the relationship or course of dealing
        between either ________, or their respective subsidiaries and any
        of their suppliers or customers which has had or could have a
        material adverse effect on their business.

  3.26  Employee Compensation.  An accurate list of (a) the name and the
        current annual salary and other compensation or the rate of
        compensation payable by either ________, or their respective
        subsidiaries to each of their officers and each employee whose
        current total annual compensation or estimated compensation
        (including, but not limited to, normal bonus, profit sharing and
        other extra compensation) is $25,000 or more, and (b) each loan or
        advance (other than routine travel advances repaid or formally
        accounted for within 60 days and routine vacation advances and
        routine credit card advances) made by either ________, or their
        respective subsidiaries to any director, officer or employee of
        either ________, or their respective subsidiaries outstanding and
        unpaid as of the date of this agreement and the current status
        thereof, will be provided LSB by the Shareholders prior to the
        Closing Date.  Since December 31, 1993, there has not been any
        increase in the total compensation payable or to become payable by
        either ________, or their respective subsidiaries to each such
        person or any general increase, in the total compensation or rate
        of total compensation payable or to become payable by either
        _________ or their respective subsidiaries to salaried employees
        other than those specified in clause (a) of this Section or to
        hourly employees ("general increase" for purposes of this Section
        means any increase generally applicable to a class or group of
        employees and not including increases granted to individual
        employees for merit, length of service, change in position or
        responsibility or other reasons applicable to specific employees
        and not generally to a class or group thereof) other than as set
        forth in ____________, or their respective subsidiaries' books and

  3.27  Insurance.  ________, and their respective subsidiaries maintain
        adequate insurance on their properties, assets, business and
        personnel. Neither ________, nor their respective subsidiaries are
        in default with respect to any provision contained in any
        insurance policy, and neither have failed to give any notice or
        present any claim under any insurance policy in due and timely

  3.28  No Default.  The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the
        consummation of the transactions contemplated hereunder will not
        (a) result in the breach of any of the terms or conditions of, or
        constitute a default under, the Articles of Incorporation or the
        By-Laws of or the formation documents of ________, or their
        respective subsidiaries or any contract, agreement, commitment,
        indenture, mortgage, pledge agreement, note, bond, license or
        other instrument or obligation to which ________, or their
        respective subsidiaries or any shareholder is now a party or by
        which ________, or their respective subsidiaries or any of the
        properties or assets of ________, or their respective subsidiaries
        may be bound or affected, or (b) violate any law, or any rule or
        regulation of any administrative agency or governmental body, or
        any order, writ, injunction or decree of any court, administrative
        agency or governmental body. 

  3.29  Customers and Suppliers.  No facts are known indicating that any
        customer or supplier of ________, or their respective subsidiaries
        intends to cease doing business with ________, or their respective
        subsidiaries or to materially alter the amount of business that
        they are presently or have historically done with ________, or
        their respective subsidiaries.

  3.30  Conflicts of Interest.  No director, officer or employee of
        _________ or their respective subsidiaries, including the
        Shareholders, control or are an employee, officer, director, agent
        or owner of any corporation, firm, association, partnership or
        other businesses entity which is a competitor, supplier or
        customer of ________, or their respective subsidiaries.

  3.31  Full Disclosure.  No representation or warranty of ________, or
        their respective subsidiaries under this Agreement contains or
        will contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omits or
        will omit any material fact necessary to make the statements
        herein not misleading.

  3.32  Value of ________ and ________.  Exhibit "C" accurately reflects
        the net revenue expected to be derived from the ________ and
        ________ projects as well as ____s share of such net revenues from
        those projects.

  3.33  Freon Regulations.  In the event any state or federal law, rule or
        regulation addressing the use of Freon is adopted, ________ and
        their respective subsidiaries have not entered into any agreement
        or understanding, and will not enter into any such agreement or
        understanding prior to Closing, which would require any of them to
        replace or make any modifications to any Freon-utilizing equipment
        which they may have sold or installed or may be maintaining.

  3.34  No Obligations to Repay Debts Related to ________ Project.  ___
        and ___ have no responsibility, obligation or liability to pay any
        debts or obligations of ______, including, without limitation, any
        debt to any lender of ______ or to any partner of ______ related
        to the ________ project.

4.      Representations and Warranties of Buyer. LSB represents and warrants to
        the Shareholders as follows: 

  4.1   Organization.  LSB is a Delaware corporation duly organized,
        validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State
        of Delaware and has the corporate power to enter into and to carry
        out the terms and provisions of this Agreement.

  4.2   Agreement Authorized.  The execution, delivery and performance of
        this Agreement by LSB has been authorized by all requisite
        corporate action on the part of LSB and will not conflict with or
        result in any breach in the terms, conditions or provisions of
        LSB's corporate charter, by-laws or any other instrument to which
        LSB is a party. 

  4.3   Securities Law Restrictions.  LSB, will, within the meaning of the
        Securities Act of 1933, acquire the Subject Shares for investment
        and not with a view to the sale or distribution thereof. 

  4.4   Obligations.  No officer, director, or shareholder of LSB shall
        have any personal liability or obligation to __________ or any
        other person under the terms of this agreement or under any
        expressed or implied obligation, concept, principle or legal

5.      Additional Agreements of Parties.

  5.1   Changes in Directors of ___________.  On the Closing Date, the
        Shareholders will cooperate with LSB in arranging to have
        available immediately after the Closing the transfer books of
        ________, and their respective subsidiaries and to cause such
        action to be taken by the officers and directors of ________, and
        their respective subsidiaries as may be required in order that the
        Subject Shares delivered hereunder may forthwith be transferred of
        record to LSB or its designee and in order that LSB or its
        designee may cause such changes to be effected in the Board of
        Directors and officers of ________, and their respective
        subsidiaries as LSB or its designee may desire. 

  5.2   Conduct of Business.  From June 30, 1994 to the Closing Date, the
        Shareholders, ____and ____agree that ________________ and their
        respective subsidiaries and affiliates shall operate only in the
        ordinary course and, in particular, shall not engage in any of the
        following activities without LSB's prior written consent:

        5.2.1 Cancel or permit any insurance to lapse or terminate, unless
              renewed or replaced by like coverage; 

        5.2.2 Change its Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws;

        5.2.3 Default under any material contract, agreement, commitment
              or undertaking of any kind;

        5.2.4 Violate or fail to comply with all laws applicable to it or
              its properties or business, to the extent that the violation
              or failure to comply would have a materially adverse effect
              on ___________;

        5.2.5 Commit any act or permit the occurrence of any event or the
              existence of any condition prohibited by the terms of this

        5.2.6 Enter into any material contract, agreement or other

        5.2.7 Fail to maintain and repair its assets in accordance with
              good standards of maintenance and as required in any leases
              or other agreements pertaining to its assets; or

        5.2.8 Merge, consolidate or agree to merge or consolidate with or
              into any other corporation.

        5.2.9 Issue any stock to anyone other than LSB.

        5.2.10      Create or assume any indebtedness.

        5.2.11      Sell, encumber or otherwise dispose of, or grant any
                    security interest in or encumbrance on, any of their

        5.2.12      Enter into or implement any employee benefit plan.

        5.2.13      Enter into any employment, consulting or similar contract
                    for or on their behalf.

        5.2.14      Increase the compensation, deferred compensation or
                    benefits payable to any employee or commissioned agent.

        5.2.15      Take any action or, by inaction, permit any action to be
                    taken or event to occur, which would cause any
                    representation or warranty made in or pursuant to this
                    Agreement to be untrue as of the Closing.

        5.2.16      Remove any assets other than those recorded in their
                    books and records as a sale in the ordinary course of
                    business at fair market value price.

        5.2.17      Take any action that could impair the collectibility of
                    any of their accounts.

        5.2.18      Enter into any agreement with respect to any of the

  5.3   Access to Information.  From and after the date of this agreement,
        the Shareholders, _________and ______ shall give LSB, its legal
        counsel, accountants and other representatives, upon receipt of
        reasonable notice in writing, full and free access to all of the
        employees, properties, books, contracts, commitments and records
        of ________ and ______ in order to give LSB the full opportunity
        to make an investigation of the affairs of ________ and ______, as
        long as the investigation occurs only during the regular business
        hours of ________ and ______ and does not interfere unreasonably
        with the operation of ________ and ______. Any investigation
        (whether heretofore conducted or to be conducted) shall not affect
        the representations and warranties of Shareholders, ___ and ___
        contained in this Agreement.

  5.4   Preservation of Business Organization.  The Shareholders, ___ and
        ___ shall use their best efforts to preserve the business
        organization of ________, and their respective subsidiaries, to
        keep available to LSB the services of the respective officers and
        employees of ________, and their respective subsidiaries, and to
        preserve for LSB the existing relationship of ________, and their
        respective subsidiaries with all suppliers, customers and others
        having business relations with ________, and their respective

  5.5   Additional Financial Statements.  ___, not less than fifteen (15)
        days of the date of this Agreement, but no later than one (1) week
        before Closing, will deliver to LSB unaudited financial statements
        of ___, including a Balance Sheet as of June 30, 1994, and
        Statement of Operations for the year ended June 30, 1994 and shall
        continue to timely provide the same as of the last day of each
        month thereafter until Closing (the "Additional Unaudited
        Financials").  The Additional Unaudited Financials will have been
        prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
        principles, consistently applied, will have been prepared by the
        management of ___ and will fairly present the financial position
        and results of operations of ___ as of June 30, 1994, and as of
        the end of each month thereafter.  

  5.6   Materiality. The parties hereto agree that for purposes of this
        agreement, an occurrence, event or condition shall be deemed
        "materially adverse" if it results in a reduction of stockholder's
        equity of __________or their respective subsidiaries in excess of

  5.7   Confidential Information.  Each Shareholder acknowledges and
        agrees that ___________ have developed and uses various
        proprietary and confidential practices and methods of conducting
        business, information and data, and computer software and data
        bases.  In particular, each Shareholder acknowledges that
        ___________ have developed specialized business methods,
        techniques, plans and know-how; budgets, financing and accounting
        techniques and projections; advertising, proposals, applications,
        marketing materials and concepts; customer files and other non-
        public information regarding customers; methods for developing and
        maintaining business relationships with customers and prospective
        customers; customer and prospect lists; copies of previous
        insurance policies and renewal dates; procedure manuals; and
        employee training and review programs and techniques.  The
        foregoing information, software, documents, practices, and methods
        of conducting business shall hereinafter be referred to as the
        "Confidential Information."  Each Shareholder agrees that the
        Confidential Information is a trade secret of ___________,
        respectively, which shall remain the sole property of ___________,
        respectively, notwithstanding that each Shareholder may have
        participated in the development of the Confidential Information. 
        During the term of this Agreement and at all times thereafter for
        perpetuity, each Shareholder shall not disclose any Confidential
        Information to any person or entity for any reason or purpose
        whatsoever, nor shall any Shareholder make use of any Confidential
        Information for their own benefit or for the benefit of any other
        person or entity.

  5.8   Prohibition on Solicitation of Customers and Covenant Not to

        5.8.1 For a period of seven (7) years after the Closing Date, no
              Shareholder shall directly or indirectly, either for
              themselves or for any other person or entity, solicit any
              person or entity to terminate or in any manner affect such
              person's or entity's contractual and/or business
              relationship with ________, or their respective
              subsidiaries, nor shall any Shareholder interfere with or
              disrupt or attempt to interfere with or disrupt any such

        5.8.2 Covenant Not to Compete.  ___________ and each Shareholder
              each acknowledge that each may have considerable specialized
              knowledge and contacts in the business of ________ and their
              respective subsidiaries and that it is important to ________
              and their respective subsidiaries that each Shareholder
              agree not to compete with ________ and their respective
              subsidiaries in the business in which ________ and their
              respective subsidiaries engage in presently or in any
              business that has any connection with energy savings.  As
              part of the consideration for the Purchase Price during the
              term of this Section 6.9.1 each Shareholder covenants that
              each shall not, directly or indirectly, either as an
              employee, employer, consultant, agent principal, partner,
              stockholder, corporate officer or director or in any other
              individual or representative capacity, engage or participate
              in any business that is in competition with ________, or
              their respective subsidiaries or in any business that uses,
              distributes, handles or has any connection with energy
              savings, provided that each Shareholder may invest in
              publicly traded securities of companies in competition with
              ________, or their respective subsidiaries or mutual funds
              whose assets include securities of such companies.

        5.8.3 Corporate Opportunities.  Each Shareholder shall be under an
              obligation to present in writing, any business opportunity
              relating to _____________, or their respective subsidiaries'
              business of which he becomes aware.  Unless ________, or
              their respective subsidiaries notifies such Shareholder to
              the contrary in writing, ________, and/or their respective
              subsidiaries shall have the right to act in its own interest
              and pursue any such business opportunity and such
              Shareholder shall assist ________, or their respective
              subsidiaries as requested.  Each Shareholder hereby waives
              any rights to act on his own behalf with respect to such
              opportunities unless ________, or their respective
              subsidiaries notifies him in writing that __________ will
              not be pursuing a specific opportunity.

6.      Conditions Precedent to Obligations of LSB.  The obligations of LSB to
        pay the Purchase Price and otherwise perform under this Agreement is
        subject, at LSB's option, to the condition that all representations and
        warranties and other statements of ________ and the Shareholders herein
        are as of the Closing true and correct and the condition that
        ___________ perform all of their obligations hereunder to be performed
        at or prior to the Closing, and the following additional conditions:

  6.1   Certificates.  There shall have been furnished or caused to be
        furnished to LSB at the Closing, certificates of appropriate
        officers of ________ and each Shareholder in form and substance
        satisfactory to LSB as to the continuing accuracy at and as of the
        Closing of the representations and warranties of ___________ and
        the Shareholders and to the performance by ___________ and the
        Shareholders of all their obligations hereunder to be performed at
        or prior to the Closing, together with such other certificates as
        LSB may reasonably request in connection with the Closing.

  6.2   Delivery of Subject Shares.  Certificates evidencing the Subject
        Shares, duly executed for transfer to LSB or its designee shall
        have been delivered to LSB and duly transferred to it on the books
        of ___.

  6.3   Board of Directors.  The members of the Board of Directors of
        _________ and their respective subsidiaries shall resign their
        directorships effective as of the Closing, and LSB's designees
        shall have been elected to such Board of Directors effective as of
        the Closing.

  6.4   Counsel to Buyer.  All corporate proceedings and related matters
        in connection with the organization and good standing of ________
        and their respective subsidiaries the execution and delivery of
        this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions herein
        contemplated, and the performance by it of its obligations
        hereunder shall have been satisfactory to counsel to LSB and such
        counsel shall have been furnished with such papers and information
        as he may reasonably have requested to enable him or her to pass
        on the matters referred to in this section.

  6.5   Opinion of Counsel to ___________.  Counsel to ___________ shall
        have furnished to LSB their written opinion in form satisfactory
        to LSB to the effect that: 

        6.5.1 ________, and ______ have been duly incorporated and are
              validly existing as a corporation in good standing under the
              laws of the State of California;

        6.5.2 This agreement has been validly authorized, executed and
              delivered on the part of ___________, and is a valid and
              binding agreement of ___________ in accordance with its

        6.5.3 All of the issued and outstanding shares of ___________,
              including the Subject Shares, have been duly authorized,
              validly issued and are fully paid, nonassessable shares.

        6.5.4 ___________ have no responsibility, obligation or liability
              to pay any debts or obligations of ______, including,
              without limitation, any debt to any lender of ______ or to
              any partner of ______ related to the ________ project.

  6.6   No Litigation.  No suit or action, investigation, inquiry or
        request for information by any administrative agency, governmental
        body or private party, and no legal or administrative proceeding
        shall have been instituted or threatened which questions or
        reasonably appears to portend subsequent questioning of the
        validity or legality of this agreement or the transactions
        contemplated by this agreement, or which materially and adversely
        affects or questions the title of ________, or their respective
        subsidiaries to any of its properties or its ability to conducts
        its business.

  6.7   Consents.  All consents from third parties required to consummate
        the transactions provided for in this agreement shall have been

  6.8   No Change.  There shall have been no material adverse change in
        the condition or obligations of ________, or their respective
        subsidiaries (financial or otherwise).

  6.9   Loss.  ________, or their respective subsidiaries will not have
        sustained a substantial loss (whether or not insured) as a result
        of fire, flood or other casualty which in the sole judgment of LSB
        affects materially or interferes with the continuous conduct of
        its business.

  6.10  Subsequent Information.  All exhibits, lists, contracts and other
        documents hereafter furnished to LSB by Shareholders, __________
        or discovered by LSB, including copies of pleadings and rulings
        relating to litigation and administrative proceedings, and any
        other information relating to the business and affairs of
        _________ or their respective subsidiaries shall be acceptable to

  6.11  Employment Agreement.  ________, _______ and______ shall have each
        executed and delivered to LSB at or before Closing an Employment
        Agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a
        part hereof by reference, which reflects an "Initial Term" of five
        (5) years for ________ and _______, respectively, and an "Initial
        Term" of three (3) years for _____.  All previous employment
        and/or compensation agreements and/or arrangements between
        ___________(or their respective subsidiaries or affiliates) and
        either ________, _______ or _____ shall be deemed null and void
        upon such execution and delivery.

  6.12  Loan Agreement.  The Loan Agreement and the Loan Documents (as
        that term is defined in the Loan Agreement) have been fully
        executed and no Default or Event of Default exists under the Loan
        Agreement or the Loan Documents.

  6.13  Termination of Shareholders' Agreement.  On or before Closing,
        that certain Shareholders' Agreement dated April 11, 1991 by and
        between _______, ________, _____ and ___ shall be terminated and
        of no force or effect.

  6.14  The closing under the ___ Stock Purchase Agreement shall occur
        simultaneously with the Closing of this Agreement.

7.      Conditions for the Benefit of the Shareholders.  The obligations of the
        Shareholders hereunder at the Closing shall be subject, at their option
        to the following conditions: 

     8. Representations and Warranties.  All representations and
        warranties and other statements of LSB herein are at and as of the
        Closing materially true and correct.

  8.1   Performance of Obligations.  LSB shall have performed all of its
        obligations hereunder to be performed at or prior to the Closing. 

  8.2   No Suits.  At the Closing Date, there shall not have been
        instituted any suit, action, or other proceeding or any
        investigation in any court or governmental agency in which it is
        sought to restrain or prohibit the consummation of the
        transactions contemplated by this agreement.

9.      Survival of Representations and Warranties.  Except the representations
        and warranties of LSB (which shall not survive the Closing), all of the
        representations and warranties of ________ and the Shareholders
        hereunder shall survive the Closing for a period of one (1) year from
        the Closing Date; provided, however, ________ and the Shareholders shall
        have no liability with respect thereto unless LSB's loss occasioned
        thereby exceeds $20,000.00, and provided further, representations and
        warranties regarding the payment of taxes shall remain in force and
        effect as long as liability therefor remains in effect.

10.     Expenses.  Except as otherwise herein provided, each party hereto will
        bear and pay its or his own expenses of negotiating and consummating the
        transactions contemplated hereby.             

11.     Notices.

  11.1  All notices, requests, demands, instructions or other
        communications called for hereunder or contemplated hereby, shall
        be in writing, shall be deemed to have been given if personally
        delivered, or if mailed, by registered or certified mail, return
        receipt requested, to the parties at the addresses set forth
        below.  The date of personal delivery shall be the date of giving
        notice or if any notice, request, demand, instruction or other
        communication given or made by mail in the manner prescribed above
        shall be deemed to have been given three (3) business days after
        the date of mailing. Any party may change the address to which
        notices are given, by giving notice in the manner herein provided.

        11.1.1      Notices to LSB shall be addressed as follows:

                    LSB Industries, Inc.
                    16 South Pennsylvania
                    Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73107
                    Attention:  President

                    with a copy to:

                    LSB Industries, Inc.
                    16 S. Pennsylvania
                    Oklahoma City, OK  73107
                    Attention:  Office of General Counsel

        11.1.2      Notices to ___________ shall be addressed as follows:

                    Santa Monica, CA  90401
                    Attn:  President        

                    Santa Monica, CA  90401
                    Attn:  President        

        11.1.3      Notices to the Shareholders shall be addressed as
                    Santa Monica, CA  90403

                    Long Beach, CA  90815

                    Honolulu, HI  96815

  11.2  The mailing of any notice, request, demand, instruction or other
        communication hereunder shall be accomplished by placing such
        writing in an envelope addressed to the party entitled thereto as
        provided above and deposited in the United States mail, properly
        stamped for delivery as a registered or certified letter.

12.     LSB's Right of First Refusal on Non-Subject Shares.  If, at any time, or
        from time to time, should any Shareholder elect to sell, convey, assign,
        or otherwise transfer to a third party or entity whomsoever the shares
        of ___ owned by them that are not subject to this Agreement as part of
        the Subject Shares ("Non-Subject Shares"), or any part or interest
        therein, each Shareholder hereby grants to LSB the first and
        preferential right and option to purchase fee simple title to the Non-
        Subject Shares or to the part or interest therein which such Shareholder
        intends to sell, convey, assign, or otherwise transfer, under the same
        terms and conditions proposed by or to such third party or entity as
        contained in a bona fide offer or conditional acceptance of offer from
        such third party or entity.  With respect to any proposed sale,
        conveyance, assignment, contract or other transfer of the Non-Subject
        Shares, each Shareholder seeking to sell Non-Subject Shares shall comply
        with the following requirements:

  12.1  Notice by Shareholder.  Each Shareholder seeking to sell Non-
        Subject Shares shall give LSB written notification of such
        proposal, offer or conditional acceptance of any such offer that
        has been made and accepted (subject to Buyer's first and
        preferential right and option to purchase), and each Shareholder
        seeking to sell Non-Subject Shares shall attach to the said
        notification the tendered contract, or a true copy thereof, that
        contains all necessary elements and information to constitute a
        legally binding contract obligating the transferee to perform,
        said contract being signed and acknowledge by said transferee, who
        is ready, willing and able to perform.

  12.2  Transfer of Right of Refusal.  LSB shall have the right to
        transfer, convey and assign to any third party whomsoever such
        first and preferential right and option to purchase the Non-
        Subject Shares, and the holder of such right of first refusal by
        any assignment shall have the full right, power and authority to
        exercise on its own behalf or for the account of itself or its
        designee or assignee, any and all rights and privileges incident

  12.3  Exercise of Right.  LSB shall notify in writing within fifteen
        (15) business days of said written notification from each
        Shareholder seeking to sell Non-Subject Shares as to LSB's
        election to exercise its first and preferential right and option
        to purchase the Non-Subject Shares.  If LSB has not given said
        notification within fifteen (15) business days, each Shareholder
        seeking to sell Non-Subject Shares may proceed to close the sale
        or other transfer to said third party or entity, provided that
        said sale or other transfer is consummated at the same sum and
        under the same terms and conditions contained in the contract
        attached to said notification and on the closing dates set out
        therein.  If LSB (or its designee or assignee) should elect to
        exercise its option to purchase, by written notification to each
        Shareholder seeking to sell Non-Subject Shares within said fifteen
        (15) business days, the transfer to LSB shall be consummated on
        the closing date and under the same terms and conditions contained
        in the contract from said third party or entity.

  12.4  Continuing Right.  The first and preferential right and option to
        purchase shall be effective and shall apply at all times to any
        and all proposed sales, conveyances, assignments, contracts and
        other transfers by any Shareholder of their Non-Subject Shares or
        any interest therein for a period of ten (10) years from the date
        of this Agreement.  Any sale, conveyance, assignment, contract or
        transfer by any Shareholder of their Non-Subject Shares or any
        interest therein within ten (10) years from the date hereof shall
        be made expressly subject to the provisions of this right of first
        refusal.  Such first and preferential right and option to purchase
        shall terminate on the date which is ten (10) years from the date
        hereof with respect to rights which have not accrued by that date.

13.     LSB's Sale of Stock.  If, LSB should elect to sell the shares of ___
        stock to be acquired by LSB under this Agreement (collectively the
        "LSB's Shares"), or any part or interest therein, LSB agrees that it
        shall provide each Shareholder that may then own any of the Non-Subject
        Shares the opportunity for their Non-Subject Shares to be included in
        any such sale on the same terms and conditions afforded to LSB to the
        extent of their Sharing Percentage (as that term is defined below).  The
        "Sharing Percentage" of any Shareholder shall mean that percentage of
        the total number of Shares of ___ Stock to be sold which is to be
        contributed by that particular Shareholder, which percentage shall be
        the same percentage that the number of Non-Subject Shares owned by that
        particular Shareholder bears to the total number of all LSB's Shares and
        Non-Subject Shares then outstanding.  With respect to any proposed sale
        of LSB's Shares, each Shareholder and LSB shall comply this the
        following requirements:

  13.1  Notice.  LSB shall give each Shareholder then owning any of the
        Non-Subject Shares, written notification of such proposal, offer
        or conditional acceptance that has been made and LSB shall attach
        to the said notification the tendered contract, or a true copy

  13.2  Exercise of Right.  Each Shareholder shall notify LSB in writing
        within fifteen (15) business days of said written notification as
        to their election to exercise their right for their Non-Subject
        Shares to be included in the sale.  If any Shareholder has not
        given said notification within fifteen (15) business days, LSB may
        proceed to close the sale without participation of that
        Shareholder, provided that said sale or other transfer is
        consummated at the same sum and under the same terms and
        conditions contained in the contract attached to said

  13.3  Continuing Right.  The right for the Non-Subject Shares to be
        included in any such sale shall be effective and shall apply at
        all times to any and all proposed sales by LSB of LSB's Shares or
        any interest therein for a period of ten (10) years from the date
        of this Agreement and such right shall terminate on the date which
        is ten (10) years from the date hereof with respect to rights
        which have not accrued by that date.

14.     Miscellaneous.

  14.1  Full Agreement - No Oral Modification.  This Agreement embodies
        all representations, warranties and agreements of the parties and
        supersedes all negotiations and agreements prior to the execution
        of this Agreement.  This Agreement may not be altered or modified
        except by an instrument in writing signed by the parties.

  14.2  Benefit of Agreement.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and
        inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective
        successors and assigns; provided, however, that no assignment of
        this Agreement shall be made to any party other than any of LSB's
        subsidiaries or affiliates without the written consent of the
        other party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

  14.3  Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be governed by and construed
        in accordance with the laws of the State of Oklahoma applicable to
        contracts made and performed entirely therein.

  14.4  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in any number of
        counterparts, which taken together shall constitute one and the
        same instrument, and each of which shall be considered an original
        for all purposes.

  14.5  Section Headings.  The section headings contained in this
        Agreement are for convenience and reference only and shall not in
        any way affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

  14.6  Severability.  All Agreements and covenants contained herein are
        severable, and in the event any of them should be held to be
        invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, this Agreement shall
        be interpreted and enforced as if such invalid Agreements or
        covenants were not contained herein.     

  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be
executed as of the day and year first above written.


                                                  , President


                                                  , President

                          LSB INDUSTRIES, INC.



                          ___________________ individually

                          _____________ individually

Exhibit "A" -       Form of Employment Agreement
Exhibit "B" -       List of Suits, Claims, etc.
Exhibit "C" - Statement of Net Revenue Expected from _________and_________
